What the NC are hiding from the rest of us Auraxians

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GantryPengy380, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. RyanGUK

    I initially read the thread title as "What are the NC hiding from us?" and my instant response would be all the teamkillers.

    They will get their freedom in due course.

    btw yeah, TR was the main body and NC was the first splinter group of that republic. After which the Vanu splintered off in search of science, NC were like whoa science? that doesnt sound like freedom and got super annoyed and everybody started shooting eachother THE END.
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  2. Epic High Five

    You flatter me :3

    Let's not sugar-coat anything - the VS are an extremely suspicious transhumanist cult. Given TR-levels of power I'm not sure what they'd do, which is why the NC are always keeping their eyes on them. Just like how the VS are constantly worried that the NC will go full-blown robber baron mode. Just like how Batman has backup plans capable of killing every member of the Justice League in case they ever go rogue. Because Batman's an *******, and so is everybody else on Auraxis

    Plus, what group has ever had a mantra along the lines of, "what we're doing will result in a superior human race!" that DIDN'T end up going down as one of history's greatest monsters? :p
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  3. EnsignPistol

    I don't know about you guys. I was just a humble Catholic missionary under my father, running an orphanage on Indar for all five of the orphans of the Auraxis War when armed Terran Republic soldiers in distinctly Spanish Empire-motif uniforms broke down our door demanding back-taxes on the mission's wine output (never mind that we didn't actually have vineyards). When my father protested, one man brutally stabbed him with his unimplemented chainblade bayonet in front of the children and left him for dead! When I rush to my dying father's side he weakly tells me, over the still-echoing laughter of the soldiers, that he had protested against the heavy taxation against nonexistent ethnic agricultural output by the Alcalde ordinario of the Terran Republic, a heartless man who cares little for the fates of children.

    Such despair was mine to have my father wrested from me at point of bayonet! But in my despair, Maria would incite me to turn this sorrow into righteous fury, to strike at the enemies of justice! Donning a blue and gold mask of divinely-inspired design, that evildoers would not know who it was who tormented them, I would seek to avenge my father's death as....

  4. Paragon Exile

    So much for his rule of not killing anyone, that bastard.

    Still, being the killer of Superman would be quite the title.

    Well, the Vanu aren't interested in forced eugenics, they just want to murder those in the TR and NC that oppo... yeah they're in favour of forced eugenics.

    I don't recall them ever saying that they'll kill people that don't convert though, the worst I've heard is "We must annihilate the ignorance that stands in our way" referring to the armed NC and TR combatants. I don't think the VS has ever done anything against civilians in the lore, since they're trying to uplift them.
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  5. Codex561

  6. CrazyCanadian24

    >Mfw everyone confusing Vanu the alien race with the Vanu Sovereignty


    *Sigh* You people give me a headache...

  7. FillyFluttershy

    Lol, how is this "Gameplay discussion?"

    Being a rebel doesn't mean you're a bad guy if it's for the right reason. I haven't read this game's lore at great length, so I don't know exactly how oppressive the TR supposedly were that the NC decided to break off, but everyone knows absolute power corrupts absolutely, so if that's what TR demands over its citizens then it seems like toxic leadership to me. I'd rather be a free citizen with rights that can make his own destiny (to an extent) than a sheeple living in a police state where the government tells me how many sheets of TP I get to use on my bathroom supply ration card.

    Anyone who wants massive control over your life "for your benefit" is someone you should be extremely wary of.

    But coming back to reality, if there's like a quick lore lesson to show exactly what TR gov't is like that someone would like to link or tell me about I'm all ears. Maybe they aren't so bad.
  8. Sagabyte

    Professional Military seeking ORDER
    Freedom Fighters seeking FREEDOM
    Transhumanist Legion seeking ASCENSION

    Pick one.

    Alternatively, Forumside users have a friendlier format.

