European MergerSmash

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by krokolop, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Regpuppy

    Looks like it's pretty much first come first serve, from my experience with it. My only beef is that if an outfit gets there early, they're allowed to monopolize more than 6 slots. For something like this, no one outfit should be able to take more than six slots unless it looks like other outfits aren't going to fill those slots.

    This was an issue in the Waterson/Matherson smash, at least for the Waterson side. We had a few outfits taking more than their fair share, so we had some otherwise good outfits that contributed on the live server not being represented at all.
  2. Tito


    mee for merged server
  3. krokolop

    Tito, you killed me today, when I was using cloak. Remember?
  4. andy_m

    Thanks for the reddit links. First time I have seen them. I suppose I must have been looking in the wrong place.

    By the way... I just don't like that reddit format. But if it's what you kiddies are doing nowadays I suppose I had better get with it...
  5. St0mpy

    Likewise, Woodman as a name would suck so bad :p
  6. Vikingo

    Although I wouldnt call myself a kiddie being a decade or two too old for it, reddit indeed seems to be the social hub for most gaming communities nowdays, being able to set up your own sub reddit has that effect I guess.

    To be honest I am not to fond of that format either but it has the function of up vote and down vote which makes it more attractive then old style forums.
    After a year and a half on forumside observing my first "I blame my arsenal being UP for my own lack of performance" thread on reddit being downvoted and relegated to the bowels of the internet had me 100% sold.
  7. Sovereign533

    The teams are made up with outfits represending the servers. So if you're in an outfit on one of those servers then ask your outfit leader for a place.
  8. Dotz0r

    You all know that SOE has nothing to do with Server Smash right? - For all those people on here blaming SOE for not posting news etc on here...
    • Up x 1
  9. ShadowyN

    Yes, an event that will determine the new, permanent name of a game world has nothing to do with SOE...
    • Up x 1
  10. andy_m

    I was asking my son about reddit last night and he said exactly the same thing. I therefore need to at least find out where the Planetside peeps post. I am assuming that there is a main Planetside 2 "subreddit."

    I might not take part in the forums much, just a sarcastic jibe, or a stupid question here and there, but I come to these forums for all the latest game information.

    Sorry if I offended anyone for calling them kiddies. To me, anyone that is thirty six and younger is a "kiddie."