RPG changes a buff to T7 Mini-Chaingun??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LT_Latency, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. Drippyskippy

    Ok, that is what I initially thought. I guess i'm curious why you used it as "evidence" in claiming that the new rocket changes were a buff to MAX units without presenting the correct test results. This is how rumors get spread.

    You see how I was confused? You used the screenshot as evidence to your statement (or that is what it looked like when you posted it) Therefore, your original post is pure conjecture. I'll admit though, I want to test this out myself see if SoE screwed up or if they did a good job making the new rocket nerfs only affect infantry...
  2. Drippyskippy

    VANU science wins again. Tested rocket splash on live vs rocket splash on PTS. Did the exact same damage. Conclusion: MAX's didn't receive and indirect buff with this new rocket splash nerf. Good job SoE. Also found out that friendly fire was disabled on PTS warpgate. Didn't remember seeing that in the patch notes, but its awesome!
  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    How is it conjecture? We have the current damage numbers and resist types and the patch notes for the upcoming damage values. I ran the numbers yesterday. Please stop trying to discredit my post.

    First, the damage numbers against MAX units:
    Default Dumbfire
    Direct damage: Heavy Ordnance 1135 -45% = 624
    Prepatch Splash 1000 -50% = 500 (1124)
    With flak 5: (874)
    Postpatch Splash 750 -50% = 375 (999)
    With flak 5: (812)
    Direct damage: Medium Ordnance 1000 -25% = 750
    Prepatch Splash 1000 -50% = 500 (1250)
    With flak 5: (1000)
    Postpatch Splash 750 -50% = 375 (1125)
    With flak 5: (938)
    Direct damage: Heavy Ordnance 1335 -45% = 734
    Prepatch Splash 1000 -50% = 500 (1234)
    With flak 5: (984)
    Postpatch Splash 650 -50% = 325 (1059)
    With flak 5: (897)
  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    If you tested in VR of course you will get the same result because splash damage in VR isn't applied and the only damage that changed was splash damage. You need to find someone to test with or your data is useless. Also posting actual evidence or math helps.
  5. Drippyskippy

    No, I tested in the warpgate on live (FF is still on), then on PTS since FF is off in the warpgate we used a jumpad to get to the tower near the warpgate. Tested both infantry and MAX's. What I also found out and what confuses me is on Live splash should kill a player due to SOE claiming it does 1000. However, after testing on LIVE a normal dumbfire splash damage shot will take only your shield away. Therefore, I'm lead to believe currrently splash doesn't do 1000 dmg, but 500 dmg. Then on test a standard splash dumbfire shot leaves you with about 1/4 of your shield. Most people aren't even going to notice this nerf...this nerf is waaay too small and SOE has their damage numbers wrong. The only real large nerf that will come to the rocket primary users is rank 5 flak armor. I'm going to start using it when I see CML around. Rank 5 flak armor on test is great against rockets, both direct and splash.

    I did take a screenshot initially on Live for rocket splash damage against MAX's and used it as a comparison when I went to PTS, but I didn't take a screenshot on PTS. Didn't really care to. I did this with the help of another member of my outfit. Both came to the same conclusion. You don't have to believe me since I didn't present evidence that I should, but I did the work to come to the conclusion. All I can say is, if you don't believe me, test it for yourself and don't do it in VR.

    Edit: Either SoE has their numbers wrong regarding splash damage, or infantry have some sort of natural damage resistance to explosive or splash damage.
  6. RHINO_Mk.II

    Evidence please.
  7. dstock

    The Shredder had .5m splash.

    Forumside: "OP!!!"
  8. Drippyskippy

    Yeah, I originally thought the nerf to the shredder was negligible until I used it yesterday (hadn't gunned a liberator in a long time), noticed it is not nearly as good as what it was against infantry. Still good against vehicles though. But yeah, the nerf actually made killing infantry a lot more difficult. Makes sense though because I don't think I'vebeen killed by a shredder lib since it was nerfed.
  9. KnightCole

    Thats why it seemed to be so amazing vs infantry? I know it mowed me down from like 400m away and I was thinking...aim botting mofo...that makes sense now. it had splash...
  10. dstock

    Yup. It turned all those 'I just missed him' into 'keep firing, he's taking splash damage.'

    Frankly, I don't think it's terrible in the current iteration, but you really need zoom on it now.