Just a quick heads up to all the TR demanding massive Striker buffs

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Ztiller, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. AdmiralArcher

    higby.....that was a while ago, but its probably still true. the prowler was actually the worst preforming tank against other tanks at the time of those stats.
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  2. DatVanuMan

    Blasphemy! I will not buy your lies, Terran!
  3. AdmiralArcher

  4. DatVanuMan

    Man, I didn't mean it like that:( Just a little joke, that's all.
  5. Huggzsbunny

    We are willing to take the risk. We'd rather die with our Strikers in the future trying to get it buffed now rather than die with them because they are OP. We as a community, should always atleast try to speak up so we can atleast try to not have a reason to complain in the future.
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  6. TriumphantJelly

    I'm BACK, everybody! Did ya miss me?


    Oh. Okay then....

    Look, Ztiller, I know you're annoyed, and so am I: Maybe I know why.... (Oooor, maybe not).

    VS has got so much **** from the representative "TR" on the forums for asking for buffs to make the Magrider more newbie freindly, or to make ZOE not a piece of faeces that slowly, slowly was colonised by detrivores that just ate away at it, until one day all that was left was a small smear that got trodden on by a donkey, washed away into the water, was carried up during evaporation (shhhh, I can science, don't question me) and filter-fed by a SkyWhale, but instead useful. And recently they've been getting a lot of forum hate too, on account of asking for similiarly reasonable buffs. (Problem there is, half the buffs weren't reasonable, but neither is a spider tank that can climb upside down). They're defending themselves fiercely and quite aggressively/disdainfully at the worst of times. When they thought it was fine to go on at us. (We're both VS main-ers, I know that much)


    Virtually every forumsider. Ever. In the entire history of forumside. Is a MASSIVE. Stinking. Chronically unhygienic. HYPOCRITE.

    Or at least some of the ones commenting here are (yes, me too :p ).
    We're all arguing like this, but VS, TR nor NC can really ***** about these things: We've most of us called the other "sides" lying, cheating, dirty horses.
    Basically, everybody stop it. NAOW. Pleeseseses!

    Let's start with the striker: (No, I haven't tested it; I want to but haven't yet)

    3/4 of a clip (preferably 6 shots) of direct hits should kill a flak 1 / nanoweave 1 footsoldier. It takes a whole clip of Lancer shots, and 2 Pheonix rockets can kill these people: the Striker 2.0 would actually have a small, but probably unpercieved or devalued, advantage there.

    350RpM, full auto.
    Decrease the new reload time by 1.2 seconds.
    A fracture's velocity.
    Some, but very minimal, recoil.
    No bloom.
    It should do 200 base damage, with some resistances cause these effects : 12 shots vs ESFs, 18 vs a Valkyrie, 32 vs a liberator, 50 vs a Galaxy. 18 vs a Prowler/Magrider front armour, 26 or whatever's according for a Vanguard's. 16 for a Lightning's.

    All (or at least most, all that makes sense) of the below occurs in ADS.

    To stop this from being too OP vs tanks when used in groups, let's say that it has damage falloff the more they have to path-divert: It auto targets an ESF if it get's withing 10m of it: It will almost always hit, unless flares are deployed or terrain somehow happens to it :p .Past 7.5m (3/4 lock distance), it does 3/4 damage (so that's 16 shots for an ESF).
    For a Valkyrie, it locks on at 16m: this means that it takes 24 shots at 12m.
    For a Liberator, it locks on at 20m, and past 3/4 that distance (so 15m) it takes 40 shots.
    For a Galaxy, it locks on at 40m, and past 30m, it takes 38 shots.

    These values I've given are the worst the AA damage gets; of course there will be increments, but I can't be bothered. Just no.
    So. Ground vehicles. Ground vehicles have to be locked onto to fire, but it doesn't follow: It just allows it to "coyote" towards it.

    Flash: Takes 4 shots to destroy, locks on at 2m, do the numbers for me.
    Harasser: takes 8 shots to destroy (yes, this is only 1 magazine, this is an incredibly powerful idea in some respects), locks on at 4m, and save my brain the work by doing the numbers for me. I'm tired.
    Sundy: 24 shots to destroy, locks on at 6m. Numbers! o_O
    Locks on to MBTs at 6m also. Numbers for you to work out, and for me to... hear off you one you've obeyed my commands.

    Gives the "LOCKED ON, A/G" detector a signal, so "LOCK G". Like coyotes for air, and any other lockon for ground.
    Has a maximum range of 400m, cannot do any lockon-y, coyote-like shizwaz past 350m.

    NO OHKs,
    NO AI instagib,
    NO group imbalance- Oh.

    Well, you think of a way to sort it out.


    And VS/NC/disobedient TR? Stop whining. Oh, and TR/lenient and sympathetic misc|other? be sensible. Don't get mad; I did, raged, got banned for 5 days and got a asurprisingly small amount of inbox alerts by the end of it all. :oops:

    And please, "constructive criticism" only.
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  7. DxAdder

    IF this is the finished product, it a compete failure, 6 shots to kill a freaking flash ?

    I will say for now its a work in progress until it gets to live.
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  8. Covah

    Soe will slightly buff it, it's the 1st version of the revamp people, they are just testing the mechanics and numbers.

