Hossin - impossible to Lock-on aircraft

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by patrykK1028, Jul 17, 2014.

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  1. patrykK1028

    On Hossin it's impossible to lock-on to ESFs or Liberators because of all these trees and even if I lock, my rocket always hits the tree. This is making aircraft completely OP on this continent
  2. boobeb

    Because you didn't see They crashed into the tree
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  3. vsae

    Use dumbfire rocket launcher.
  4. GhostAvatar

    Yes, it does increase their survivability. But honestly I have been in very few battles where air has played any real role in the fight on the ground. You see, it works both ways. Increased survivability, reduced effectiveness. The only thing OP is the actual trees themselves.
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  5. Hibiki54

    Hard to be in real battles when you're ghost capping. Just sayin'.
  6. patrykK1028

    Dumbfire on ESFs flying 300 kmh and making this weird maneuvers? No, thanks
  7. FrankHH

    That's kinda the point of Hossin
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  8. vsae

    why would you want to shoot down an ESF that is flying 300kmh? I can hardly imagine said ESF would be a danger for you.
    Hovering ESFs are easy too down with dumbfires.
  9. Silus

    Or, if you're already a heavy, light it up with a LMG.
  10. swisscowboy

    usless whine thread! Take an ESF, Skyguard, Burster Max to counter! or take a galaxy and ram it (really funny).
  11. Larolyn

    If it is above the canopy it is otherwise engaged and cannot harm you.

    If it is below the canopy it is in range of dumbfires and putting itself at great risk.

    If it is flying past at 300 kph it isn't your problem. It's leaving.

    If you're getting farmed by air on Hossin you really, really need to practice dumbfiring more.

    Deci is king on Hossin. Lockons are craptacular.
  12. DrPapaPenguin

    Yeah, it's a real shame. It's a real shame that the aircraft can't see my Skyguard from 50 metres away through the trees, but I can just fire at their icons and there's very little they can do about it.

    TL;DR Trees OP, need more trees plees.
  13. Rtwpygbzstpqacihfd

    True but there are 4 continents and only 1 which is no good for lock ons, and after spending nearly 2 years making it I don't think anything is gonna change man. I find skyguards work quite well, or getting out your own aircraft.
  14. hansgrosse

    Bursters, Skyguard, dumbfire rockets, small arms (versus ESF), tank guns, other aircraft...

    There are plenty of AA options out there. If lock-ons aren't feasible, pick another.
  15. GhostAvatar

    Are you saying that all I do is ghost cap?
  16. Morti

    Would be great if the lock on rockets flew straight forward for 50m before tracking the lock.

    It's kinda sad TKing the guy just in front of me cause the ESF was flying downward ;(
  17. libbmaster

    Their not going 300km and doing maneuvers when they're trying to hit you, most certainly not hitting you through the canopy.

    In fact on Hossin, more so than any other continent, ESF's have to get lower and slower to achieve kills.

    But I get the feeling you already knew that.
  18. DG-MOD-04

    Please make sure all threads and posts are constructive on this forum.
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