Question to low KD players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by patrykK1028, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. PWGuy93

    If I worried about K/D I wouldn't touch my Medic, wouldn't repair any Max or vehicle as an Engineer and would sit safely away from fights.
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  2. Botji

    K/D is such a "situational" stat in PS2, it depends on how you play and what you play.

    If you run around as infantry a 2-3 K/D is good, more so if you are a support class. Infiltrators dont really fit into that category as they can be sniping and get a higher K/D or they can sneak around with SMGs picking off lone people on the outskirts.. and get a higher K/D. So even if you only play infantry a K/D of 4 can be decent or even bad.. while a 1 can be ok.. it all depends on what you are doing and with what.

    Flying a ESF and mainly fighting other ESFs? a K/D of 1-2 would still put you in the good but if you fly with a team and you are using lock ons etc then that might be low... farming infantry you can suddenly go around with +20 and still only be "ok". Same with tanking.

    So, Im not really a low K/D player but here is my advice. If you think you have a low K/D you should first decide if you really have it, recently I have been going 1-2 K/D while "normally" im a bit higher and its frustrating but when I think about it I have been hunting a lot of Sunderers recently, going around a bit with a stalker crossbow infil... cloaking Flash fighting tanks... so really, a 1-2K/D isnt that bad.

    Some people also mainly fight winning battles, its easier to maintain a better K/D like that too... it all depends, people shouldnt stress so much about it.
  3. Foxirus

    K/D ratio is a **** mechanic in this game. It has no value what so ever because it does not account for things like engies or Medics. All it does is make the two most valuable support classes in the game look bad.

    Further proof the K/D is worthless, On all the official stats, a death is removed when you are revived.

    Can anyone looking at your low K/D ratio see that you have that because you actually do the job of a medic and revive in the game? No.

    Can they see it when you have a low K/D ratio as a heavy who has killed a couple enemy tanks and probably just saved the fight? No.

    I would prefer if K/D ratio's and Battle Rating were completely removed from the game. If not that far, At least give people the option to hide these worthless stats that people seem so hellbent on saying are a representation of skill, Because they are not.

    I personally hate K/D ratio and battle rating.
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  4. cruczi

    I don't see anything wrong with BR, it just signifies how much experience you have on that particular character. I like to know what BR characters I kill and what BR characters I die to, even if it doesn't say anything about the opponent's skill level.
  5. Jackplays17

    Well, Me? I have A KD of about .9, and i ussually dont go on a 3-5 deaths streak even. in my first month or so of playing my K/D was around 0.01. so... thats why its so low now. But when i get frusterated i just go to another fight.
  6. Govedo13

    Cannot care less about it. I even doesn't know mine. I for sure can keep it over 3 with boring farmer playstyle but I prefer to play the game and do suicide runs in order to help my team.
    Personally I prefer the kd to be removed from the game.
  7. reydelchicken

    I'm not sure if my K/D is considered low, but in my opinion anything less than 5 is low:

    Anyways, part of the reason my K/D is low, is due to playing aggressive and not waiting for shields to recharge, or waiting for my primary weapon reload, and instead using my pistol to try and kill people.
    It may not be the most efficient or best way to play, but it's a lot of fun, especially when you kill HA players as a medic/engie with no shields.

    Now there are also ways of playing that will net you high K/D 5-15 (infantry), while keeping at least 100-150 kills per hour, but this requires VERY good positioning and awareness to accomplish, something which I'm not yet capable of in this game.
  8. Paragon Exile

    I'll explain in terms a PC elitist can understand;

    1. MLG pro quickscope on a guy trying to cap a flag in Call of Duty
    2. #420smokeweederryday
  9. Jedesis

    It all comes down to situational awareness and thinking. My KDR has been increasing on my NC (now maining) over the past week, not that hard, really, if you out think and out flank, that's how I have a KD of 4.1 with my Cyclone. (I mainly SMG Infiltrator)

