Ceres vs Cobalt MergerSmash!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Iridar51, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. TheShrapnelKing

    Much less drama this time, barely any discussion of this. Guess if US East isn't involved people don't much care.
  2. FLHuk

    If it makes you any happier most Cobalt consider themselves Lithcorp!
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  3. Signaldooo

    Was not able to see the first half of the match, but if what you're saying about the air game is true then that's just shocking. Cobalt dominated the air game as long as I watched, moving their bulldog galaxies wherever they wanted, with reavers lolpodding bases undisturbed.

    If I knew that Ceres had participated with the best of the best in a fair process this would be more painful, now it was just Cobalt vs some some reddit guys while the rest of us were left in the dark until it was too late. So I don't feel too attatched to the VS team fighting today tbh.

    Anyways, regardless of the match result and server change I am still excited for the merge, and I can't wait to test my skills against different players. If Cobalt pilots are as daring as they've been today I'm in for some juicy FPC XP! :D
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  4. Tyrant103

    Haven't watched it, but I assume Ceres lost.

    EDIT: Just read the comments and my expectations were met, I hope the name is changed like Waterson and Matherson was.

    Ceres is by far, a much more sexier name than Cobalt.
  5. Clay

    Of couse Cobalt had air superiority. I think 50% of all the Planetside Aces are on Cobalt :D

    And we have all these MLG guys. Ceres didnt have any chance.
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  6. Iridar51

    Nope, SOE clearly stated that this time the winner will retain the server name after the merge. And considering Cobalt had a decisive and undisputable victory, we can't expect Waterson/Matherson kind of drama to unfold "we don't want to argue over who actually won so we'll just pick a neutral name".
  7. ShadowyN

    I don't think I can play on a server with a name as ugly as 'Cobalt'. :(
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  8. Pikachu

    Oh screw you. :mad:

    I wish they would call it LithCorp instead and the other merge Mallory. In memory of the two old EU servers that got deleted in february 2013.
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  9. gigastar

    Sounds like Ceres got wrecked.

    I honestly cant say im surprised.
  10. Typhoeus

    I didn't watch but judging from these pics and chatter here it seems Ceres got demolished. What is there to talk about? Clearly Ceres was outmatched for such a lop sided victory to happen.

    At least the Watterson/Mattherson match was appeared to be an even fight, which actually came as a surprise. Most people thought Mattherson would steamroll Watterson. Some would argue that we did once we actually had even pops and that Watterson had cheated the whole first hour of that match (hence the drama) but it's all in the past now. Honestly I doubt we'll ever see such a tense match ever again and I'm quite proud to have been a part of it :D
  11. Pikachu

    If the NC was mostly venu then no surprise but if it was NC I would be.
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  12. Selerox

    Welcome to our lethal blue skies Ceres.

    It'll be Cobalt.

    Which also has the advantage of also being a colour, just like Emerald.
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  13. Plunutsud pls

    Most forumside users are American afaik, so no wonder there's no drama here now.
  14. AshHill07

    Considering Ceres got gated during the smash I don't think anyone can claim the results are wrong ...
  15. Kociboss

    Me too!
    I really felt like a part of something bigger...

    Thanks for a good fight Ceres and please embrace your new home - Cobalt.

    From ordinary soldier's perspective:

    On infantry level of gameplay Ceres did okay. I felt that that we were able to engage slightly bigger forces with 2-3 squads though (fights around Ymir biolab). My squad was supposed to lock down enemy forces and it was enough for the rest of our army to push other, perhaps more viable territories.

    Rushing and capping BioLab gave us a really strong fortress to retreat to. Ceres did manage to smoke us out of Ymir's satelite bases, but we were always able to regroup and pressure them again.
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  17. DatVanuMan

    Cobalt sounds like a professional name, full of hardcore gamers.
    Ceres sounds like a kitten name with players who only know how to throw ammo packs at eachother in total harmony:(
    Poor Ceres. AH, c'est la guerre.
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  18. DatVanuMan

    Ah, man, don't be so harsh. You guys have Matti and his band of ACTUAL sky gods. Ceres sounds too friendly to have warring players:( Otherwise, they didn't really matther, sonXD
  19. Kociboss

    Or maybe it's because Europeans are more calm and collected and do not get easily involved into petty discussions? Afterall, we will become one server soon.

    We won. We were better. Ceres has lost because XYZ. GG, WP, time to move on.
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  20. Liam23490

    Looks like Cobalt had a lot more players?

    Anyway, when is this merger happening?