Is the cheating/aimbotting/etc really that bad?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Calmdown, Feb 6, 2014.

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  1. Ghenko

    Thanks for those vids TwwIX. It does help to know what to look for.

    An infiltrator hit 2 consecutive headshots on me with a pistol (underboss) while I was at a full sprint last night on Hossin. I am not certain how far away they were. I never saw him. The DS showed a frontal attack from what looked like about 30 meters away. There were no players in view in front me. I was defending a base from a few TR. I had a clear frontal view with a wall directly to my right.

    That was the first player I reported for hacking in about 4 months of playing, because that was the first time it seemed pretty clear. I told him I reported him, explaining accuracy like that from what had to be at least 30 meters (closest cover from the front) with a semi auto pistol on a target at a full sprint was pretty unlikely. He claimed I was crouched in a corner. This of course supported my suspicions, as he was trying to downplay it. I had not stopped moving at any point prior.

    The DS could have lied and the shots came from behind or the side, so I suppose its possible it was legit. If so that's still some pretty fancy, and suspicious, shooting. The only reason I reported it is because I read this thread earlier in the day, watched those vids, and Kunavi's post made sense to me. SoE needs to hear about this stuff, even if its just "suspicious". Yes it creates support churn but if hacking becomes rampant it will ruin the game so all suspicious activity should be reported. If no one reports, the hackers don't get caught.
  2. Nasher

    It might seem like people are seeing through walls. But it's more likely they know your there because someone else spotted you, there is a motion sensor, or your just showing up on the minimal because you made to much noise. They changed the mechanics of it a while ago which makes it pretty impossible to actually sneak around enemy bases :/
  3. Doc Jim

    We've got a couple of notorious abusers on Woodman, people who warp left and right, have extreme accuracy on moving targets and who have been seen unloading magazines in the warpgates. Unfortunately SOE does not seem to be able to investigate reported people thoroughly, so the abusers that keep it "low key" get to continue doing their thing.
  4. Cyridius

    Cheating used to be rampant in this game but since the populations got so low all the big cheat developers stopped working on it so the numbers of have gone down. There's still a tonne of them if you know what you're looking for, but if you pretend it's not there, it a'int that bad.

    It's mega-noticeable in smaller engagements. From the PING PING PING PING DEAD from headshot aimbots(EG. NivX before he learned how to cheat properly) to that NC guy that will kill you with a God Saw with 5 hits centre-mass every single time no matter what.
  5. Alzir

    You should be a lot more careful with how you present your arguments, because regardless of what you think you see in game, you're only promoting paranoia with research of this standard. All that footage is ancient (you can immediately tell from the HUD), and you can be almost certain that the Hacktool 2014 video dates to the 29th of April 2013 from the kills and player stats. Using this in the context of your post is irresponsible and likely to catch people out, suckering them into believing this stuff is current.

    We all know that hacks exist and are possible, but many people find they are nowhere near as rampant as you suggest, which either makes you incredibly unlucky to come across these guys (since I'd say the majority do not), or just incredibly paranoid.
  6. Simferion

    Some simple facts:
    • Cheaters exist; I call them cheaters and not hackers because hackers are the creators of hacks, while cheaters are the users.
    • Cheaters are a minority and not rampant: Yes there are some blatant cheaters and a bunch of stealth ones but they are not so diffused as thought.
    • Many times what is perceived as "hack" is skill, luck, glitch,bug: with the bunch of problems about lag, hit-detection, desync, etc. and the fact some people are really good and with better connection/rig or they got simply a luck shot, the perception of hacks can be distorted.
    I still see people moving or strafing suspiciously faster than the most of the players or with an excessive accuracy. Most of cheaters are stealth ones with ESP, aim-assists, no-recoil or so and are more easily seen in the early morning because in low pop fights fishy behaviours are more noticeable.
    • Up x 1
  7. Verviedi

    Whenever I get instagibbed by a Vanguard AP cannon while flying 320 KPH at flight ceiling, I report that f***er.
  8. Zamfwo

    I definately saw the warp hack on indar today. Clear as day. Guy was running accross the desert all alone. perfectly smooth running right untill I put my crosshairs on him he would start randomly teleporting around 3-5m in any direction. He was pretty far out so I got a lot of time to test this. Every time I would take my crosshairs off him the warping would stop. The second I put the crosshairs back on him he would start teleporting.

    It was painfully obvious. Fortunately this is the one and only time I have been able to say with absolute certainty that it was a hack.
    • Up x 1
  9. TwwIX

    Is that so? You want updated advertisements? Then i suggest that you send your request to one of numerous cheat suppliers out there. You want links? I hear Google does wonders these days. Give it a try!

    I won't be frapsing it either because this game already runs poorly as it is. I am paranoid? No, i am simply observant and not cognitively impaired like you appear to be.
  10. Alzir

    I refer you to the Devs:

    My experience is that this is an honest assessment. Yours is that it's not, which is fair enough, but you support your position with poor research and linking to ancient footage with links to "hacks" (but probably a virus) in the youtube description. At which point does this make me cognitively impaired?
  11. TwwIX

    Again. I've given you examples of the cheats that are present in the game. If you want updated footage, i suggest that you give those suppliers a ring. SOE can make all the statements they want. I know what i encountered and i certainly wasn't the only one reporting that ********. What makes you cognitively impaired? A lack of observation? Gullibility? Or maybe it's just plain apathy. I don't know nor do i care at this point.
  12. Alzir

