Delete/Destroy tank mines placed infront of vehicle pads.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RaskolBandit, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. WycliffSlim

    I don't see the point of it. Again, this is honestly a tiny issue. I die to it maybe 2 times per month if that and it's easy to avoid by checking or as other people have said just having your gunner check to make sure it's clear if you have one.
  2. Roland2TowerCame

    I think I've died to this maybe twice.
    I know I've done it to someone else at least once. I think it's fine.
  3. Alarox

    The only problem is when there's water. There's no way to remove tank mines except for killing yourself on them, and there's no way to check without EOD HUD.
  4. soecarebear

    can you at least see mines in water with eod hud?
    seems to be a so imprtant problem, got too much info on that.nothing clear.

    by the way, if there was a way to spot mines so that it last more than a few seconds...
    presently if you spot them but dont remove them quickly, 30 sec after someone can very well spawn a vehicle and explode on it, spotting will be gone since a lmong time.