Shotguns are Planetside's "Noob Tube"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dBus, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. dBus

    Right now, the most OP weapons in the game are the shotguns. If you are within 10 meters of someone, and you have a shotgun, it is trivially easy to kill them. Not just easy, TRIVIALLY easy.

    They are a "no skill" weapon. You just aim at the body and either click once or spam away. There is no need to pace your shots or aim for the head, and they will have no chance to retaliate.

    This is what makes them the Noob Tube of Planetside:
    • Massive Damage
    • No chance for enemy to retaliate before they die
    • Extremely simple to use
    Yes, they have short range. But if you are inside a building, or if you run around a corner and bump into an enemy, they are far and away the best weapons. They are too good. All of them, doesn't matter if it's a Mauler or a Jackhammer.

    But it's a very simple fix to make them balanced: Decrease damage per shot, but dramatically reduce the spread. Right now, firing a shotgun is like using the Flak Cannon in Unreal, the shots go everywhere. Just tighten the spread so that it is possible to hit targets at range. This will also make it so that people actually have to aim with the shotguns.

    Tightening the spread and reducing damage will make them more skill based, making them not so trivially easy to get kills with, and hopefully stopping them from being such skill-less wonderweapons.
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  2. NC supporter

    Sir this is planetside not arma, people like shotguns besides MURICA.
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  3. Udnknome

    You may not like the tactic, but it is an optional tactic all the same. Shotguns are so situational that they are currently only OP effective when combined with ESP hack or Motion Sensor. The second version at least requires team play the first is bannable eventually.

    If you are so good at aiming, why are you this close to a shotgun. You get the same TTK at this distance if you fire 2 shots to the head and knife. I think it is not that shotguns are OP, it's that most people don't know how to overcome the shortcomings of their loadout.
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  4. Jbrain

    I feel that heavies using anti vehicle rockets against infantry are worse than shotguns have ever been.
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  5. Scr1nRusher

    Shotguns are fine right now, they have a came a long way since the beta shotguns.

    Also..... Enough with this false concept.

    out of 100 deaths how many were from rockets?

    You don't see every HA running around with the rocket out against infantry, because its stupid,inefficient, and rarely happens at all.

    BTW...... When someone uses "I feel" to start off a opinion its because its not based on facts its based on personal bias and option and agenda.

    Also The OP is definitely a call of duty player.
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  6. Whatupwidat

    I thought the noob tube was Planetsides "noob tube?"

    Or am i just /that/ dense?
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  7. Scr1nRusher

    no your just trying to use logic to comprehend forumside.
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  8. Maelthra

    Nah. The noob tube got nerfed so hard no one uses it anymore, therefore no one complains about it.
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  9. Jaedrik

    No, he's not... At least not a reasonable one.

    As for the reasonable ones, formerly me, we know that shotguns are absolute trash in CoD (except MW2), so it's understandable when people think shotties are cheap/cheese/OP in other games.
    Also, the noob tube is not a viable weapon or attachment in CoD (except MW2, and even then it wasn't overpowered, save perhaps for DC+OMA, other than that nobody was really bothered by it.)
    Man, MW2 was the best CoD.
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  10. Scr1nRusher

    good times were had indeed my friend.
  11. Taemien

    I think you're doing something wrong if you're getting wrecked that often by Shotguns.

    I just looked at my deathboard and out of my last 100 deaths only 4 were from Shotguns. I was Team Killed more often at 13. Meaning I'm 325% more likely to be killed by a team mate than I am by shotguns. And here you are calling for a nerf?

    I'm sorry, but I think its a L2P issue for you, not a balance one.
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  12. NyaR

    That's not a smart thing to say.

    Speaking from personal experience, I can kill players using shotgun over and over either using my own shotgun or picking them off at a distance. Players with less skill than me stand little chance of surviving a cqb encounter with my shotgun, even if they have their own shotgun. If it was a "no skill" weapon they would have the same chances of killing me, but they don't, because I jump around and headshot people in the air while knifing and strafing and aiming.

    Seems to me what you're really trying to say is that you have no skill and don't know how to use a shotgun or how to fight against a shotgun. I suggest you learn to play instead of attempting to change the game to appease your playstyle.
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  13. TheFamilyGhost

    You died. Get over it. Now lookit what you've done- that post of rage after death will litter the internet forever.
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  14. dBus

    To all the people saying "L2 PLAY!" or something similar . . . really? That's what you come up with?

    I'm not saying shotguns need to be changed because I get killed by them. I'm saying shotguns need to be changed because they are FAR too good at close quarters. Wasn't it SOE that said they didn't want a sniper rifle that did a 1 hit body shot kill, because it gives people no chance to retaliate?

    Well, a pump action shotgun deals 1430 damage per shot, within 8 meters. I don't think some people realize that. ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED damage in a single shot.

    That's INSANE. Yes, you can only use it in close quarters, but inside a building or around a corner it becomes this 1 hit kill weapon that gives the enemy no chance to fight back.

    The justification that "they are useless at range so it's balanced" doesn't make any sense. If you are fighting at location where it is primarily short range, then shotguns are far and away the most powerful weapon.

    If you want balance, tighten up the spread and give them better long range properties, but reduce close range damage.

    Yes I'm saying to nerf them up close, but I want them BUFFED at long range. Right now, they deal far, far too much damage up close, and no damage at range.
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  15. RHINO_Mk.II

    We already have SMGs for that range bracket.
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  16. Scr1nRusher

    you just described the FPS shotgun in a nutshell.

    But shotguns are supposed to be deadly CQC just by nature.
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  17. Keldrath

    No, rocket primaries are.
  18. Kuriby

    OP is another newbie who got angry being killed by shotguns and thinks they are OP. Shotguns were NEVER OP, well cloaked infiltrator with shottys was OP... but other then that, they NEVER EVER needed being tuned down.

    Most players in PS2 are just unskilled at FPS games, which is perfectly fine. But its when the newbies come on to the forums and moan about how they are bad and how "x" should be nerfed.

    I recently found my love for the jackhammer, use it VERY often now. Newbies love to send tells saying "its a newbie tube". I switch to my pistol and just pistol them while they spray and pray their machine guns/ARs.

    Moral of the story: Its not the gun, its YOU
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  19. Scr1nRusher

    you mean something that rarely if ever actually happens?
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  20. AverageGuy

    Aren't shotguns MADE for CQC?

    What do you want to be nerf next? ARs? HMG?
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