Non reviving Medics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Tyrant103

    I rarely play along my teammates or zergs, I prefer using the infiltrator/lone wolf in small battles in which I'm nowhere near medics or any friendlies which Is why I accept getting no revives.

    But when I do play with zergs (rarely, most times, It's just farming them) I expect a revive. I don't position myself in terrible places, I don't expect them to just revive people and have no fun, but that's is what I see most medics doing. Sitting in a safe corner waiting for my teammates to die, died a little further away? no revive for you!

    Ofcourse I'm not saying this about all medics, just the few that "tag" along with zergs. The combat medics in small 12-24 battles are amazing.

    And taking out AMS', putting a whole in the number of enemy armour, I'm sure you do need me.

    Alot of medics I see aren't helping fights progress. That's the problemo.
  2. Taemien

    The issue is in the players themselves, not the class.

    The Assault Rifle on its own, is a pretty decent cert/kill farming weapon. It has good DPS, good range, and comes in a variety of different types for just about any playstyle.

    The Assault Rifle is why the average player (aka the cert farming zergling) plays a medic. They don't cert into the revive tool. So you wouldn't want a revive from them. It would take forever and you would come back with a sliver of health.

    But why does the average player, who's goal is the cert farm, not put points into the revive tool? I mean its a heavy scoring support tool. Well... even the average player (the cert farming zergling) wants to play to have fun. For them its not fun to run around with a little reviving nanite gun. Its not as cool as blowing someone's head off. Its not as fun or endearing to them as the dakka from their weapon.

    Some suggest that the assault rifle be moved from the medic. What would happen here is your average player wouldn't play them. Some -do- cert into the revive gun and throw a revive once in a while. Some. Not many. But some. In addition you are hurting hardcore medic players by removing a great offensive tool that they do use in infantry pushes before and after revives are needed.

    And then of course you're making design decisions around cert farming. And that is dangerous. Just because your average player is a dirty little cert farming zergling doesn't mean there are no serious players actually engaging in content the way it is meant to be played. The second playstyle should be encouraged and rewarded, rather than punishing everyone for the mediocrity of the ignorant.

    Team killing these zerglings does nothing good for them or the rest of us. All you do is make them indignant, and pretty much make them the internet version of martyrs. You're doing more of a jerk move then they are, which legitimizes their behavior. There's a better way to tackle this problem.

    Deride these people. Ostracize them. Boot them from your platoons. Disallow them from joining your outfits. Make fun of them. Make them feel like they are in the wrong. Make them feel like they don't belong. Make them feel like they are outcast. They will change their attitude and behavior when it is no longer cool to play the way they do. They wish to be accepted by others, to be cool, to be something that is respected. Take that away, and they will likely conform. That is how you fix the revive issue. As well as many other issues in the game.

    And before any of their supporters come in and suggest that its not my place to dictate how they play the game. You are totally right. Anyone can play the game anyway they wish. But understand this; I am entitled to my opinion. I have the right to administer my outfit however I wish. I have the right to lead my platoon or squad however I wish. I have the right to speak my mind. And I have the right to assemble those of like minds. We may not have the right to attack others personally, which is wrong. But we do have the right to attack them generally. Poor Teamplayers are bad and we have the right to treat them as such. And while you can play any way you wish, actions and decisions always have consequences. Be prepared to deal with those consequences.
  3. Lukivah

    If I hear a sense of entitlement in your voice when you say "MEDIC REVIVE ME NOW" over the voice-coms I probably won't revive you.

    If you're a sniper infiltrator at a 1-12 fight where we lost our capture point I probably won't revive you.

    If you died in a position that makes it clear you had no intention of pushing towards whatever my current objective is I probably won't revive you.

    If a sunderer/spawn is 10 meters behind you I probably won't revive you.

    Most of this is thrown out of the window if we're attacking an ENEMY base. I will generally revive anyone in range to continue the push... except sniper infiltrators.
  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    Reasons to play Combat Medic:
    • Best in class infantry weapons (Assault Rifles)
    • Self heal ability (Regenerate ~180% of your maximum health, recharges quickly)
    • Occasionally wander across a dead body when you have nothing to shoot at right away and get free exp
    • Occasionally get free exp while healing yourself because there are allies around
    • Bait allies, clean up, and get super free bonus exp in addition to killing the baited enemy
    With all that said, I do get slightly annoyed when combat medics near my corpse ignore me. However, I understand that other people play the game for their entertainment, and if they don't want to revive me that's their own business.
    One more thing that needs to be said: the class is called Combat Medic for a reason. Combat first, medic second. When the class is renamed to Revive Tool Flunky you can complain about not getting revived and I'll listen.
    • Up x 2
  5. vsae

    I only ever played medic for auraxiums and just double medic team with friend.
    Playing medic in the game where light assault(or MAX) exists... seems wortless.
  6. Iridar51

    Didn't read the OP.

