[Suggestion] An Idea For A Base on The Next Future Continent You Would Like to See?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lection, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Lection

    Just go crazy, and maybe the map designers will find our ideas and use them.

    I'll start by recommending for the volcano continent a Castle-like base structure that extends over multiple terrain segments by being sectioned into multiple parts. Also I would like it to be centered on top of a huge (maybe dormant) volcano.
  2. Dead soldier

    A rush type base where the entire facility would be the size of 3 normal hexes. 1 for the main facility, 2 for a generator place. Normally a forcefield would protect the main base, but once both generators are down in those two outlying facilities, the forcefield would be removed and attackers could attack the main facility,
  3. IAmSpartus

    Fix planetside 2 continent warping and no shop first pls
  4. IAmSpartus

    you copied that idea from spartanpsycho didn't u
  5. -Synapse-

    I want to see a warpgate that actually feels like a base of operations rather than a scrapyard inside a bubble.
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  6. DaMann22

    I would like to see a fork/crossroads area that is connected by 3 to 4 bridges. So no matter how you go to get there you have to go across this bridge. Maybe even make the bridges part structural and part light bridge.

    Next one is under water like the water Gungan city in Episode 1 of Star Wars.
  7. CDN_Wolvie

    Not just the future ones, the current ones need work too.

    A) Limit MAX pulls to certain bases and having a Amp station. Need MAXes? Fly or drive them in. Award exp for distance traveled with a MAX as a passenger.

    B) Infantry Level To Bases:
    - SCUs at every Base, just out of line of sight to the Spawn Room, to end spawn camping.
    - Put all Spawn Rooms, path from the Spawn Room to at least one capture point, and the capture point at least one floor Indoors/Underground. The Inner defensive circles if you will.
    - Defenses that can be built up by an Engineer with their repair tool or slot their ammo pack/turret into.
    - Defensive walls with freakin cat walks at all bases (not just Amp Stations), not just dividers between vehicle and infantry. Proper outer rings of defense which one can fall back from.
    - Allow walls to have sections where some shields get dropped by damage (I blew a hole in the wall with my C4!) and some shields get dropped only by hacking (yay, I was super sneaky and helped the team, more for infiltrator to do!)
    - Fun activities like a security camera/radar room, dance floor for a rave party, and applying decals to a billboard mini-game in addition to plug vehicles and objects into the base to "own" and 'mini-game' a base as an Outfit till the enemy attacks so defensive down time isn't staring at the paint peel off the nanite walls (which it never does).

    C) Vehicle Level To Bases:
    - Automated, Upgradable AI Defenses with lesser DPS than PC aimed Defenses for another mechanic to be hacked, anti-no fight/ghost capping design (thing went boom!). More **** for drivers, Engineers and Infiltrators and Spec Ops to do, yay!
    - Resource Revamp; AI driven semi-truck drones with automated turrets (with low DPS) that drive out of the warpgate, visit a base to add ammo to the vehicle ammo towers, pick up resources vehicle/air/infantry, and transport those resources back to the warpgate before they are pooled for the faction and evenly distributed to the faction's players. Spec op vehicle targets, ho!
    - Ghost towning a number of smaller bases by removing the infantry spawn room and changing the Infantry Only Capture point into Vehicle Only Capture Points at bases that were previously known for vehicles being able to blast the spawn room from a higher elevation or whatever seems appropriate. Open up holes in the buildings, add sand dunes, craters, bushes or something like the place has been abandoned or run down.

    Basicly, if you look at Planetside (1) base design, they got it so much better pretty much from the start it shows just how shameful the Planetside 2 Devs have been in base design. First fix the foundation of what a base is, THEN we can start seeing epic **** built on top of those essentials. Having a ****** foundation for a house just leads to a ****** house, regardless of how cool it is in pleasing the eye. FORM FOLLOWS F'N FUNCTION.
  8. ZenitHMaster

    play planetside 1 and check out the sanctuaries. now those had a great feeling
  9. Dead soldier

    No, actually it was an old idea that i thought of when playing BF3 and wondering what purpose blowing up M-COMs had. Then PS2 came out and I've had that idea ever since
  10. IAmSpartus

    but medicalguy he posted it first
  11. PurpleBeefer

    any other continent from PS1 would be good, dem battle islands but first. we need lattice corrected, other than that a cont with more water inland. hossin has lil swampies but to have water to sink in where bridges will actually matter more and give my magrider insane advantage should be cool.
  12. OneRedBlock

    I want a tactical KFC for the brave NC troops.
  13. Rovertoo

    I want that abandoned and sunken Amp station on Esamir to have a largish ice cave system underneath, allowing for a large indoor Amp station fight. That would be pretty dang awesome.
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  14. daniel696

    A city, not amp station, not bio lab, a huge city.
  15. Zapon

    hm....some sort of communications facility- could tie in to orbital strike

    /totally did not pull from advanced communications center/ Ion Cannon idea

    Or maybe some sort of super production facility for the Colussus(nope, nada, didnt steal from CNC3 Kane Wrath's epic unit buildings)

    Seriously though, companies are coming, so LARGER facilities would be nice

    something unique, big, vast- special, and that ties in to lore maybe a little, like the impact crater sites we have, etc...

    Maybe with some underground portions...hmm

    The communications facility .....

    a modernized warpgate- hm...

    Maybe a MASSIVE(bigger than the ones we have now) airbase, or main airbase or main vehicle /weapons factory for factions...

    ....Something perhaps that makes heavy use of the forcefield properties of ..auraxium?(like AMerish's force fields...)
  16. Thardus

    I want to see a Planetside 1 base. Just slap together the best elements of all of them, then drop it right into the map. I suppose the doors would have to go though.

    Some Planetside 1 towers would be nice too... or not, they'd be too much of a meat-grinder.

    Edit: Just rewatched the original trailer, that's totally a Planetside 1 base that the Galaxy crashed into.
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  17. Strottinglemon

    Vanu ruins would be awesome. That and Kane Prison Compound on Searhus.
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  18. Pikachu

    Yes more ruins! Nott style!

    They could add one ps1 tower base and one other ps1 base to the game. ;)
  19. maxkeiser

    Would like to see a proper tanking continent - with exclusively sweeping plains, small hills, rolling terrain. No stupid walls or artificial roads etc etc.

    Bascially how the old Esamir used to be.
  20. doombro

    I have the best idea:

    What if there wasn't a base there at all?