To those of you who want a Challenge

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xXepicnesXx, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. xXepicnesXx

    I have thought if a great challenge for all of my fellow auraxians

    • Create a new Character
    • Only play one Class for that characters entire Battle Rank progression
    • Goals:
      • First, Unlock everything for that class
      • Second, Reach BR 100
      • Finally, Auraxium every weapon for that class
    • And remember don't play any other class ever!

    • Additional Challenges (all are optional)
      • Play for more than 200 days in time played
      • Play Infiltrator (This is hard due to the fact that infiltrators have 25 less health)
      • Don't use station Cash to buy Weapons
    Good Luck and Happy Hunting:)
  2. HadesR

    And don't use Boost's :)




    • Up x 2
  3. Ztiller


    For those who really have nothing better to do
  4. xXepicnesXx

    Quite Literally Ztiller quite literally
    • Up x 1
  5. xXepicnesXx

    I was originally going to say try MAX once the resource revamp comes out but you would slowly get time played as a light assault
    but vehicles are essential because sometimes instant action doesn't take you where you want to go
  6. Prudentia

    So after 50hours there would be no difference to my current playstyle...
    80% Light Assault 20% Deathscreen...
  7. Regpuppy

    Not so much a challenge, as it is a random request by some random forum poster. Aside from the class restriction, you're basically saying make a F2P alt and don't quit before you hit Br100

    For me this would be almost no change to current playstyle. 90% medic, trying to aurax assault rifles anyway, and have my medic certed out.

    You making topics just to make them? :rolleyes:
  8. xXepicnesXx

    I have posted a better Challenge for all of you people it shouldn't be too hard to find
  9. Nexus545

    After days and days of gameplay I've yet to reach BR 100 on my one and only character. I don't see me even trying this any time soon.
  10. cruczi

    Nice idea, but it'll take a sick amount of time to accomplish. Based on my main character's XP/min, I have 300 more hours to go until BR100... and I'm currently 61% the way there. I don't think the BR100 requirement makes much sense for a one-class-only character, because you'll have maxed everything out well before you reach BR100. I'd rather have some actual challenges. Examples:
    • KDR must improve by 0.5 for every weapon you auraxium, and you can't proceed to auraxium a new weapon until you've reached this goal
    • play the whole time with a bright, easily noticeable camo (e.g. Shatter)
    • reach M level or higher (according to stats.dasanfall) accuracy and HSR on at least one auraxiumed weapon
    • never accept revives or use medkits/regenkits
    • only iron sights allowed, if available
    A requirement for time played is not a challenge. It's just an arbitrary, tedious task.

    Playing infiltrator isn't any harder than playing other classes IMO, as far as certs per hour is concerned. If I'm spamming darts and playing aggressively, I get roughly the same certs per hour as with any other infantry class.

    Using SC to buy weapons is not a challenge, beacuse if you're going to Auraxium every weapon for that class, you'll have PLENTY of certs to afford buying all the weapons with certs.
  11. Tommyp2006

    I would say more for those who want a challenge, break the normal mold of what you do every day. Tanker? Try flying. Infantry? Try tanking, etc. Put yourself outside of your comfort zone. Could also say this for weapon auraxiums too. Trying to get auraxium medals for every weapon really forces you to change up your playstyle.
  12. Yuukikun

    A challenge is something that's hard to do. Farming for hundreds of hours is not hard, just boring as hell.
  13. WyrdHarper

    Not quite to BR100 yet, but I'm getting there.
  14. z1967

    Better challenge:

    Play a shooter game, without actually shooting anyone.

    -No shots can be fired (or at least any that hit anything)
    -You cannot kill and you cannot assist in killing with a weapon
    -You may use any class that you deem fit for this task, but Heavy Assault and Light Assault are going to be the hardest
    -Vehicles are allowed, but you have to lock your guns so no passengers fire (so you are either AMS or vehicle support. Sorry Skywhales)
    -You may accidently kill a friendly since that kinda stuff happens. But killing an enemy means you failed.
    -NC are the only ones allowed to use MAXes because of the shield

    -Get to BR30 using only the recon dart and/or motion spotter
    -Get to BR10 by only spotting enemies
    -Get to BR100 using any of the support methods
    -Get to BR30 using only AMS spawning (to get the 50 certs for AMS you have to make the account and then wait for enough passive certs)
    -Get to BR50 using only engineer
    -Get to BR50 using only Medic

    (optional, but heavily encouraged) Naming Conventions: