Scout rifle directive gives battle rifle as reward

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nallar, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. nallar

    Rewarding a battle rifle for a tree which can only be completed by infiltrators, and has only a single battle rifle in it makes no sense.

    BRs and scout rifles should not share the same reward, and if they must, it makes far more sense to reward a scout rifle, as the tree can only be completed through playing infiltrator.
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  2. Leftconsin

    You have it backwards. The reward is a Battle Rifle that Scout Rifles have been attached to because there is only 1 BR per faction.
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  3. nallar

    Only having a single BR per faction is no reason to make the reward a battle rifle. Having the BR in that tree makes some sense for that reason, but the final tier's reward should still be a scout rifle. The tree is called "Scout rifles", and can not be completed without auraxing at least 3 scout rifles.

    If BRs were usable by infiltrators it would also be fine, just now you can not use the reward on the class you must play to unlock it.
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  4. NinjaTurtle


    Instead they should have just made a BR tree and made the requirements higher.

    Most trees require 5 auraxiums so make the BR require 5*1160 to get the BR unlock.

    Same amount of time investment and kill requirements

    Give Scout Rifles their own auraxium reward
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  5. doombro

    What if they let you use the super battle rifle on infiltrator? :eek:
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  6. nallar

    That actually might work! It's not the best solution, but most people agree that battle rifles are worse than scout rifles so it wouldn't be OP.

    Sounds like that would be much easier for SOE to do than creating a new weapon.
  7. Leftconsin

    I agree. It is pretty silly.
  8. Jaloro

    Actually it would not be fine. Battle rifles stink. I love scout rifles though.
  9. Ronin Oni

    So instead Infil is only class to get 2 dedicated weapons (BASR + Scout) not to mention SMG's, another reward, is also clearly going to be mostly used on Infil as well more than any other class.

    Whereas at least this will finally give a BR option to BR users who spread over 3 classes now (primarily engineer probably)

    I know what you're saying, but BR's need the love a lot more than scout rifles. It's just weird to make them play infiltrator to get it.

    What they should do is include scout rifles as an option for the BASR, to reduce the # of BASR's, or even better, iun lieu of a SASR that you need to Aurax for the Infil BASR class weapon. Sorry you don't get a Directive Scout but you don't anyways... at least it'd make sense here.

    THEN for the BR's split the requirements up between all 3 classes + BR kills.
    "Kills past 100m as <class>" since BR's are the best >100m option for those classes. Not sure what else would work best. "X Kills with BR while shield up"? I dunno.

    Kills in SS mode? That would work for BR's or any gun with SS fire mode.
  10. nallar

    Your suggestion to change the directive to depend on things related to battle rifles makes a lot of sense. I'd be disappointed as we (infiltrator mains) wouldn't get a versatile auraxium weapon (no, CQCing with the 7x scope bolt action doesn't count), but at least that makes sense and means that people who like BRs don't have to play infil.
  11. Runegrace

    I'd say let Infiltrators use Battle Rifles. Then the reward would make sense, and for the most part Scout Rifles are better than Battle Rifles anyways so it's not going to bust the Infiltrator class.
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  12. Ronin Oni

    Pointless but acceptable solution lol
  13. dw.Flexiz

    i think its the easiest way to change the weapon as a scout rifle or make this weapon for all 3 classes (engineer, HA, infi). i would play an eidolon to get it, if its the only way. but i played 3/4 of the time infi so it makes me very angry to get a weapon which is for other classes.
  14. nallar

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  15. Flamberge

    This is annoying to me, and I main an engi. I wan't the new BR, but I don't even own a SR. Maybe like someone else said, just make a separate BR tree, and you have to get the equivalent of 5 Auraxium medals to get the final tree reward.
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  16. dw.Flexiz

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  17. dw.Flexiz

    /push whats going on with this? i mean for a year were a discussion... seems to be a very long discussion
  18. FateJH

    Don't you know that the worst thing that can happen for any matter is when a committee is formed to "look into it?"
  19. Dualice

    The problem with giving the infiltrators a battle rifle is the same as giving them to medics: there is literally no reason for the class to use them, as they have far superior options already available to them (I'd take a Corvus/Reaper/SABR-13 over a BR any day).

    On top of that the directive battle rifle has no "unique" traits to it over its original, besides the shiny paint job. The aurax carbines get a combination shotgun/laser sight on the rail, assault rifles get some weird hybrid forward grip which is admittedly inferior but still something different, SMGs get an increase in ADS accuracy values. All the attachments present on the Guardian/Revent/DMR-99 can just be put on the Warden/Eidolon/AMR-66 with exactly the same results.

    Now an auraxium scout rifle, that'd be something I'd work for.