Average KD

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Alarox

    I understand where you're coming from completely. I understand that if you don't ponderate the average then it is a fairly useless number since the larger a KDR the more weight it has, making it a fairly useless number. But a weighted average isn't what the OP is looking for from what I can see. Although, my post is misleading.
  2. Lord_Avatar

    K/D is like bikini - it shows a lot, but you still can't see the good stuff.
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  3. Badname3073

    Haven't we already agreed multiple times that KDR does not matter?
  4. ronjahn

    Forget KDR. I want to know what my TKR is, by that I mean taunt-to-kill ratio. If your not hitting v-6 at least once per kill your doing it wrong
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  5. -Synapse-

    I do V-8's sometimes, especially when it's a cloaked stalker 'cause I know how infuriating it is to think you're invisible only to have some schmuck with 20-20 vision come by and resupply you at high velocity.
  6. xWarMachine

    The whole every-kill means a death is not accurate. Don't forget about medic revives. People can get kills without anyone getting a death statistic.
  7. Regpuppy

    Between medic revives, vehicle spam, suicides, and everything else it's too easy to cheese KDR one way or the other. Especially since sometimes you just gotta run through that doorway of death to crush a point defense.
  8. Codex561

    Technically for every kill there is a death. But not vice-versa. So it has to be lower than 1 depending on the suicide rate.
  9. Cyridius

    It's something like 1.2, given that for every kill there is 1 death, then factor in revives.
  10. Fenrisk

    The average KDR of all players across all servers is 0.7

    It was posted awhile back.

    Remember that suicides and trees cause a negative average KDR for EVERYONE as a whole so the KDR is always going to be less then one. It would be closer to 1 if trees added their KDR to ours ;)
  11. TopVanuTroll

    Ummm... who posted that it was 0.7?
  12. lawn gnome

    my efforts to kill myself in spectacular ways shall hinder the other two teams!!!
  13. Jawarisin

    This is a really simple question.
    The answer is 1. Because for every person that dies, a person gets a kill, and thus overall, it stays at 1.
    Now, you might account in suicides. But the amount is so small compared to kills/death, it really won't be making any difference. For the sake of it, feel free to say 0.99 or 0.98.

    Add teamkilling in it, and maybe a bit lower again.
  14. Fenrisk

    I don't know what PS2 your playing. Look up the server statistics and average KDR per faction.

    Suicide is common in this game. Pain Fields, C4, Mines, Tree's, falling, getting run over by your own parked sundy, getting blown up by your own vehicle. There are a significant portion of players who would rather kill themselves then give their enemy's the kill and they do so almost every time. Just look at some pilots out there. Then you have the suicide runs against tank'/sundys which involve mines/C4 and you being blown up with it.

    The average KDR on each server is around 0.7. Suicides account for 3 in 10 deaths. That sounds correct to me.
  15. Linedan

    It's taken me a year and a half to get mine up to 0.71 on my main. Guess I've been proudly below average since release. Still am, too.
  16. IamDH

    I'd say around 0.7

    Not sure why everyone is saying 1
  17. Wafflepancake

  18. ronjahn

    Or the classic v-5 when blowing up their vehicle.
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  19. Jawarisin

    That's maybe because it doesn't calculate the impact based on the number of deaths/kills. For Eg: someone who is br 5 and has a 0.5 k/d ratio with 10 kills and 20 death, and a Br 100 with 100 000 kills and 100 000 death (1k/d). "average" their k/d without taking their weight into consequence and it gives a nice 0.75
  20. maudibe

    Some obsess over having a high K'D ration (mines like .6) and it's realitively easy to have one, I think. First off you will always do better in a vehicle assuming you are slightly experienced with them. If you cant get a couple of kills with rocket pods or as a gunner on a lib then things are way bad pop wise for your team in that fight. Same with tanks, they will always give at least 2 or 3 kills before you die, if you go after infantry and dont' battle it out with other vehicles.
    Next up select a Max to use and if you cant get at least 2 guys you are in deep trouble. Next up use a cloaker and do long range sniping, its time consuming but if you cloak and move between shots you should get 2 or 3 guys berfore dying. So....to recap
    always try and spawn in situations where your side is overpopped but not too bad and you start with ESF, then Tank, Then Max, then sniper and your K/D ration will get over 1 easily and should be at 1.5.
    If you just go in as aKamakazi in underpopped settings like I do, you will get killed over and over without getting a kill. I fight in base defenses where I am part of the 11% defending, I'll do it for awhile until I get tired of it. It's challenging.
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