    My VS alt, as you can see below, is not that great as that was my character I used to learn to play the game. And TR is just some fun I have with the CARV.
  10. Jump Jets

    Look for one of those Medic bubbles.
    Sneak Up from behind them,
    Throw a Flash Bang,
    Drop 2 bricks of C4 - BOOM BOOM,
    If still alive then 2 Round of UBGL.
    Usually helps Level it out.
    Or be the reason it gets worse. Lol
    Either way you just got to not give a ****.
  11. Peg

    Jump in a harasser and start running over the enemy at their AMS.
  12. IrishPride

    Call me paranoid but awhile back i had a sneaky suspicion that some 'players' were bots some at different levels of skill but mostly some with low KD. Not that KD matters but it mattered to me by pattern how the 'player' interacts and sometimes i feel like bots are playing, i dunno just a thought.
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  13. TheShrapnelKing

    Only someone who has no self-confidence whatsoever could possibly say that (since you don't even have a 1.5 KD, let alone 3), that or a complete elitist **** wad. The number of people with a 3+ KD is so small only the absolute best of the best can achieve it.
  14. Jur270

    I just quit and i going to youtube or somewhere else look im br 74 and i even dont have 1 kd
  15. Kcalehc

    1.39 here, that's probably low, but then I'm not terribly good, so it's ok.

    I get death streaks all the time, its all good. People are motivated by different things; when I'm in a squad I typically play a support/logistics role; transport, repairs, healing, that sort of thing. Most don't enjoy playing that way, but are generally glad that I do. And then sometimes I play lonewolf, and go off either sniping, or sundy hunting (which got a bit harder with the shield thing).

    If you're not having fun, try something else. Another battle, another class, another way of approaching the thing that gets you killed a lot. You may enjoy something that you'd not thought to try before.
  16. DK22

    0.27 here, don't really care. I do alot of support.
    but even direct fighting, while they are busy killing me, u kill them. we're ahead. Thats good enough for me.
    I'm just mostly solo so nobody cares anyways, too busy in RL to commit to playing outfit stuff, too many time demands.
    so I just help where I can.
  17. radrussian2

    just dont get too involved. this one time i was trying to kill a couple of people that were hacking our turrets in our tech plant and ended up dying no matter what i tried to do to get them down. esf, smg inflitrator, whatever. i got so mad i pooped on myself. moral of the story is stay detached, make sure your frames are as high as possible, your sensitivity is right where you want it, and always stay on the move.
  18. X3Theta

    Probably easiest way to kill is to hunt down snipers. And you are doing your teammates a favor to get rid of that annoyance. Other way is to intelligently place tank mines. Or be a sneaky light assault and kill tanks, preferably the camping ones: wait until prowlers are deployed, or any tank is busy shooting at some target -- even when they have radar, they will almost never notice you in time.
  19. SinerAthin

    KDR is a decent statistic for say, a Deathmatch in COD.

    But in Planetside 2, it should never be viewed in any serious regard due to it being unable to account for the many different playstyles in Planetside 2, and at worst it can be seen as a liability and distraction.

    Planetside 2 is a game about objectives and organization, where death has little to no meaning. Kills are basically just nice bonuses that you pick up along the way.
    Not to mention how imbalanced different playstyles are. KDR does not have the same value for say, a Medic as it does for a Liberator gunner.

    It helps your faction more to destroy the sunderer than farm it, for instance. Sure, if you were playing for your KDR, you'd let it live, but it wouldn't help your team.

    But perhaps most importantly, it's important to remember that the key to a high KDR is not necessarily killing a lot, but simply avoid dying; which is rather silly in a game where death is so meaningless.
  20. Vixxing

    HEY, when i snipe im often 20k/d but i help ALOT running in to rooms, dropping a pinger and 2 mines at point, then out again on a hill to spot/drop targets (and if i drop 10-15 AND work as intelligence i do less good than a HA scrub, that accomplishes dying 5 times?)