Re: Server Merge - time to quit the TR?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostiken, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. SpcFarlen

    Once servers merge it will be a better representation of which faction is under pop. TR do quite well during prime time alerts agaisnt both VS and NC, and no its not from VS and NC being at either others thraots either. So i really dont see why people are saying Tr is failing there.

    On Waterson... well i have an NC character there (i know, im sorry!) and things arent that great there. Could just be that players are apathetic about playing since NC are so dominant in pop. So having more numbers may bring back players who switched factions or simply stopped playing as much.

    The problem with looking at pop in game is that it only shows who is online. You could have a faction that is vastely more dedicated at playing but the overall active playerbase, aka faction characters, for that faction is lower than that of the underpopulated faction. So it really only shows one side, that TR are not in game. Unless of course there are vastly more NC characters, which dont get me wrong in that it could be true as well.

    Just a bit of anecdote to add:
    Helios and Connery before the merge were both highly NC poped, once they merged it did even out a bit with NC still having a slight lead. Though it did not mean that they automatically won alerts and could roll over the map. I see the same with this merge.
  2. Pineapple Pizza!

    The middle pop faction in Mattherson's case has made going all-in 100% into the TR at the start of every alert (regardless of VS strength) part of their official command doctrine. I don't think any encouragement will change that, not even after they've lost countless alerts at the very last second to vanugoons and whatnot.

    As for TR, someone has to take the position of 'TR open pubbie platoon' away from AoD as soon as possible. Everytime AoD leadership gets an entire platoon wiped via lack of intelligent, active leadership, a few more noobs are siphoned away from our faction into NC / VS / Connery.
  3. Quiiliitiila

    I think you're thinking of continent pop, not server pop. TR still tends to get more players than VS on Waterson, but they spread themselves out (or back-cap empty continents) and often SEEM like they have less pop than the others. NC is starting to be the most popped faction now though.
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  4. Skooma Lord

    I remember when my faction, N.C. was severely underpopulated and was doing very poorly for the majority of 2013. We only won maybe 1 Alert a month if that, at least it felt like that. The V.S. and T.R. were doing very well and the V.S. for the most part had the most pop from what I remember. I stuck with my faction and helped those on my team even though at times it felt hopeless and it was useless to even try and win an alert. I understand your frustration, and encourage you to stay with your faction(if you want to) because many have gone through these times before. It can be very annoying, but if you quit your friends might quit and then people that aren't even your friends might quit because the population has gotten worse because of that. Hopefully populations will get balanced evenly and we will see the true glory of Planetside 2 agian, because I don't find being overpopulated fun at all. Sometimes the being under-popped can give a little challenge too. I understand though that it isn't fun to hear the 5000 shells blowing up your base when you only have 10 people.
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  5. Neuromancer

    I don't want to be rude to active outfits, but there will still be other groups to welcome the TR in. HYB is a laid back group, has numbers and some good players that have evolved over time. VG is semi-active, and is strong during ops, with a lot of ex-TE leaders and a solid leadershp. AOD is, AOD, and seems to help out new players. BWC is a solid outfit; small but good players and a nasty opponent. It should be a good merge overall. VS have numbers here, but no real coherent force, and will realize they will need that soon, because much of the VS is either zerg or cert farmers. TR went from overpop on Mattherson and underpop elsewhere, so they will adapt. NC stinks on mattherson, but has reasonable pop on both servers, and will welcome the influx of more tactical players coming to join them. They should do fine, if they don't try to stick to their ways. If anything the server merge should do well. As long as hacking is abated quickly, it should be a good mix of a player base.
  6. Linedan

    To the OP, don't worry. Mattherson TR are not as bad as you think they are. They don't often have huge numbers but they have several good outfits and can get things done when they work together, which they do fairly well. AOD (TR outfit) seems kind of like PHX on Waterson in that they can summon big zerg numbers and move them well, while there are a lot of smaller-medium outfits like 903, Honeybadgers, BWC, etc. etc. etc., that are a little more rapier to AOD's battleaxe.

    My TR alt is on Waterson so both my highish-level mains (BR 67 and 48) will soon be on the same server. Should be interesting to see the same fights from two sides.
  7. Mekeji

    I play TR on waterson mainly and I have noticed it isn't them spreading out it is them all being on Amerish. I often see esamir near empty of TR and Indar low on TR while Amerish has a ton of TR just calling it home.
  8. CptSundancer

    I am a Matherson TR and I am of the opinion that this server merger will help the TR the most.
    Currently the Matherson NC command is pants. Yes, they have population, but their command just doesn't work together. VS outfits on Matherson work well together. Combine that with Matherson having the best Vanu players in PS2 and you have a juggernaut that can easily beat the NC. This means after the NC will is broken by poor leadership, the VS are free to throw their best platoons/players at the TR while the NC are held in check by a minimal force.

    Matherson TR players are not bad. We're not the best, but we do work together. Yeah, even AOD (and what is with all this AOD hate? Seriously, how else do we get new players into an outfit environment?) The TR's biggest problem is a weak NC. This merger should solve that.

    So why jump servers? To be the top pop? Whoopee, I can sit in a tank watching a spawn room so I can buy a speed upgrade for my tank so I can get to the next spawn room 35 seconds faster, camp it, get more certs and buy more speed upgrades!o_O

    That's madness. And poor certs. Bring on the new NC and VS! I main engineer so I'm not about to run out of ammo.
  9. Epic High Five

    This doesn't really hold true anymore. NC has been a well-oiled machine outside of like, the 2a-noon block where the pops are so low that it's basically a BF4 server. NC just basically swept the alerts this weekend by a pretty comfortable margin in all of them, in fact.

    I'm personally looking forward to fresh blood because Waterson seems to have our biggest struggles (pro-tier air/tanks) down pat while we bring the MLG infantry play to the table
  10. CptSundancer

    Interesting. I actually haven't been able to play the last few weeks because my motherboard gave up the ghost and I was out of town. Beyond that time period though, seems to show the NC getting the short end of the stick on Mattherson.
  11. Epic High Five

    We don't have much of an off-peak presence, but VS has always dominated that segment.

    IIRC that's tracking from January, which means a huge chunk of the alerts are going to be during WDS 2.0 where the entire faction pretty much took a break because it was pretty awful.

    If you filter for primetime and since then you can see that there's typically 2 alerts, and generally nobody wins more than 1. The VS will typically take both if they're both global though, because on Mattherson apparently only the VS aren't sick to ******* death of global alerts at this point. Who knows!

    Either way, Waterson NC aren't going into a wrecked *** house and being asked to fix stuff up. The advice is simple: ignore Stew360 until he is finally done with whatever dramatic psychological collapse he's going through right now, and Wisdomcube too though he's been better lately.
  12. Kunavi

    If you guys are getting Server Transfers, I want them too for TR on Woodman! We're not exactly having fun and TR have been underpopulated ever since... Wait, when have they NOT been underpopulated on this Server?! Oh right, we got a nice injection of players for one month a while back, that should make up for it... Not. And while I've heard TR had it easy at the start, I have not seen that ever since I started playing on Woodman. I don't care what some chart shows, we're LUCKY if we push for a Draw on Alerts. We occasionally marginally win one or two Alerts and that sums up the quality of TR here. So either merge us or just give us a way out, I'm tired of fighting the 4th Faction, KOTV or IP or ORBS or those other NC guys who I don't remember(But who equally bore me due to funneling sheer numbers into any territory). I'm tired of the incompetence of the 2 or 3 OutFits TR has. I'm not even sure they count, they are 50% PUGs actually. They've got some brilliant players, sure, but I have to criticize them as a whole here. In any case their strategy lacks any reason or direction or consequence and generally TR takes too long to mobilize(Oh the irony).

    So please, let me leave or MERGE US TOO! Perhaps I'll stop basing my fun on KD farming if I get a bit more involved. And no I'm not going to start over, ever. It's so tedious I'd quit.
  13. vsae

    I dont understand why people are so mad about population, when in reality it is only fun playing on underpop faction.
    Also Y U ALL FEEL OBLIGED TO WIN ALERTS??! They're meaningless!
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  14. Jbrain

    A lot of people that used to play planetside 2 watched the server smash.. combine that with hossin and cont locking to get people out of ****dar err indar

    TR has already got a lot of players coming back and with the merger even more.. what scares me as NC is all of these elite leaders and what not seem to always be on TR Or Vanu. So Tr/vanu gain even more leaders and organizers. I just hope some really great leaders come from waterson NC because honestly matherson nc needs them..
  15. vsae

    You will have stew360. Praise the lord.
  16. Huxer

    I wouldn't throw in the towel just yet. There are a lot of skilled Vanu on Waterson who are playing Vanu BECAUSE they were/are badly underpoped. I am one of them and I've talked to a few others and the idea of moving over to help our old rivals the Waterson TR has come into discussion on multiple occasions already.
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  17. M4gn1

    The overpopped faction usually has the worst players. Why? Because they don't have to get a lot better to "win" in the game. The underpopped factions have to give all the got to win something. Players that keep playing will get better and better and you will gain a lot more experience. I personally made some alt chars on other servers and every single one of them picked on the lowest pop faction. It's so much more fun to play against an overwhelming force and cap or defend a base. Even draws on alerts are great if you know you really fought hard to achieve it. If you play with the overpopped faction you are like meh just follow some dudes maybe shoot someone if there is someone to shoot and just wait to cap everything and move on to the next base.
    I would like to see more(not including myself in this) good players, and especially good leaders to hop on other servers sometimes and help those underpopped factions to get things done. Organisation is key in the game imo. POP is good, but only if it is there where you need it. I have seen a lot of defeats with overpop just because everyone was farming at a place we're they where of no use.
  18. Posse

    Not anymore, I see NC having overpop more often than VS lately, but since we still have better players than them, we usually win :D

    Oh and the TR part is correct, but it's not like it's any different from Waterson TR in my experience (except for the pop part)

    After the merge I'd expect to see VS/TR hovering around 30-32% and NC hovering around 35-37% most of the time.
  19. cl34n3r

    I will give you some hundreds of overpopped TR from Ceres for some hundreds of VS, we realy need some reinforcements here :)
  20. chrisbeebops

    That is(was) a huge draw for Waterson VS -- the idea of being underpopped and thus having lots more people to kill. And for the longest time, we were terribly underpopped -- averaging 25-28% population during peak hours for several months on end.

    If that draw is diminished (or if VS is overpopped after the merge), don't be surprised if quite a few VS players swap factions to the lower pop side. ;)
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