STRIKER getting buffed!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by T0x1s, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Hatesphere

    even in its current underpowered state the COF mechanic attached to this weapon is confusing and unneeded, for something that relies on me landing all my hits to do any decent damage, it should not be randomly spewing rockets to the left and right because I side stepped to dodge a tank round/bullet.

    it needs no or very little COF, and a slight velocity or damage boost and it wouldn't be that bad. as it is now though you are punished to much for missing one round and it to easy to miss due to the COF mechanic making you have to slow down your shots. note this damage buff need not apply to infantry but only to armor and maxes.
  2. Mxiter

    it get 2500 damages per volley wich is an high DPS burst i agree.

    But the best real DPS? It was outclassed by Deci, stock launchers, lock-on and lancer.

    Well it had a better DPS than the phoenix past 200m and the annhi maybe (wich also get damages buff since).
  3. Ztiller

    Outclassed in DPS by the Lancer? The Lancer have among the lowest DPS of any AV launcher in the entire game. FAR lower than the old Striker. You really have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
  4. Chrispin

    He's talking about actual DPS vs theoretical DPS. The Lancer has a high actual DPS compared to other launchers because it has such high accuracy.
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  5. William Petersen

    Until they fix the game itself so it's actually playable it doesn't much matter to me what balance alterations they make.
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  6. IrishPride

    Shoot I would have been just fine with a mag capacity a little larger and more of a stock carrying capacity increase, with maybe a slight velocity buff and fire rate increase.
  7. Ranik

    Itano Circus anyone?

  8. Ztiller

    I'm pretty sure a Lockon have a higher accuracy than a Dumbfire, regardless of velocity. The Theoretical DPS of the Lancer is hampered by how you have to linen up your shots with your charge and time it perfectly in order to get anything out.
  9. gartho33

    well considering the base accuracy for lock-ons is 50% (due to flares), u do have an argument on the floor... but it really varies from player to player... and this in turn affects what I like to call "combat Dps"
  10. patrykK1028

    OK, now Spiker, then ZoE
  11. Mxiter

    No the lancer have exactly the same damages per shot at max charge than a lock on against vehicles thanks to negative vehicles reistances:

    MAX Flash Harasser Sunderer Lightning MBT Phalanx Turret ESF Liberator Galaxy
    medium ordonance:
    25% -50% -70% -50% -50% -50% 10% -27.5% 32.5% 55% 16


    -50% -100% -100% -100% -100% -100% -20% -70% 10% 40% -50%
    The charge time is equal than a lock on time.

    THe lancer have 2 shots per mags. A lock on only 1.

    The lancer have better DPS than any lock-on.
  12. bl33ping

    thanks for the other buffs but no velocity changes? its still going to be hard to hit anything.
  13. cruczi Anni Lancer

    Anni: 75.8%
    Lancer 59.6%

    On average, you're right, but since Anni is easier to use and has a lower skill cap, Lancer should have about the same accuracy among good aimers. Lancer accuracy on my VS main is 74%, while Annihilator accuracy on my TR main is 81%. Not as much difference there.

    That's a far lesser impediment to damage output than the fact that Annihilator needs to acquire the target (the duration of which can be further extended by Stealth), has a range limit, can't be used opportunistically in close range, can be hard countered with flares/smoke, and can be evaded with cover even without flares.[IMG]

    Whatever the DPS is, it's working twice as well as Annihilator's DPS.
  14. Bape

    Why do I have a bad feeling about this buff? I mean like seriously Full Auto,Fire Rate,damage, and resist tweaks? Call me skeptical but im pretty sure we are about to enter a flashback when the striker was OP.
  15. CursoryRaptor

    /cautiously optimistic
  16. Maljas23

    I don't mind this if the dmg/dps is sufficient. Maybe its gonna be a short range power house compared to the other two ESRL, but lack range as a trade-off.
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  17. DatVanuMan

    And that means...?
    Also, where is that little dot you place at the end of a sentence?
    Plus, please don't act "sassy," or however you are trying to prove your point, because it's actually working.
  18. DatVanuMan

    Nah, no way anyone is complaining about the future Striker. It NEEDS this buff, and Higby knows that. I do hope it becomes BALANCED, as in not pre-nerf broken or post-nerf crappy.
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  19. Flag

    Eh, why not?
  20. DatVanuMan

    What's wrong with Phaseshift?
    Bro, it's my favorite SR:)
    Although I must admit that the charged shot needs more velocity and a bit more damage.