Why does this game make me so angry?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gunnner10, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. gunnner10

    I like the maps, I like my teammates, I like the competitiveness. Why do I feel this sense of unfairness in the game? is it due to lag? I just feel I don't get the kills I should, and I get killed easier than I should. Just trying to figure this out.
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  2. Rtwpygbzstpqacihfd

    Yeah I am the same way sometimes but you have your good days and your bad days. There's a lot of strategy involved too, like knowing where the enemy is going to go (usually capture points and generators) or which path they will take (use claymores, tank mines) and then selecting the most appropriate class and employing a strategy even if only for a couple minutes until you die. You gotta keep changing tactics constantly and keep aware of everything that's going on. Regarding weapons too, use the trial feature to see which weapons work best for you. I personally bought nearly all guns and find each has its own specific niche/purpose. There are a few cheaters so if you shoot someone and when you die notice no damage just go somewhere else and avoid them. Ultimately once you get some good weapons with upgrades and start getting good kill streaks here and there you should see things differently. The game is basically a challenge. Good luck :)
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  3. Captain Kid

    I get the same but I call it frustration. I play for a few weeks then quit in a fit of rage and don't play for several months. Actually the only reason I came back is Hossin.
    It's like every time I get outgunned. Most my deaths are from tanks, snipers, C4 and other "random" deaths.
    I go heavy but get killed by a light assault I didn't see. I go engineer I get killed by a infiltrator I didn't see. OR I run into a max.
    When I finally do face enemy infantry in a head up "fair" fight somehow they kill me in a split second while it takes me half a clip.

    I can not get used to the weapons either. To much cone of fire and recoil. I can't hit a moving target period.
    (I do/did quite al right in other shooters; I frequently was top player in public Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory or Team Fortress 2)

    It's also due to map knowledge, every planet has 50 bases and they all look alike. so most of the time I run around like a headless chicken.

    Add on that the delay and chunkiness for EVERY action and my enjoyment goes down the drain.

    I already feel a long break coming up again. yesterday there was a huge outdoor fight between bases and I felt absolutely useless.
    Go engineer. But there is nothing to do besides repairing and placing ammo kits.
    Go heavy. I run out of AV rockets very fast and get sniped while trying to get a lock. Most rockets end up in trees or walls anyway.
    I can't snipe myself and don't have the certs to deck out vehicles.
    Running around spamming sensor darts gets old fast as well.

    I think a lot of players feel the same and that's why this game is not as popular as you would expect from a next gen looking mmofps.
  4. Kalivix

    1. Snipers, OHK from miles away with no possible way to prevent it..

    2. Tanks, if you aint a heavy you just die and even as a heavy you most likely die, all you can do is pull a tank of your own after you die

    3. Air, even worse as you can't just pull air to deal with it as you need to cert them to hell to be useful and lock on rockets do so little they'll kill you WAY before you do anything to em.

    4. Stealth, people popping up behind you and killing you in 2 seconds flat is not fun.

    5. Zergs, is never fun to have no possible way to win because the other faction has a huge pop advantage

    6. Running into shotgun people inside or running into people outside while your using a shotgun, inside shotguns 1 shot you which drives you insane, if you use a shotgun and end up outside you die.

    Basically a load of VERY annoying things, most of it can be countered but only after you already die to it and theres no possible way to be safe from it all, you just need to accept you'll often die with no possible way to prevent it.
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  5. hansgrosse

    It probably comes down to circumstance. There are days when I'm on the ball and feel pretty much invincible, and then there are those frustrating days where I seem to make all the wrong moves at all the wrong times and just end up getting roflstomped over and over.

    Being mad happens sometimes. Just the nature of the game. :p
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  6. Drol

    It could boil down to a false sense of self ability - we all do it, we have a good day and that becomes our new standard. The next time we play, we play to our natural standard, but that is a bit worse than we played yesterday - this makes us frustrated/angry because it's worse than our believed standard we have now set ourselves.

    So don't be so hard on yourself and you might enjoy it more often :)
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  7. MorganM

    A lot of my sentiments are expressed above. I love this game but I swear at it now and then in frustration. Usually I mutter "that was total bull $#!7 " or "No F'n way..." Usually when I put half a mag into someone and die in what feels like 3 hits.

    Then again I find myself sending tells to people fairly regularly saying we had a good fight, nice move, well played.

    I wouldn't keep coming back if the game wasn't fun. The constant challenges do keep it interesting.
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  8. Yaesu

    There's no skill, or lack there of, about it. Circumstance? No. There nothing more frustrating than putting your sights on someone, clicking, and getting no, or very little, hit registration. Or playing and having some wimp infiltrator stealth up from behind you, getting a 1 or 2 shot kill. Getting kill by 1 or 2 shots from a shotgun, after you shot better than 10 shots into them with a carbine.

    Fed up of it, I canceled my membership. A way of letting SOE know, until they fix it, it's NOT worth spending money on. I hope they fix it some day.
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  9. Zakuak

    Drol and Hansgrosse nailed it for me.

