So...where is the Heavy Shield delay nerf?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Disconsented

    Oh look another Crutch player :eek:
  2. Xasapis

    The only class without a "crutch" is the engineer. Everyone else has a specific ability that gives specific advantages in combat.
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  3. Disconsented

    I would be happy with the shield being proactive instead of reactive...
  4. Xasapis

    Both are available in-game. And both have their issues.
    • Proactive = Resist
    • Reactive = Nanite mesh, Adrenaline
  5. Seryi

    HAs automatically win in every 1vs1 due to their overshield?

    News to me. I've started playing again for the first time in over a year, and I have zero issues with killing them. When I DO die, it's due to **** aim or because I got surprised by them (Turned the corner and ran right into one without my gun up or shot in the back).

    I'm indifferent either way. If they nerf NMG/Adrenaline then I'll just run with Resist Shield when I'm not playing SMG Infiltrator.
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  6. Disconsented

    To bad all of them aren't proactive
  7. Xasapis

    Well, they would need to be unique in some way, which they are right now.
    • Resist gives a flat 45% damage resistance, which is the biggest health improvement of all the shields. Upsides is that it can stay up to full effect a lot longer than the other shields. Downside is that due to the game delay, it does little if somebody gets the jump on you. Aka, you can be lightning fast and still the client of your enemy may not register that you have the shield activated due to the delay.
    • Nanite mesh gives a flat 650 hps when fully charged. Downsides is that the more you drain it, the less hps it has (half charged means half hps and so on). It's less effected by the game delay or internet lag in general, which is why a lot of people prefer it.
    • Adrenaline works very similarly to Nanite Mesh in terms of health when charged. It has a much slower recharge rate, but you regain part of it, if you score enemy kills. Currently the shield is bugged and does not recharge with kills.
    The only proactive shield that I could think of and does not exist in game, would be if the resist was lower, but it did not slow you down.
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  8. NCstandsforNukaCola

    AS works well now
    SOE fixed it
  9. Xasapis

    It did? I need to check it this evening then :)

    So after spending the last couple weeks playing nothing but LA (HA is my main.) I can honestly say that HA shield is FINE! You shouldn't expect to win a even one-to-one both start shooting at the same time fight with an HA unless you are a max or wielding a shotty... And WHY? You are a light assault you SHOULD NOT be pushing into a head to head engagement against anyone... Your advantage is in your ridiculous maneuverability.

    -LAs should not be griping about HAs because jump jets give an amazing positional advantage that HAs simply cannot touch.
    -Medics AOE heal gives about the same amount of extra health as an HA shield (assuming full nanoweave).
    -Infiltrators should not win a head to head fight against anyone that's the name of the game with that class I mean come on don't expect that hunter cloak makes you a god and if your surprise on a heavy with your SMG doesn't go JUST as planned you come to the forums and WHINE WHINE WHINE about heavy shield; even though by design you should never be in a head to head fight against anyone, and people getting the drop on heavies does not always mean you get a free win especially if there are latency issues between both clients between the servers.
    - Engineers these guys are not a frontline class however they are the ONLY class that doesn't wind up getting an innate advantage to help them deal with heavies.

    I cannot count the amount of times I go head to head against a medic that doesn't pop his AOE heal. Or a LA tries going head to head with me on flat ground (at an amp station!) and then loses.

    The heavy shield problem is not a problem with the classes ability/mechanic. It is a problem with players trying to play classes in the heavy's role while not actually playing a heavy.

    Seriously everyone just stahp.
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  11. Metallic123

    Isn't HA suppose to be the bulk of all factions? Seriously, aren't they suppose to be the AV/AI front line shock trooper who runs in first bullets flying?

    Do we want medics and engineers leading base assaults? Or an influx of max suits? If a player uses HA as a crutch then what makes you think if its nerf he won't use the max. Especially with this new resource system.

    Has there ever been a moment when these forums and this community was ever satisfied with the state of the game?

    Forumside2 B2W game
  12. Disconsented

    They would still be unique afterwards. Two are just extra health pools while the other is damage reduction.
  13. Xasapis

    The damage reduction boils down to extra health, so all three are extra health.
  14. Scorponok

    so many threads about this...just remove the god damn shield already and let people jump over to medics so they have something new to complain about.
  15. Disconsented

    The flat health counts for more when your health pool is low than the reduction
  16. LibertyRevolution

    Battlefield has classes, yet none of them have 1.5x the HP of the other classes.
    This is an FPS, not an RPG, all classes should have the same HP...

    HA have rocket launchers, that is what makes them heavy, they should not get more HP too..
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  17. Xasapis

    True, but the reduction provides more health indirectly if you're timely on activating that ability, plus it doesn't lose it's effectiveness the more you keep it on.

    They don't have more hps, all classes (bar infiltrator) have exactly 1000 hps, unless they use nanoweave armor module (which increases body shot health, but I don't remember by how much).

    Btw, this is an mmoFPS, that has it's own rules. Battlefield doesn't have MAXes either and neither game has Titan mechs like Titafall does. Each game is (or should be) balanced with their specific tool set in mind.
  18. Disconsented

    So that leaves them to all be unique
  19. SinerAthin

    I've never understood the complaints about HAs.

    When I play as my Light Assault, I use my superior class mobility to gain an advantage over Heavy Assaults. Never had a problem killing loads of them.
    If I'm using a Shotgun, their shield doesn't even make a difference at all.

    A nerf to the shield would break their class, imo. Then everyone would just play medics instead.
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  20. Simferion

    RPG means "RolePlaying Game", there's nothing related to the classes except some RPGs use classes to differentiate the characters.
    PS2 uses classes too so it's quite normal they have some difference.
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