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  9. Regpuppy

    Ugh, combination of people getting the lore wrong or going off the PS1 lore and faction flavor text (the faction flavor text contradicts most of the lore they released afterward. It's heavily based in PS1 lore, and can't be taken as canon)

    There really isn't any, other than some vague notion about it basically being a military state. (200 years of martial law) During the period from colonization to the full scale war, there's very little lore.
  10. CrazyCanadian24

    #1 problem with Planetside lore: there is, as near as makes no difference, none.
  11. ColonelChingles

    At least according to one NC Sargent, the current TR policies leading up to the war include:
    All curfews that were put into effect during the space trip, except made worse
    No meetings of more than three or more people (families excluded)
    Imprisonment and execution without trial

    So that's at least what the NC believe as of June 21, 2845.
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  12. Shadowomega

    Part of me always wondered what would happen with on the TR side of things if people actually saw the truth that their current leadership had the Original leadership assassinated, and all this restrictive actions over the last 200 years is nothing more then a power play. I wouldn't be surprised if the TR's top brass post Auraxis plans involve going back to earth and taking over there.

    NC's likely post Auraxis plans likely would be mass production of cheaply/Shoddy made goods on Auraxis, then sent to earth and sold at massive mark up. That car that cost you 30,000 Dollars and 15,000 to make, it will still cost you 25,000, but cost 50 dollars to produce. Then once the competition can't compete and close down that 25k dollar car is now a 50k dollar car.

    VS likely post Auraxis plans would be similar to the NC, however that car likely wouldn't cost anything as everyone could just spawn in a vehicle when ever they needed to.

    Best way to sum up the races would be using the factions from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri;

    TR= Spartans Federation, a pinch of the Lords Believes (Aggressive, Pushy), Human Hive (Totalitarian Government/Police State)
    NC= Morgan Industries, a pinch of Spartan Federation (the Militaristic Part), Free Drones (Working Class)
    VS= University of Planet, pinch of Gaia's Stepdaughters (Ecological minded),
  13. MuNrOe

    What I want to know is if sony with the release of planetside 2 will continue the storyline ? An event or something. Mabey the aliens return and all three empires have to work together to defeat them because they are hostile ? A new map with AI ? Caves ?
  14. hansgrosse

    A concise timeline, as I understand it:

    --> Bad things happen in space. Who was ultimately responsible for some of the more significant events is very open to debate.
    --> The fleet population votes in favor of temporary martial law as a safeguard against further disaster, with the TR's promise that martial law would be lifted when the fleet found a suitable planet to land on and colonize.
    --> The fleet makes planetfall on Auraxis. The TR refuses to honor their promise to end martial law.
    --> The NC decide to take up arms against the TR to force them to end martial law.

    The way I see it, the NC are (mostly) in the right here. Let's also not forget that Auraxis' current citizens are several generations removed from the original settlers; their goals and motivations are almost certainly far removed from those of the original TR, NC, and VS. Current NC citizens seem to truly want freedom (though perhaps to such an extent as to be detrimental to the overall well-being of their people), and I'm not convinced they're still ruled by a corporate oligarchy so much as just heavily culturally influenced by their corporate roots.
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  15. Shadoiex

    ...you left out the part about Martial Law on the ships.
  16. M2_Bradley

  17. Regpuppy

    Yup, this is pretty much ALL we have to go on. We only know that said restrictions haven't been lifted since colonization. When you consider how long of a timespan this is, it's pretty messed up. There's no real justification for Martial Law for that long.

    It's probably what grew NC numbers to formidable numbers. Otherwise, people would've given in to pragmatism and just looked the other way.

    You forgot that one. :p
  18. FillyFluttershy

    Seems to me that the NC are as close to "good guys" as this game has, then. I didn't realize TR was as extreme as they are. Used to think they were pretty much the good guys since they wanted to reunite the factions and contact Earth. Sounds like a government from Hell, though.
  19. GantryPengy380

    All because Brent Waterson was a power-hungry bastard and secretly assassinated Tom Connery and blamed it on the NC to MAKE the Terran government the way it was.