    WHAT!!! You have given example videos of scammers fishing for money, not examples of cheats which are still active. Anyone can search and make their own mind up, but I'm starting to wonder what your motivation is here. Maybe you're not paranoid, but you're actually out to ruin the game.
  13. iller

    That's so ignorant I just got a little sad inside. You don't understand Programming one bit do you?.... You don't just suddenly make Warping, Aim-Prediction bots, and even no-clip just suddenly stop working on this engine. Too much of the Collision detection is all offloaded to the Client because it would be IMPOSSIBLE to run this game with 200+ man fights trying to double authernticate the pathing legality of every inch each player moves every single update tick. Do you think the SOE programmers are magical and just made it 100% packet spoof proof in less than a year? Look at how bad the hitregistry usually is on a GOOD day. They haven't even stopped No-spread yet or made freaking wall-Culling server-side because they don''t wanna pay for the extra server Cores.

    I don't like giving those leeching worthless commercial hack makers any more lipservice than anyone else does. But you gotta be pretty damned delusional to think most of the very basic functions/DLLs they hook into could be disabled/secured just because some PR guy says "it's an old video". They don't HAVE to rewrite every cheat and GUI every patch. That's not how Client-Server architecture works. Especially "Clientside2". All they have to rewrite most of the time is the Bypassers and find where the memory addresses got shifted to.
  14. Noppa

    TBH i haven´t seen in ages cheaters at this game, few exploiter yes , but cheaters no!

    But then again i think my self as a top/high end infantry player so i most likely have been killing em if i see em :D

    But yeah, most of the times WHEN cheater kills me i instantly know that he is cheating.. i knew it in cs 1.5/1.6 times and i still know it :)
  15. hawken is better

    I still see one or two hackers a week, but none of them are above BR 5 or so.

    PS: NivX doesn't hack. Get over it already.
  16. Cyridius

    You haven't seen him everyday from November 20th 2012. It was obvious when he was on my team, it was obvious when he was on the enemy team. He's just really good at it.
  17. JibbaJabba

    Just got accused of hacking the other day.

    Guy was a complete @55 about it too.

    Something about "haha, see you died anyway!"
    I had to stop, go look at the feed to see who was talking to me. It was some infiltrator who had been hiding and killing people with a bolt. I apparently caught him with his cloak down and killed him nearly instantly then moved on to other things.

    I still have no clue what he thought I was doing. Any questions were responded to with, "don't play dumb" until I finally "/ignore add" 'ed him.

    As a whole cheating was really bad when the game first released (guys blinking around, wiping entire platoons solo, the sunderer zone-crash exploit, etc.) These days I see people doing TKing with some BR1 character but that's about it.

    Despite this some people just remain utterly convinced that cheating is rampant. They live in hateful bitter little worlds I guess.
  18. Utrooperx

    Ah, so many people claim that nobody cheats in this FTP game...rampant? No, I don't believe they exist?


    Will people continue to insist that "so-and-so" is just "that good" and "Quit crying cause you got rekt..."

    Of course.

    Even when the proof is laid before them, some will continue to refuse to admit the obvious...

    I submit a "oldie-but-a-goodie"...anybody recall a guy by the name of "XsnowmanX"?

    It seems many defended him, that many "assured" the playing population that this individual was "100% legit", that there was "no way, no how" this individual was cheating...until this appeared:

    If one examines this individual's stats, nothing "unusual" appears to be amiss:!/5428013610422580177/weapons , which simply re-affirms that intelligent use of a third-party program does not necessarily mean one would have highly obvious weapon accuracy...a fact that many "deniers" successfully use to support their arguments that there simply aren't any cheaters...or they are "few and far between"...because what's the point if you "de-tune" the aim-bot to provide merely "average" accuracy...

    The individual in question was subsequently banned by SoE...thereby confirming that all along, the "deniers" were wrong...that no matter how much they proclaimed this individual was really "that good"...the reality was he was secretly using a third-party program to gain a advantage...undetected by friend and foe alike...until he made a undeniable mistake.

    How long had he been using this ability? Who can say...

    If he had not accidently made this fatal mistake, would he still be aim-botting his way through the PS2 player community, defended by many as being "EliteSkillz" and "Learn-2-play-noob"?

    Well, we can just simply go by the evidence before noted by the "deniers" posting in this thread...these individuals still "insist" that there are no "cheaters"...or they are "few and far between"...but like XsnowmanX, how many are really secretly using a third-party program to gain a subtle advantage such as ESP/toggle aim-assist/toggle lag...yet are defended vigorously, but their very victims refusing to acknowledge that they even exist...?

    A majority? No, I think not...but as has been said before..."less then you imagine, but more then you care to admit"
  19. Nerovox

    As somebody said you only see what you want to see when it comes to hacks. Most PS2 community would want you to believe that its rare and somehow the PS2 community is far more honorable, honest and skilled compaed to other shooter games communities.
    I don't know over the years having admin privileges to game servers such as BF3-4,HL and CS I've seen enough to know otherwise.
    some of the time its obvious like getting zipped in the skull by a Blitz or Merc 120m+ away while,moving by a BR5, but most of the time its very low profile and used in bursts.
    I personally just don't care anymore I play for fun and have always done it cheat free, if somebody is that pathetic they need some kind of ego boost over a K/D ratio then whatever, I don't let it ruin my fun and neither should you.
  20. Keldrath

    There is a lot of cheating for sure, but it's a very small amount of the playerbase, like 5% or less.

    Don't underestimate the amount of people out there who are so against it they wont stoop to that level.
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