    You can't expect randoms to do your bidding. You want medics that revive you - play in an organized squad. Solves 99% of other problems as well.
    • Up x 1
  7. cruczi

    When I'm Medic, I usually don't care much about fighting. I provide smoke cover for allies and revive as much as I can, and defend myself when I have to. If I want to fight people, I play a class without support roles, or an infiltrator (whose support role of firing darts amounts to zero effort). That said, I only play Medic on my NC alt, and that alt mains as a LA.
  8. FieldMarshall

    Why dont i play Medic
    I dont play Medic because its not very profitable, cert wise.
    Not only do i get more XP with Engineer by just repairing and /suicide when resupply cap hits, but i also dont have to (frustratingly) compete with other medics for revives.
    And harassment over proxy/yell when i dont see them or they die somewhere i cant get to is not something i want to spend my ingame time dealing with.

    Why dont others play Medic?
    Probably for one or more of the reasons above.

    Why dont Medics revive?
    Could be a few reasons.
    1. They dont see you. Sometimes you just dont see your revive target when the hud is cluttered, or when they are facing the other way.
    "But that never happens to me. Im a MLG pro Medic and never miss a revive" some people may say.
    The thing is that you dont know. You wont know if you missed a revive somewhere, because you missed it.

    2. Directives. Some people are just done with revives/heals and need kills. Its cynical, but its more of a design flaw.
    People who want to complete the Medic Directive needs tons of kills and when they are done with revives/healing there is little reason to rush over to revive someone over getting a kill or two when you think about it.

    3. They dont care. Some people just dont care and just play's Medic because they want to use ARs and self heals, because thats what they find the most fun.

    When i play Medic, do i revive?
    Yes i do. I used to revive exclusively, because i was told thats where all the certs come from. Once i got bored with reviving and figured i could get more certs with Engineer i stopped playing Medic.
    The times i do play Medic i dont go out of my way to revive people anymore. I try to stay with groups of friendlies and revive as they fall around me.
    But i wont rush into the building next to me to the roof to pick up some random guy when 8 allies are pushing for a point.

    Why do i play Medic?
    I like the shield deployable and ARs. And being able to pick up fallen allies that die around me, making me feel like i make a difference when attacking/defending.
  9. Goretzu

    Medics are basically a good solo and 1 on 1 class - people have worked this out and play them like that.

    It's mostly down the combination of AR and healing.

    Engi's don't have the same issue in infantry fights because Carbines just aren't as good as ARs - where you do see engi's doing the same thing though is when they can use their turrets in very favourable ways - basically many won't repair or resupply when doing that.

    Its a bit similar with Infiltrators, 1 or 2 with maxed sensor darts can light up an entire base, but few will do that rather than killing.
  10. faykid

    Why don't you play Medic?

    Because I prefer other classes functionality, especially after having Regen III.

    Why do you play Medic?

    Because I like Corvus (accurate Vanu AR).

    When you play Medic, do you revive?

    Only if body is within my line of sight and safe.

    Effort to revive others?

    If it is dangerous or far, I will not revive anybody. I don't need certs at this point, and I play solo.
  11. Atis

    Here, hope that helps.
  12. Stigma

    More than anything I bet it is a matter of not noticing. It is very common for people (most people in fact) to tunnelvision their attention heavily when facing a threat, so during a firefight it isn't all that unlikely that medics may simply not realize that people need help unless they actually saw you die. Sure - good medics will constant be checking their minimaps, but you can't expect every random medic to be and MLG pro medic.

    I think it would be a nice addition to be able for downed players to call for a medic (only once, to prevent obvious spam that could result) that is near. An audio cue "Arrgh! Medic! I'm bleeding out over here!" accompanied with the minimap icon flashing for 2-3 seconds so you know where the call came from.

    Sometimes you do get noticed but not revived just because you aren't safe to reach though. Don't expect medics to yolo into the line of fire to save you. Smart medics keep themselves alive first, and allies second. A dead medic doesn't revive anyone. It isn't always obvious that you aren't safe to res when you look at the situation from the map screen. Give the medics the benefit of the doubt in that situation as they likley see more of whats going on at that point than you do.

    But yea - I bet that a lot of the revives are simply missed due to quite human and normal lapses of attention.
  13. Crator

    So do players actually take the time to check if the downed teammate is actually in your squad and if so revive them but if not don't? Seems wasteful... Why not just revive the person you see on the ground? I understand if they were out of your way and you needed to stay with your squad however...
  14. Moonheart

    It is a one-trick poney. And the trick is boring to do after a few hours.
    Spam heal, spam heal, spam heal, spam heal, spam heal, spam heal to revive, spam heal, spam heal, spam heal, throw revive grenade, spam heal, spam heal, spam heal, spam heal, spam heal, spam heal to revive, spam heal, spam heal, spam heal...

    I'll quit PS2 before I'll play medic again.

    When I used to play it, I did rez a lot. However now, I can see why they don't... it's the auto-respawn thing.
    Most of time, when somene revive me, I see the notification too late and my auto-respawn kicks in. As a result, the medic lost its time trying to rez me.

    Auto-rez shouldn't trigger as long you didn't answer the "want to accept to resurrect" question.
  15. Huxer

    I play 3 classes based on what is needed the most, max, medic and engineer. If I am playing medic I am using my rifle to try to keep lanes clear for my guys to move forward first and foremost. If guys fall but the group moves forward I will come up and res. If they fall and we cannot control the area that they died, well theyre probably going to lay there because I can res an infinite number of guys if I'm alive, but zero if I'm dead. If you are not part of the push, I'm not leaving my group to come res you and perhaps get picked off by a LA or a sniper.

    One thing I've learned from playing medic is that no one does for no reason and that reason may very well still be in effect. If I down an enemy soldier I tend to camp the body for the first foolish medic to come try to save him so I get 2 kills. When I play medic, it's going to be clear or I'm not coming forward.
  16. Iridar51

    That's not what I meant. I meant there are different kinds of medic, and I find perfectly fine to not want to revive anyone for a random solo medic. It's his business. If you want a medic that will put reviving before his own business, then find one, and play with him in your squad. If he doesn't revive - kick and find another one.

    There are no rules and organization among randoms. You want that - play in a squad that has rules. Though most of the time that shouldn't be that strongly emphasized. If the guy's in a squad, and plays a medic, chances are he's already a team player.
  17. Crator

    You still didn't answer my question... Oh well... To each his own...
  18. Iridar51

    So do players actually take the time to check if the downed teammate is actually in your squad and if so revive them but if not don't? Seems wasteful... Why not just revive the person you see on the ground?

    How do you expect me to answer that question? I'm not a telepath or some sort of global conscience. I can't answer for all 1 445 654 medics out there. If I were playing a medic I'd revive anyone, squad or no, as long as it's safe. And I don't think medics that play in a squad revive only squad mates, though I wouldn't be surprised if some of them give squad members priority.

    What I do know is that there are solo playing medics that don't give a damn about reviving anyone, and that's their right.
    There are also people who take issue with such position, and I'm trying to explain to them that if they want to play with a medic that will revive them, they should play in an organized squad.
  19. bubbacon

    Rhino nails it. I would add that healing/reviving players IS NOT the Combat Medics is his/her pleasure. There is no need for ppl to rage about "not" getting revived. That Medic put the time, effort, and $$ into that toon and he/she can play it as they damn well please.

    Do you see Medics raging about Derpy grunts that do dumb **** like running into Line of Sight Spawn rooms and getting wrecked while screaming for a Medic? Medics burn-out from all the proxy tells and the TKing rage kid that didn't get a rez and decides to come back and gank the closest Medic. That makes about as much sense as Medics rezing some dumb grunt that ran out into a bad situation and then blowing his head to shreds after the he rezes him. Then to add insult to injury, the Medic sends the Grunt a tell advising him to do his job and I wont shred your head next time after I rez you.

    TR especially play alot of Medics due to their competitiveness at all ranges, so don't be surprised if alot of Medics are purely on the Combat side of situations. If ya get a Rez, be happy about it...if ya don't, then just respawn and move foreward.
  20. Noktaj

    Self-healing wh*res have been around since a "medic" class was coded into an on-line FPS.
    I rember epic battles on RTCW and Enemy Territory where everybody was running as medic and it was like attacking a freaking hospital :D

    You can now understand the pain of having to kill 800 medics as a medic (not counting the directives random wipe).

    I usually play medic because I HATE when I die and there's no medic around, so I try to do my daily good action not making others suffer the pain I usually suffer when playing Lonewolf.

    Plus, a lot of lowbies are attracted by the "shiny" infiltrator (oh cloaking is SO COOL) or from "badass" HA (did you see HOW BIG IS THAT GUN?!), not realising that Medic (especially with shield bubble) is the definitive cert farmer.

    To me, we should incentive Medic in some way, like giving more EXP for revives. Bonus EXP for chain-revives (when you rezz 3 or more friendlies in few seconds), more EXP for MAX rez (and not only a longer time-to-rez).
    Some new tools like droppable medipacks (like Engi Ammo, but with limited use).

    But there's little you can do if ppl are too narrow-minded to play medic, or when they play one to play it as a self-healing rambo. :confused:

    The only time you see a lot of medics is during double XP weekends. So the XP incentive should work to have more medic around.