A Tribute to Connery TR!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NyaR, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. NyaR

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  2. JusticeForTR

    Connery TR has been under-popped and under-powered for so long, it's good to get a W now and then.
  3. Popper100

    Y'know, I once heard from a very reliable source that shooting each other is a form a adoration in the TR, those people had nothing against you, they just wanted to be friends!

    ... although my source may have just been shot when I asked him that.
  4. iMartyr

    i LOVE this
  5. iller

    I can explain this....

    This month NC's pop has swung about 30% down and TR's 30% up in the evenings. We're exporting our TK'ers:rolleyes:
    ....along with anyone else who doesn't know how to make allies Blue and enemies Red in the UI options.

    It's all part of the "Ignore Vanu" campaign. Just shoring up numbers so that every NC vs TR farm has even spread round the clock.
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  6. Inex

    Somebody's been taking pages from the NC handbook.

    And if we can, let's have a moment of silence for TombProphecy - Got confused by Hej's camo, farmed by NC, and never came back. At least he got to say his first kill was a BR100. :D
  7. NyaR

    Beautiful theory but it is invalid: some of these clips are months old, which leaves your timetable questionable.
  8. Winfield

    In the first example alone you run into a room full of enemies, run back to friendlies expecting not to get shot. Wat.

    10/10 music choice though.