New Alerts - Your thoughts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Noktaj, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Nody

    But you don't lock the continent with out getting to 85% (which is the whole point of taking 75% of the continent in the first place since resources mean nothing anymore) but yes; if you stay above 75% but below 85% you win the alert and get some exp for your work. And it's 35% for the opposition empire (had to go look up the patch notes) to win (pure exp; no lock).
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  2. Noktaj

    They didn't. NCs locked hossin like 5-10 minutes after the screenshot and everybody was back to Indarside again.

    Once again, these alerts sounds intriguing ON PAPER, but on live situation they sucks, mostrly because they are the ONLY alert available atm.

    I won't mind having them AND the old random triggered continental domination alerts.
    Why can't we have both?
  3. MorganM

    My thoughts...

    Not enough of them given how they are triggered.
    I miss the facility capture objective ones.

    It's really cool we have a more dynamic, player driven, alert. However they should incorperate the facility based ones somehow. Would be ultra sweet if they could make these trigger dynamically based on player actions. Even if they just threw them in randomly it would be cool. Like on those servers who rarely see these new alerts. Have some timer... where if no continent alert has triggered in, say, 4 hours then kick off a facility one.
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  4. Catalyist

    I like the idea of player driven alerts.

    But there are far too few of them right now. I have played a lot since the update and only seen one alert so far...

    ^ supporting this
  5. Noktaj

    Unfortunately relying ONLY on player-driven content is a faulty idea. Mainly because the average player just really don't care, it's in for the farm or simply don't know what to do and just follow the masses. The few who actually cares most times are giving up because it's extremely hard if not impossible to manage hundreds of mindless zerglings (even more with a broken platoon-squad voicechat :rolleyes:)

    A better idea would be having a "backup" system that would cover the "player-driven" deficiencies.

    Like the old partially-random rotating continental domination alert system.

    The even older "facilities" alerts are not possible anymore simply because of the merges and very high server pop (looking at you emerald). Platoons can't redeploy their forces on different continents because of queues and that pretty much screw up any alert designed for multy-continental fights (and on a personal note, I don't miss facilities alerts)
  6. Vortok

    75% to 85% seems like a rather small gap.

    The game no longer playing musical chairs with what continent/warpgate we're playing from today is also nice. Random alert equaling continent will be locked at the end no matter what was a bit silly.

    Abolishing the old alert types didn't really seem needed, just uncoupling the continent lock reward from them.

    An incentive for the other empires to try to stop a continent lock instead of folding up shop and leaving the continent to be ghost capped isn't a bad thing either.
  7. Pikachu

    I haven't seen any alert yet.
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  8. Axehilt had 75% territory! You needed to be ganged up on. Not only that but your position was so strong that even after an hour of being double-teamed no opponent had even reached the steady-state of 35% territory control!

    Sure, maybe it sucks that you were doubled. But think about what those other factions were feeling before the alert triggered (since they were fighting each other while you were pushing in on them with 75% territory, meaning they each felt doubled -- even though it was because they were being strategic idiots by attacking each other when they obviously should've been attacking the leader.)
  9. andy_m

    Played for two and a half hours on Ceres tonight and didn't even get close to an alert. So if a continent is in pretty much a stalemate then I'm guessing it could take hours to trip one.
  10. Phyr

    It's essentially "indarside" again, which is a step back imo
  11. Axehilt

    Yeah definitely won't happen if a continent is even. (If a continent is even you definitely don't want an alert encouraging a team-up, but other player-created alerts might be cool to have if they weren't encouraging that.)

    I've seen about 3 of these alerts personally. Fun stuff, I like em! A couple times they disrupted the two underdogs from fighting one another to actually fight my faction (which had the lead) and the other time it got a bunch of us to switch continents to prevent an enemy lock, which was also a lot of fun.
  12. Bassett

    I haven't played since the update, but on paper these alerts seem like a good idea. Having all territory caps and alerts player-driven is cool and means players have to be organised to group together and cap continents. The problem I guess is that a lot of players just want their objectives predefined and would rather leave tactics to someone else or leave it up to the game to decide where they should go and how to fight.
  13. maxkeiser

    Old-style alerts need to come back very quickly. The game will start to bleed players at an alarming rate otherwise. Already the general talk in an outfit the size of KOTV is that the game is pretty much dead now in the current state.

    Might just as well play BF or something.

    Alerts were the best bit of the game - for outfits, leaders and platoon members. It gave people something to work for for 2hrs. Even when you lost it felt like there had been some great battles and counter-attacks etc.

    Woodman hasn't even seen an alert for ages now. And some players haven't seen ANY since the patch.
  14. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Alerts o_O i didn't see any since latest patch
  15. volth

    I like them but 75% for CL is not enough it should be 95% or more.

    The old alerts didnt work with CL. They started and if you won the continent locked and if you lose the continent locked. Now if your faction get 75% territory it lock but if another faction stop your faction the continent dont lock.
    So now we can defend our continents and CL dosnt feel so pointless anymore.

    Only problem is that when they removed the old resource system territories dosnt matter any more.
    You get the same resources always so you can just sit in warpgate and look if you want.
    The only goal this game have now is CL. CL should be a endgame goal and bases should give some bonuses if you captured them.
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  16. Noktaj

    Another prime time evening without alerts on Woodman.
    Something must be done sooner than later.
  17. BULLET010

    Totally agree. Thumbs down. The new alert system sucks. Watched the TR zerg Amerish yesterday. When the alert triggered the VS came, but not enough. Funny thing is the TR won but the game said it was a 'Draw' lmao. Dat PS2 amazing coding at its finest again.
    Also, regarding zerging. That's hella boring? I mean when I first started and didn't know what I was doing I zerged a few times. But once I learned to get around I searched for even fights. I mean who wants to sit on their **** for 90 mins inside a sundy waiting for ghost caps. That's not what PS2 is about. Even the game trailers boast massive fights. But this is just massive bull. Honestly, I was gonna dump a little cash on helmets, camo, and some other aesthetic stuff. But meh...if they can't get a better game flow going...I'll just spend it on something cooler... like beer!
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  18. Captain Kid

    Right now on Emerald the TR have all bases except two on Hossin. guess what? No alert triggered.
    No wonder I've seen so few alerts these last two days.
  19. BULLET010

  20. Oberlion

    thoughts about what? i havent seen a single alert since patch