The America Flag decal is not correct, has 51 stars

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IvanDrago, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. iller

    that's funny, I'm 5'11 140lbs .... hope you can stay that lean for 15 more years like I did

    anyway... obese countries#q=10 obese countries
    some studies are inconsistent because they only looked at "world super powers" or compiled avg / median / mean differently. The fact of the matter is that the US only has a 32% obesity rate which is NOT the world's highest per capita
  2. ColonelChingles

    Seriously... I mean look at tea. They totally overreacted when we accidentally dropped a little of it into a harbor somewhere. Got all pissy like they owned it or something.

    But you know what you dirty limeys? Tea ain't British. It's friggin Chinese. You know, the country that steals trade secrets from everyone? So if the Brits are thieving off the thieves, really what does that make you? ;)

    Or how about Chicken Tikka Masala? Yes the stuff is absolutely delicious, but not exactly very British is it? British cooking is soooo bad that you had to go halfway around the world, enslave a peoples who worship cows and burn up widows, and then take their food and call it your national dish.

    Like fish and chips. Who likes that greasy sack of disgusting? For heavens sake you advertise the thing as coming with chips but all I get in the bag are these soggy french freedom fries. Not a single chip to be found anywhere. Worst advertising EVER, and I can say that with complete confidence because I am an obese American.

    And then there's the English language. Sure it has your name on it, but you can't even spell it right most of the time. Words like "harbor" or "flavor" which are so easy that elementary school kids can spell them. But even the British PM will get those words misspelled, because they can't even write their own language! That's a special kind of stupid, it is.
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  3. TheKhopesh

    I like fish!

    Also, the language was ours as well, til they locked us up and threw us out of the country.
    (Can't blame the us though for saying "Well, we're so starving over here that we've discovered we can get more nutrition by eating the bugs that infest what little food we have, which produce higher amounts of protein and allow us to scavenge every last bit of life we can from our sustenance. So forgive us if we don't start right off by developing an entirely new language!" ;))
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  4. TheKhopesh

    I got my mom's genetics when it comes to being light and wirey.
    Even now she's about the same as she looked in photos from when she was at my age. (about 110 lb)
  5. LodeTria

    Normally you eat it on a plate these days. Sure in 90's & early 2000's chip shops where fantastic, but they've been on a real decline since then because the quality got worse. These days it's all about Kebab shops or "Chicken shops" which sell a variety of things which may or may not be chicken.
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    :eek: Dude, seriously, go get a cheesburger!!! at 5' 11" you should be at LEAST 150. Hell, Im a nice even 6' and I weigh 180, and im an athletic, very fit build (meaning to dont have a ton of Muscle weight on me, just trim). Im also an ecto body type, to im naturally lanky with longer limbs. I feel the pain of skinny dudes, but you dont HAVE to be a rail. you dont need medicine, you need:

  7. Hoki

    At this point we may as well say its Afghanistan. :oops:

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  8. ColonelChingles

    To be fair my experience with fish and chips is limited to this place in the seedy Tenderloin district of San Francisco. It was run by one really old Korean guy and a homeless African guy who spoke fluent Korean.

    And it was actually pretty good. :p
  9. ChUnKiFieR

    Which world famous person was it again that thinks there's 57 states ???:eek:
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  10. Morti

    Yeah I don't know what they were thinking doing this after the whole "Shank you" armor decal that was red and confused players.
  11. Ragmon

    Let us check Wikipedia my U.S. friend.

    "The United States of America (USA or U.S.A.), commonly referred to as the United States (US or U.S.), America, and sometimes the States, is a federal republic consisting of 50 states and a federal district."

    Maybe its that federal state (Washington D.C.) that is the 51st star.

    that would make sense if the District of Columbia was represented on any other flag but its not lol. Theres a long history with the District of Columbia, and that history is the includes the reason why it would never be represented on a flag. Basically Its a separate entity for number of reasons.

    There are only 46 states in the US. The remaining 4 are not states but commonwealths instead.

  14. FieldMarshall

    What is even dumber is that after clicking on a thread about a tiny flag picture in a massive game like this, i counted all the stars myself...
  15. TheKhopesh

    I eat like a stereotypical college student.
    A good 3/5ths of my meals out of the week are from places that most people equate to the reason behind the obesity epidemic in America.
    (I don't eat healthy, but I certainly don't go hungry either.)

    I'm just naturally a toothpick. :)
    That's not to say that I don't get any exercise or that I am weak (well, weak for my height and weight any way).
    My job is pure manual labor, after all.
    The most mental work I do at my current job is filling out a single page report twice a week...
  16. MonnyMoony

    I did. Last time I checked - Kuwait wasn't considered as being part of "the western world".
  17. MonnyMoony

  18. MonnyMoony

    You mean "harbour" and "flavour" surely? :)
  19. phreec

    SOE can't into flags.

    The EU flag was all wrong and Spain's flag was an old navy flag from 1785–1931 (and later national flag til '31)...
  20. iller

    Mexico & Samoa ... possibly Chile too