Prowler HE Worth it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GameSmacker, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. GameSmacker

    I typically run an AP anchored prowler, which seems pretty effective most of the time, although I do have trouble killing infantry moving around.

    My halberd gunner generally does a better job, but I was wondering if the HE primary after the most recent patch changes is worth it at all for farming infantry? In the VR room the blast radius doesn't seem to alter much at all, but if anyone has any real in game experience with is I'd be happy to hear the differences.

    In other words, is it easier to hit infantry with the HE or should I stick to the AP in all situations and just get better at aiming with it over time? Thanks in advance.
  2. Calisai

    Well, Splash is broken in VR.

    They are also proposing a lot of changes on PTS right now. I would suggest just holding off and making your decision once all the changes come down the pipe. IE, at least give it a few weeks to see what they decide on. For all you know.. you'll purchase HE and they'll take the huge nerfbat to it and make it useless.

    Might as well have a little patience and make a completely informed decision later.

    Oh, and any practice you gain with the AP will help in your HEAT/HE accuracy later on anyway... so no wasted effort there.

    I know after getting used to the FPC on my Mag... The added splash of the PC is amazing... but going to VPC didn't seem like it helped much because i was accurate enough to not have to use the added splash area very often... and the slower reload cycle was real apparent. (Of course, they are looking at changing all this... so... *shrug*)
  3. Pikachu

    No. HE weapons are not worth using over HEAT. But if the planned tank changes goes live then HE might be because HEAT will be nerfed much in AI capability.
  4. BrokenMirror

    Reread, HE's goona become useless at AI Too, 2 inner splash hits =kill
    Heat 2 Inner Splash Hits = kill
    Both have Similar inner splash...
    Not to mention heat flys faster and straighter.
  5. Frozen-K

    Stick with HEAT shells. You'll be fine against infantry, and not completely helpless if a tank decides to appear.
  6. cruczi

    Since HEAT also has better velocity and reload speed, it's arguably better than HE versus infantry in certain situations.
  7. Frozen-K

    It's honestly more for defense I feel. HE shells are too specific, and even a lightning with AP will just ruin your day if you have them.