    Some days I can feel the tempo of the battle as it unfolds, I have a finger on its pulse so to speak. On those days I know what to do and when to do it, I am spinning around corners taking out small 2-3 man groups in the flank and just feeling like my situational awareness is unparalleled.

    I have days where I am getting mowed down left and right. I do not mind playing bullet sponge to press on to a point provided I have the back up to keep pushing but sometimes I turn a corner and get a SMG in the back, I run out a door and get a bullet to the dome from across the map, My squad and I rush a room and get MAX crashed all the way back to our Sundy..I unload (yes in bursts) on a dude and not a single bullet hits, I can see that my aims just millimeters off to the right on those days, I try to correct but end up spraying pretty circle patterns around the target lol...

    The bad days, I curse and kick and scream in fits of rage until I end up loggin off.

    Kinda ironic this thread started from a BR 100 Vanu....easymode got you down? :D

    Vanu STANK! haha =P
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  10. Plunutsud pls

    I wish more people would use lock-ons (they're only 250 certs) instead of letting air units farm with impunity.

    I often find myself being the only one shooting at aircraft even when there's dozens of allies around.

    Tanks are fine, they can't even get close to farm because of all the dumbfires around.

    The infantry game is fine too. Yes it lags but I've played smaller shooters with more lag.

    HA shield still needs a nerf though, I can get a good score even with the Lasher, all thanks to the shield.
  11. miraculousmouse

    jiust becuse you atre good or are fightng nooby players doesn't mean it needs a nerf. You only get like 3 extra hits, a semi competant player aiming for the chest/head will kill you.
  12. Kalivix

    The shield does not need a nerf its easy to kill them with it on as long as you don't miss as we have the worst guns, they do everything in a average way so are outperformed at pretty much every range (well NC ones do anyway)

    As for air I use to shoot air but I got bored of it as it takes about 5-6 rockets to kill a ESF who just uses flares then flys away to quickly to shoot the second rocket at them. I'm trying skyguards now but if a lib comes its just suicide as they tank buster you in about 2 seconds. The only real counter to air is air or getting your entire platoon to switch to heavy.
  13. Plunutsud pls

    3 extra hits from what?

    It's more like 8 hits from most small arms.
  14. Lamat

    Sounds like you are suffering from "Vanu's Taint" it's the Auraxian version of "Montezuma's Revenge"
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  15. Blackinvictus

    Exactly, when its good its damn good and when its sh*t, boy howdy is it ever SH*T!!

    Part of the reason I keep coming back, lol
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  16. SikVvVidiT

    This post right here pretty much sums up the problem with Planetside 2. In Planetside one we had similar issues yet we had a way to counter them due to the game mechanics being a lot differen. One major item that for some reason was left out of this version of Planetside was back packs, which allowed us to hot swap items out on the the fly to deal with things that would arise on the battle field.

    Here is what I mean

    1. Snipers.. In PS1 if you where taking Sniper fire and you where stuck running around with a short range weapon, if you had the proper load out you could dig in your back pack and switch to a weapon with a little more range. Also PS1 didn't have 1 shot sniper kills.

    2. Tanks : Ran into a tank while grunting in PS1? No problem, dig into your backpack on the fly and toss a jammer grenade at the tank. Jammer grenades locked up the vehicles weapons for a short period of time.. Allowing you to possibly escape or do some damage.

    3. Air: Taking air fire while your running around with your rifle? No problem dig into your backpack and pull out a flak rocket launcher or Flak spitfire turrent launcher to give that pesky flyboy a harder time.

    4. Steath : backpack was really no use here, unless you wanted to toss plasma grenades around in hopes of one burning the cloaker. But PS1 had a implant called darklight that allowed you to flicker off and on to check for cloaked characters. PS1 also had 3rd person view for a long time, before they nerfed it.

    5. Zergs : With the low ttk and ability for anyone to cert into healing themselves. To go along with indoor battles that could not be camped by Tanks/Air. This allowed smaller forces in Planetside 1 to fend off the larger zergs very often.

    6. Shotgun equipped : Simple just hot swap to a medium ranged weapon straight from you backpack.

    Bottom line is that PS1 gave us a lot more options which produced a lot less needless stress. I hardly ever ragged in that game, I rage often in this one...Only reason why I left is because there is pretty much nothing out there that I think is worth playing atm.
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  17. Keldrath

    Because whenever you are having fun in the game, some tanker, or lolpodder, or bulldog battle gal, shows up to put and end to it.
  18. iBlaBlaBla

    Because ESF's are too OP ?
  19. LordTankT9

    Base design makes me angry, it's makes no logic for a fortifications. Whoever made them gone space crazy...
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  20. Kalivix

    The design is pretty weird....

    "we've developed a shield that stops people passing through it!"

    "My god thats brilliant we can stop people entering our base with no problems! victory will be ours!!"

    "Where should we put it?"

    "Meh put it outside the shield in the open somewhere"
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