
Discussion in 'MAX' started by patrykK1028, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. patrykK1028

    If I buy Blueshift for 1 hand I will get that for second hand too?
  2. Govedo13

    No. In order to have it on both hands you need to buy left and right hand guns.
    Blueshift also must be used with extended mags. The whole combo costs. 3000 cert. It is good option because it is very accurate weapon.
    Cheap starter option is to get one 250 cert cosmos and use the default with it. This is not so accurate but works well too because of the nice magrider sizes.
    • Up x 1
  3. patrykK1028

    Omg it's so expensive. I asked because I checked it in VR and it was pretty awesome, nice RoF, good dmg at distance and accuraccy. But 3000 certs?
    And how much better is left hand default (I dont know its name) + cosmos than left hand default + NS 10?
  4. minhalexus

    Extended mags aren't necessary.
    So it's 2000 certs basically.

    Left hand + Cosmos are A LOT better than the NS bursters.
  5. patrykK1028

    I didn't mean burster, I meant left hand + burster
  6. Govedo13

    A lot. Buster is AA gun does not use it for other things.
    I ran default and cosmos for a lot of tie and it works perfectly.
    Currently I use 2 cosmos and I am quite happy.
    The Max spammy nature require alot of ammo so you can kill several infantry man before you reload blueshidts have lower damage output compared with default and cosmos but are more accurate so they do desperately need ex mags.
  7. Xasapis

    • Cosmos ... their saving grace is that they are cheap and they have extended magazines build in. They are however the worst AI weapons you can equip in your MAX compared to your other choices.
    • Quasars ... the default AI you start with is pretty much average in everything. I wouldn't recommend buying a second one, because it's expensive. Instead I would direct you to one of the following choices
    • Blueshifts ... are the most accurate AI weapons VS have for their MAX. Invest in this if your aim is relatively good. You are supposed to always be aiming for the head with these or you'll find yourself in a disadvantage, especially against enemy MAXes. They retain their effectiveness further away than any other MAX weapon too. Unfortunately the closer you get to an opponent, the next choice becomes a lot better.
    • Nebulas ... are the most damaging AI close quarters weapons VS have for their MAX. Invest in it if your style brings you close to the enemy or you are trying to emulate what the NC MAX is doing. This is a real MAX killing weapon, though at times you'd wish they had the accuracy of the Blueshifts. Unlike Blueshifts, aim for the upper torso and neck area.
    Bottom line, pick a weapon depending on your play style (close quarters or cautious/further back) and cert investment.

    On an extra note, keep in mind that Nebulas, due to eating bullets in such an alarming rate, do need extended magazines and engineer ammo support more than the other AI weapons. On the other hand though, due to the increased fire rate, they are the weapons that are least affected by dead zone lack of damage or lag in general.
  8. Calisai

    Yea, in order to really be effective with blueshifts, you need decently smooth FPS and keep at the longer max ranges. You can rack up good kill streaks with these because you shouldn't be going into point blank c4 range as much and can disengage and use charge to run away and repair. Works well with Nano-regen if you don't have engy support... but you have to go back for ammo a lot.

    Cosmos are a good all-rounder and the extra ammo with nano-regen is nice if you are solo... but if you have a dedicated engy or good support in the area... the blueshifts (longer range) or nebulas (short range) are better options.

    Oh... and I wouldn't bother with ZOE right now... taking increased damage to help out your TTKs by about 1 shot isn't worth it... better to max charge and be able to disengage and run if you get too deep. Much more effective if used right.
  9. Village

    The Comet is the real MAX killing weapon, plus Kinetic 5.