Do you find any part of this game perplexing or hard to master?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kimble, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. Kimble

    What class, vehicle, or playstyle is hardest to master in this game? Highest skill cap?

    Do you have a strong opinion? Something you try and is very hard to do well at?
  2. Corporate Thug

    Face punching is very hard to master as infantry. And not just getting a head shot on a person, but seeing a squad of dudes and simultaneously punching all of them in the face.
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  3. TheShrapnelKing

    Well, aircraft. But then again I never was any good at flying.

    In terms of things I actually do every day, getting headshots. Everyday I run across people who consistently plant headshots on me with automatic weapons from dozens of meters away. I can't ever do it. Oh, and CQB hip-fire twitch shooting. I'm not a good enough shot nor are my reflexes good enough to make me as effective at point blank range as I am at a distance.
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  4. TriumphantJelly

    Aircraft, Magriders, Flashes.
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  5. Zombekas

    Forumside has proven to be the most perplexing... :confused:
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  6. Rhumald

    Commanding the masses effectively, takes a whole lotta work, co-operation, and personal sacrifice.
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  7. PurpleBeefer

    I cant infrantryside to save my life, even with HA IWIN button i cant do it :eek:. mainly its getting headshotted as well, seem to always go down faster than my counterparts. i try to not overextend catch people ofguard but sometimes even then they turn and plop im dead first. i needs to get more pro at headshotting..with my lasher LOL.

    not as good with ESF as id like to be, though i think of myself as average maybe sub par, i find myself doing ok if not good at liberator piloting. flying cow ftw.
  8. Corporate Thug

    You just have to keep doing the things that you are uncomfortable with until you are comfortable. There are different styles, some like to aim for the upper chest and let the recoil land head shots for them, where I like to start at the head and get some good damage in before they start strafing, crouching or whatever wizardry they do on my crappy comp and then land the more consistent chest shots to finish them off.
  9. DrPapaPenguin

    The dogfighting in the ESF. But only because I don't try :p I've long since given up on that, A2G is much more profitable. Other than that I don't think there's anything particularly challenging, if you put your mind and common sense first.
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  10. Zotamedu

    Air is impossible. The only thing I can reliably hit is the ground. I can sort of get myself from point A to point B in a mossie as long as the skies are clear and as long as I can just eject as a LA and don't have to do a proper landing.
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  11. Jawarisin

    Air and CQC sniping. Both are pretty darn harsh.
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  12. eldarfalcongravtank

    ESF dogfighting, shot-knife combo, dalton sniping ESFs
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  13. andy_m

    I find pretty much anything other than sniping very hard to master.

    Okay, Medic and Engi classes can be kind of "easy" to play, in certain situations, but I can't admit to really playing them properly.

    Anything other than walking and running is a complete mystery to me.

    Sniping kind of suits my pace. Anything else is to fast and I panic too much and therefore die quickly.
  14. LodeTria

    Getting all shots to land at beyond 50 meters. I've seen some people do it as if they was is less than 20 but I dunno how you do it. Even burst firing doesn't bring people down as I have been.
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  15. BlackDove

    All the stupid changes. Put it back to how it was in 2012.
  16. LordTankT9

    Yeah... Lag's, glitches, weird hit boxes and draw distance - those things are menace to master.
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  17. volth

    Agree and memory leaks, FPS drops :)
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  18. JudgeNu

    Why do you ask?
  19. DorianOmega

    Leadership, Aircraft, Using weapons with a DPS disadvantage.

    But honestly this games skill ceiling doesnt even come close to some other games like good old fashioned quake style games like Quake 3 Arena or TF2; bunny hop mastery, pogoing, air shots, and mastery of the game's collision system overall are things you dont even need to think about in this game.
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  20. BillHaverchuck

    A2A and A2G without dying in a few minutes