Error NBE-1013

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by drizzaa, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Oridruin

    At least im not the only one, I was about to make this post. :p I saw it happen ages ago but they just waited until soe fixed it
  2. VisualEyeson

    Yes, I am getting the same thing.
  3. Lucas

    Yup. Did a quick search here, the last time it happened everyone got affected.
  4. 1Fuzzy

    Me too. :(
    Just wanted to restart the game because my fps started getting low and then this happened.

    Interestingly, when i logged out from the character i was playing it didn't bring me to the character selection but immediately closed the game.

    Also a friend of mine is still able to launch the game.
  5. ganmerk

    Happened to me last week and couldn't log in for 20 minutes. But my friend who was connected to my lan at the time could. Today, we both can't log in.
  6. Oridruin

    I think it slowly spreads and effects everyone sooner or later
  7. Doom Nukem

    Sweet, paying for membership and game is broken during the members only double experience weekend.
  8. Oridruin

    I need to kill vanu!
  9. 4Unruly

    I was online earlier and logged off to try to get the ns-11p code to work at the website since it didn't work in game, and now i can't log back in. Can't log into my account on the website either.
  10. Lucas

    First Stage: Denial
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  11. theShadowedOne

    I also got the error when I tried to launch. Tried logging out, now I can't log back in.
    All I have to say now is: HAAAAAAAAAAAAALP.
  12. MasonSTL

  13. sithlord9849

    Same! Logged out to change graphics settings and it won't let me back in!
  14. AkatesinomuraPC

    Does ANYONE else been having the same issue/has a fix for this?
    A few hours ago I was playing planetside without any problems then now it won't open the game, as soon as a I press the Play button on the Launcher it gives me this error and a link to a "Not Avaliable" page.
  15. YamiNoTenshi

    Getting the same, needs my double XPs!
  16. Saclo

    Same. Get home from work expecting to use the 3hrs i have left on my boost. nope ; ;.
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  17. cdavis13

    SOE, are you there?
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  18. Zakuak

    Yep same here
  19. Botji

    Same ~ ~ ~ ~
  20. 1Fuzzy

    that "click here" link in the launcher for this error should be updated sometime. It leads to a dead page. ;)
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