
Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by xXepicnesXx, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Obuw

    They should have made it a bolt action sniper rifle with a large magazine and a spin-up mechanic. :rolleyes:
  2. Crayv

    If it's gonna be a odd burst fire scout rifle at least make it arguably the best scout rifle in the game the like Railjack is arguably the best BASR in the game.
  3. Lightwolf

    Argue convincingly the Railjack is the best BASR in the game. You really can't. But the trap is the most versatile sniper/scout in the game, you just can't three shot burst all over the damn place.
  4. Haquim

    I propably shouldn't argue when a Vanu wants to buff my stuff ;).
    But that would result in bodyshot OHK, and we don't want that i think.
  5. Neo3602

    I think that the TRAP should be kept as it and when SOE gets around to releasing empire specific Scout rifles they should change the TRAP's weapon category to Scout Rifle and release a sniper rifle for the TR along side the scout rifles for the NC and VS, it would be the reverse of what happened with the empire specific sniper rifle release.
  6. DatVanuMan

    One hit kill? Not exactly. There is a refire time of 1.
  7. Crayv

    Except it is so terrible that the semi autos end up being better at basically all ranges. I have seen more VS using their ****** sniper rifle than I have TR using their ****** scout rifle and the VS rifle is trash. Meanwhile the Vandal continues to be seen on occasion.

    The Railjack is arguably the best BASR in the game. When shooting at a moving target you don't have to lead nearly as much, the only time you need to effectively "lead more" is if you just sit your crosshairs on a point and wait for the enemy to move over it.

    When shooting at stationary targets the fact that it has less drop is more meaningful than the time to reach the target, as it means you are less likely to miss your first shot due to miscalculating the drop (and therefor warning the target and giving away your position).
  8. Lightwolf

    you're conveniently forgetting the ~.2 second delay before firing.

    I've seen a fair number of TR using the trap. Why? Because versatility.
  9. Goliath Mk2

    The TRAP is a beast, the trick is to never have it on single shot (first shot recoil is just bad) have it on 3 round burst if you plan to CQC alot and I would never recomend that (it's not an smg!, have you seen the size of that barrel?) , other than that always keep it on 2 round burst. Run with AMS 4x and a Forward Grip.

    That recoil some of you are complaining about, doesn't even matter. The two shots from you 2 round burst always go to where you are pointing and the recoil recovery is fast enough so that they will always go to where you are pointing.

    As a sniper rifle "it's a short range one", as battle rifle or scout rifle "it's the best"
    Don't get too close to any class and don't get too far away from snipers and remember that cloak is your friend, keep it well fed with certs don't go bad mouthing something that's actually a very good weapon.

    I also recommend Ammo Pounch for the suit and the Inquisitor or the Emperor for the secondary and don't go camping with it that's how all snipers end up dead 87% of the time.
  10. OldMaster80

    Agreed the trap m1 is probably the worst weapon I've seen since beta. Not saying you can't get a decent k/d but the old automatic scout rifle is more deadly. Mustarde reported this when the rifle had been introduced.
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  11. Flea6.8

    What if the trap retained the semi and 2-round burst, but gained full auto instead of 3 round burst?

    I know i personally might consider the rifle decent at that point. Even with the small mag.
  12. starlinvf

    I wanna draw attention to the actual root of the issue, and thats the design of ALL the burst weapons. Burst fire is supposed to improve accuracy, making the few shots more efficient.

    But because of the how TTKs weigh so heavily in a fire fight, and the fact that most burst weapons have worse accuracy then controlled auto fire, with lower DPS to boot, they are all severely lacking. The only good examples of DMRs in the game is the SABR and TRAP.... both for different reasons, and both pale in comparison to most auto fire weapons.

    The SABR is the only gun to have a sub 1x first shot multiplier. This allows it to group shots well, and take advantage of its slightly higher damage tier. The TRAP is semi-viable only because of its 184 damage tier.

    The .75 FSM should be standard on all burst weapons, higher basic velocity, and keeping their current ADS CoF. The absolute irony is that I do far better using the bursts as hip fire weapons then I ever do ADS, due to their terrible grouping.
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  13. OldMaster80

    I don't care about the "what if" , I care about how the rifle is today: pure ****. I don't see how it can be called "a beast" because if the TRAP is a beast then any other weapon in the game can be called like that. A sniper rifle that has less damage and less range than a scout rifle is not versatile and has no niche, it's just pure garbage and devs should feel ashamed to put such a weapon in the game. And call it sniper rifle.

    The idea behind the TRAP is that you should be able to switch between the 3 modes passing from a single shot accurated sniper rifle to a close quarter weapon. Versatility should be the key, TRAP M-1 should be a weapon for every situation but not excelling in any. Instead we have a weapon that's it's useless in single bullet mode and it's underperforming in the other modes.
    The only way to fix it is to HUGELY increase damage because killing in single shot is basically impossible. I dare anyone here to play only in single-shot more and actually manage to kill some enemies: the TR stock pistol TX1 Repeater deals 112 damage x3 = 336. TRAP M1 deals 167 damage in single mode, you need 6 shots to kill a target...
    And they should slightly increase recoil in 2 - 3 burst so you can use those only when you're closer.

    Maybe only the Striker is worse.
  14. xXepicnesXx

    First things first


    I posted something about the new ES pistols that we are about to receive in the Roadmap
    It is worth a read

    *the NC will receive a Shotgun secondary*
    I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!

    That aside The TRAP-M1 is just pure bull

    I noticed that the NC get everything good mainly because the ones that are lower than BR 30 are 12 year olds that want to complain about a slightly OP faction that they think is underpowered and they are all the NC that actually roam the Forums now provided a few exceptions
  15. _itg

    Unlike you, who are too mature to complain about your faction's weapons...
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  16. xXepicnesXx

    I am actually the one who started this thread for your information
  17. ShotgunGuru

    Why don't you guys get good at using it at 2x Burst, there was one guy who Auraxiumed it in a month.
  18. Maljas23

    I aurx'd pretty quickly. I still think it sucks ***. Vandel > TRAP in pretty much any situation. There is just never a time where I think to myself: "Damn! I wish I had the TRAP M1 right now!"

    Basically, if you plan on using this weapon at all, you better be able to headshot constantly. 3x Burst refire rate is just too slow in CQC, unless you headshot. Garbage weapon, imo.
  19. OldMaster80

    We're not saying the TRAP can't be auraxiumed. The problem is this weapon has no niche nor reason to exist: you can do some kills but you could do much better with basically every other scout rifle of the TR armory.

    Imho the biggest advantage of the TRAP is that when suppressed it basically makes no sound. First time I used that I thought it was a bug as I couldn't even hear it lol.
    Said that I want to give it another chance. I slapped the foregrip on that and testing different loadouts, maybe even the single bullet mode can be ok when you quickly tap on mouse button? We'll see.
  20. _itg

    I know and it's not relevant. Based on your response, I'm not sure you got my intent, so I'll explain it: I was calling you out for writing a post that was every bit as childish as the theoretical NC 12-year-olds. If you want to complain about your weapons, I don't have a problem with it--heck, that's half the fun of the forum--but don't think *your* complaints are all legit, while everyone else is just whining.

    For the record, I don't claim the TRAP is good. Again, it's beside the point.