Valkyrie MAY be a 6 Seater With Your Help

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ash87, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. DarkVoidBoy

    Not sure if you read it or just went off the title, but let's just put it another way:

    What does the current PTS iteration of the Valkyrie do better than a Galaxy or a Liberator for the same mission?
  2. vincent-

    I want a 6 seater I would trade in the gun for it or something but I don't intended to fight I want to drop people in spots that need troops quick and fast!
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  3. Ash87

    This is what they were discussing
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  4. axiom537

    Make it a cert line....
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  5. DarkVoidBoy

    It's slower than a gal or lib, but more nimble.
  6. Wargrim

    Like hundreds of other players, i agree that to make sense as a tactical transport, it needs 6 seats. I said it when they announced it, said it when they tested it, and if it helps ill repeat it in every thread dealing with it.
  7. HadesR

    6 man Seem's ok ... But please no cloaking, that would be idiotically hard to balance ... Considering how effective a Wraith Flash can be and that's only 1 man AND restricted to ground only ..

    Only way I imagine it could be balanced it to have a fire delay .. Can not fire for 10-20 seconds after decloaking ... Cloak is then used as an insertion tool not a perk - a -boo weapons platform ..
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  8. Lection

    Well, right now it can dodge rockets like a cert-ed out ESF with nothing to change it's movement capabilities, so i have to say it can survive longer in less qualified hands, but otherwise it's the three way baby of the other aircraft in the game, it can do their jobs but not as well or else it would make them obsolete.
  9. Memeotis

    I'm usually against cloaking, I think it simplifies the game severely. That said, Vindicore on Reddit made a nice post on the topic. Among his proposals is the idea that (in his case he suggests two vehicles), you could essentially have a 6-seater Valkyrie aircraft (he calls it the Vulture), and a 4-seater. The difference is that the 4-seat can cloak, but only when landed and stationary.

    This is by far the most reasonable application of cloaking in my opinion, and simultaneously a great way to give both iterations a unique niche.
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  10. Lection

    Then you must have seen the comment i made on the first page of this exact form, or at least have the same thoughts i do about a flying wraith flash with the ability to shoot rockets.
  11. Lection

    You forgot to mention the ECM Bubble shield, which has way more uses then the stationary cloak. For more info to anyone else read this >post< it has more than just ideas for the Valkyrie if you're interested.

    Just to say now, Memeotis posted the link here first so he deserves the likes you might have given to my post.
  12. DarkVoidBoy

    What I'm seeing is the TTK is much worse for a Valkyrie than the others, so I think you meant, "in more qualified hands."

    It's definitely fun to fly, but if command says "Go do X at location Y," it's got to be faster (it's not) or carry more (it doesn't) or survive longer (dodging probably isn't as good as armor overall) or cheaper in resources (depends on mission and ties in with the others) or have some other factor to beat out the other choices. And right now, I'm not seeing it...
  13. CipherNine

    For what purpose?
  14. Lection

    In my opinion, it's easier to fly, and i die in moments just touching the lib or ESFs, but in the Val i got into dogfights with ESFs and saw that when it came to their speed if i ever had even a novice on the gun, my maneuverability put me on even or better ground without needing to put a single cert into the ability to move faster or turn better. It's speed isn't all that important to get the kill, it's ability to out maneuver the enemy and make them miss that will allow for the longer fight so you can win with the lower TTK. But overall if you don't find this craft to be your ticket to glory, then it's better to use other means to kill that target, but i see potential with this airship right now and if they gave it it's shot i would be grateful to use this over other craft.
  15. Paragon Exile


  16. AshHill07

    Can't we wait until the bloody thing is finished before we start screaming about balance issues? The things barely flyable as it is right now let alone balanced.
  17. Axehilt

    Well that's a great way to frame the discussion, but I think as a hybrid between those vehicles it's never going to be a clean answer without some unique utility. Rumble seats and transportation are not especially valuable traits.

    Unique utility would be things like:
    • Anti-missile. The Valk's anti-missile system automatically tracks and fires on lock-on missiles (whether or not they're targeting the valk). The system has a limited ammo capacity and is less reliable the faster the valk is moving.
    • EMP. A 40m-radius EMP effect on cooldown which functions like a big EMP grenade.
    • Engagement Support. Provides engagement radar (which marks aircraft on HUD) to all friendly vehicles within 500m of all enemy aircraft within 500m.
    • Stealth Support. Provides the effects of maxed Vehicle Stealth to all friendly vehicles within 300m. (The lockon reduction stacks, if the vehicle already has stealth.)
    • Nano Support Device. Amplifies the support effects of whoever sits in the vehicle. For example medic triage radius is much longer, and can stack (up to a max heal rate). Engineers provide an AOE repair. Infiltrators increase a RADAR radius of the vehicle.
    I do feel the Valk can work fine as a gunship/transport hybrid, even in its current state (just with balance tweaks). But certainly it's going to be better if it carves out its own niche by having unique utility you can't get from any other vehicle.
  18. \m/SLAYER\m/

  19. Jeslis

    wtf is your sig from?
  20. Lord_Avatar

    I'm all for it!