Use for outfit?

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by brobackoff, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. brobackoff

    What exactly do we use outfits for?
  2. RIctavius

    Simple, player associations.
  3. kungflu

    covers your skin
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    Player interaction on a higher level, basically allows you to be part of a team and accomplish goals unobtainable via solo game play. Completely will change the game for many players as long as you find the right outfit that fits your needs and expectations.
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  5. lawn gnome

    it's just a social aspect of the game. you get together with players you know or find a group of players and get to know them and capitalize on team work.
  6. Mastachief

    Farming non outfit players?
  7. M2_Bradley

    Problem Mk.I-Only newbs are not in outfits( I haven't seen a BR 1 in a long long time).And BR 100 lone wolves...But they farm you.
  8. Mastachief

    Right so the br100 (br100 skill or ability) farms an entire outfit... right.....

    What happens in this game is the lonewolf might get a couple of kills dies and has to respawn. while the outfit res's their fallen outfit mates.

    Or if its a good outfit

    The lonewolf dies. Respawns and dies again. Respawns and dies again. Respawns somewhere else and alt tabs to rage on the forums.
  9. M2_Bradley

    BR100 skrubpod ESF lonewolf laughs at you.
  10. lawn gnome

    i have farmed EXE a few times. there was a day a while back where i sat on an ammo sunderer with my skyguard and killed over 100 mosquitoes in a 2 hour period, YAY AIR ZERGS!!! then they brought out a dozen or so galaxies and i just logged out because i was too burnt out to care.
  11. Mastachief

    Our covering ESF's dunk you back to the warpgate.
  12. BorialisAurora

    When did this become an ESF/farming debate?
    Joining an outfit offers a bunch of advantages. It's a place for you to vent about in game stuff with people who know and care about what you are talking about. it's a place to find friends and companionship as well as a chance to broaden your gaming horizons with other players all over the world.
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  13. lawn gnome

    when some guy said it was impossible for a lone character to farm an outfit. the ESF thing was just the first example that popped up.
  14. eatcow0

    outfits usually host squads and or platoons hence bring about a sense of organization and spirit amongst a collected group of fellow players. It allows for a more competitive gamestyle with a group and provides for some silly things like my 2 outfit platoons yesterday all being medics and storming a locked down cap point on hossin.
  15. Goiiath

    You've probably never played solo...Lonewolves fight where they have the advantage (either defending or attacking depending on what they're more comfortable with). They get most of their points from kills, so no its not farm an outfit, its get as many kills possible, there isn't much point at looking at tags, and leave before it the battle becomes a spawn camp or the enemies leave. Solo players spend more time in fights by just instant actioning to a different front to fight. - Edit: Oh I forgot flyinggg, solo pilots have a lot of fun too!
  16. Goiiath

    Freedom to lonewolf and stay in the fight is fun, but it's benefits sort of die out a bit after awhile and can get quite boring. I lonewolfed for a long time and I enjoyed the freedom but now a days there's a lot of good outfits out there that pop around into fights with you. Coordinating with some good players that have your back and will do their best to keep you alive is always nice haha.

    The outfits are really nothing but a smaller community you'd like to be a part of within planetside 2. I found its one of the easiest ways to communicate and start up squads/platoons by talking in outfit chat and a great way to meet players on a more personal level. Unfortunately there are way too many ppl to meet them all in this game haha but in an outfit you already have something in common. In addition you also get a sense of pride I guess for being apart of an outfit. All of them are unique in some way and they usually run their operations a certain way that others begin to recognize. It's always nice to have an outfit with a good reputation too and a way for enemy outfits to recognize and respect each other. Many outfits such as mine run ops with solely outfit members or trusted friends unless they are recruiting, so if you want to join some of the more organized squads/platoons that would be the best way to get in on the action. Those are my reasons anyway and I've had an awesome time with all the members of Liege.

    TLDR; They're fun: you become a part of a community of your own within the game.
  17. salembeats