Well this sucks

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Cromos, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Cromos

    I was kicked from Outfit X today for being to talkative. Maybe there was something more im not sure they didnt tell me i asked Outfit X co-lead why and that's all i got before sighing and then being banned from the teamspeak. aspergers syndrome is a ***** sometimes. Still I've never had a better experience with an outfit then playing with Outfit X i encourage those NC bluebies to join up with outfit x if you're looking for an organized but not para military outfit. I enjoyed my time in the outfit I had a lot of fun and i hope to see you on the battlefield. For those of you who don't know what aspergers is and are to lazy to look it up here is the short version

    Asperger syndrome is often considered a high functioning form of autism. It can lead to difficulty interacting socially, repeat behaviors, and clumsiness.

    For those who want to be a little more educated on a diagnoses you can read about it here
    hopefully a few of you will think twice before calling someone weird or annoying or any other derogatory term aimed at how they interact with others
  2. Velicc

    Well this sucks, considering I joined for probation yesterday. That partially removed my intention to commit to them, knowing they banned you for something that isn't your fault.
  3. Cromos

    I think that you should still give them a try i didn't tell them so they didn't know and if you find you enjoy playing with them then you should join the outfit. I wanted to say goodbye on their forums but i couldn't so this is my way of doing it. If you read the whole thing then you will realize that i'm just trying to let them know that i'm sorry but i can't help it and that i was trying too and that i want other people to take my place in the outfit so they can enjoy the same experience i did. You should join Outfit X and not let this post dissuade you because that is not my intention
  4. Cromos

    How do you do that thing in your post where it shows Velicc and your stats?
  5. A Crispy Taco

    The best thing to do is move forward and try to fix the things you can fix so this sort of thing doesn't happen again. For instance not having Voice Activation in teamspeak is a big one. Another is to answer your own questions with google or post the question on the forums for someone else to answer in their own time. Teamspeak is annoying to deal with when its just a flood gate of endless chatter. Even if your questions are good, some people just can't be bothered with answering them. Lots of annoying talkative people have joined my outfit and TS and they didn't have a disease :) It's unfortunate you have such a condition but I doubt it's something you can't handle by setting your computer up in such a way to prevent your personality from rustling too many jimmies.
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  6. Cromos

    unfortunately i formed a habit of pushing the mouse button for push to talk every time i talked and yeah i understand that it can be annoying well thats what people say but the other communities im in have always been happy to answer a question. The whole being kicked was dropped on me suddenly i didnt even know they were voting or that i had pushed so many buttons i dont pick up on very well i mean it took me a long time just to be able to learn body language and how to read someone in person its difficult when all you have is their voice so if you not very direct with me on ts i have a hard time not to mention being direct and giving clear warnings really leaves no excuse for others to complain about a kick or ban even though they will try to come up with one but when they do its just funny and a clear set of rules in a place that is accessible to everyone even if you're not in the outfit that way you can judge if u will be able to fit into the community for instance
    1) Being overly talkative in teamspeak will cause disciplinary action

    Staff Rules:
    1) regarding rule 1:
    *Give clear warning===example: "Name", you are talking to much and it is bother others in the channel you need to tone it down a bit please, This is your first warning
    * Give 2nd clear warning let them know this is their second warning and that the next time you will be temp banned from ts and squad/platoon until tomorrow at 6:00am PST or do a kick limit 3 kicks equals temp bann for 2 hrs 3rd temp ban is for 1 day and the next is a perma ban if they dont continue the same offense for 1 week it gets reset but if it become clear that they are just waiting for the 1 week marker then get staff together and hold a vote for a perma ban

    and there you go simple rules regarding chatter in teamspeak
  7. Cromos

    oh damn i dont like where this post is going im trying to be humble about getting kicked and this is starting to bring out the stuff that annoyed me about what happened

    This is a recruitment post damnit!

    Even though i was kicked from outfit x through circumstances that may be unfair it does not diminish the fact that i still think Outfit X is one of if not the best NC outfit(s) on Connery and that those with out and outfit should contact TwistaX and join an organized and fun community
  8. Velicc


    Make an account, go claim your character, and go edit your signature/create new sig. At the end it'll give you an URL which you will paste as your sig in your profile for this forum.
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  9. Cromos