    And don't excpect it to be good against infantry...
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  9. Ztiller

    Judging from my TTK tests yesterday, the Strikers damage output is just fine. It just needs to be a little more reliable at hitting it's targets and it will be fine.
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  10. Jac70

    I remember playing when just about every TR on the map had one and it was pointless bothering to spawn any kind of vehicle. In the last few days of playing I have barely seen one so they must have nerfed it into the ground - which is a good thing.
  11. Ztiller

    It used to be ridiculously OP, to the point where SOE even had to nerf the Mosquito because the Scythe and Reaver were performing so poorly. Now they are reworking it, and these last days have been full of absolutely mindblowngly ridiculous suggestions, with TR wanting it to be able to oneclip a ESF, or kill a MAX with 3 shots.
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  12. DevDevBooday

    They are changing because of directives, to unlock the Kraken we need to auraxian 5 launchers. This means we have to Auraxian the Striker (or Annihilator, but same thing).
    Now i dont know about you but i have been using it since launch and I have only around 140 kills with it. At my current rate ill auraxian it around mid 2022.
    They are reworking it because its lock on only ability makes it incredibly hard to get the required kills compared to the other ESF launchers.
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  13. z1967

    Somehow I knew this was a Ztiller thread the second I saw the title (of course it helped that your username was below it).

    The current issues with this iteration of the striker are the fact that it is a straight downgrade to the Annihilator and the ML-7 default dumbfire. A velocity increase, a DPS increase, and/or an accuracy increase would be nice. Although I am not a fan of it, another possible fix would be allowing it to lock on to ground vehicles but I am still unsure of that.

    Right now the best dev course of action would be to keep it on the PTS until it looks good, because right now it looks pretty shabby.
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  14. Shaggath

    People here make me laugh there is a
  15. z1967

    Might want to finish that thought.
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  16. Ztiller

    Are you aware that the Lancer just as many Auraxiumed users as the Striker?

    I'm not going to dignify your first sentence with a response.

    It doesn't need a DPS increase, it already have the same DPS as a regular lockon launcher but without the need to lockon.

    Locking on to ground vehicles would be ridiculous, as it means you could shoot around corners and cover. If you did that, you would once again head into "Straight upgrade from literally everything" territory where the TR would do nothing but spam so many Strikers that SOE would have to nerf the Prowler.

    All the new Striker needs is to be able to more reliable hit its targets. It already have the velocity twice that of a regular Dumbfire, so up it to 175m/s at most and it should be right on the money.
  17. Bindlestiff

    Why should it be good vs infantry? Try being VS for a while - the Lancer is awful vs infantry.

    Just because you, as TR, have Pounders that are blatently OP vs infantry (and some may say everything else), doesn't mean every single AV weapon you have access to should be too.
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  18. Shaggath

    People here make me laugh all want buff for nothing on weapon who do the job.
    Striker is underpower actually is just more bad then annilator and have no utility.

    But the fact is that vs have to fight low mobility tank.
    The kind of tank where the simple rl is already the most efficient and they have lancer a hit and hide weapon with low exposition to fight, this is balance ....
    Tr have to fight against mag whith high mobility where base dumb fire rl are to slow and inefficient.
    So they use lock and lock can't pixel shoot and fail if target is not totaly visible or reset for a little leaf.
    In all case lock over expose and actual striker mechanic is the worst in this case.
    The fact is that, we don't need air rl existent make the job well we don't need lock whe already have plenty rl for that.

    We just need a dumlbfire rl with high ammution velocity to shoot and hide to balance the mag overpower against infantry.
    Like the fracture.
    Glad the day when they stop sticking on ps1 weapon and really balance the game.
    The lancer design is the most effective weapon to kill mag and soe give that to the same faction ........

    Please soe is simple keep current striker and just remove lock on and up velocity and trade actual spash damage into direct damage to not create an infantry nightmare.
    I think total damage need to be equal with the basic dumbfire rl against tank split into 4 shell with more direct damage then splash.
    We need a fracture for heavy assault.

    And please just stop create duplicate existent weapon for tr.
    Why create a lock rl when we already have 3 rl for the job and why create the marauder when we have the based fury for the job ? lack of imagination ?
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  19. Chrispin

    Correction: "without the ability to lockon."
    The Coyote mechanics aren't as effective as you're leading people to believe. It's much better to use an actual lockon against fast/long-range tagets. So with the Striker we sacrifice a lot of range for the ability to sneak in a sliver of damage before the ESF pilot can activate flares and run away forever. We don't need sacrifices elsewhere.

    Shooting around corners and cover? Wow that sounds OP, but if I recall correctly that's exactly what the Phoenix does...

    While velocity would help, the Lancer will always have more velocity AND almost identical TTK. We sacrifice range against ground targets, but have absolutely no upside to counteract that. Yes, we have Coyote mechanics against aircraft, but that is already offset by the fact that it's horrible against fast/distant aircraft.

    TLDR: Refer to this post about it's effectiveness against ESF's and you'll realize that Coyote mechanics are arguably a disadvantage without a buff somewhere else:
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  20. MajiinBuu

    I haven't been on the test server recently, what kind of buffs is it getting? :confused: