Coyotes have been nerfed!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jeralamo, Jun 18, 2014.

  1. Jeralamo

    Coyote Missiles

    • Increased time required to reload from 3 seconds to 4 seconds
    You're kidding right? People aren't exaggerating when they say coyotes are not fun and are ruining the air game.
    So to make this constructive, coyotes need one or more of the following changes.
    Increased reload time
    Reduced RoF
    Reduced damage and/or magazine size
    Slower velocity
    Reduced lock-on radius

    Personally I think coyotes need a 5 second reload and a reduced RoF. Maybe 2 missiles per second

    So what do you guys think of the coyote change? too much? not enough?
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  2. Silkensmooth

    Not nearly enough. Hopefully they arent done yet.

    Coyotes need a 50% damage reduction as well. Its really only a few people running them and ruining things anyway. Its not like this is something which is going to make people angry. On the contrary it will be one of the most popular nerfs in the history of the game.

    Need to fix A2A missiles too, they are as bad or worse than coyotes.

    A2A missiles should only lock onto the back of the plane, so that you would have to be behind another ESF to lock onto them.
  3. Mongychops

    So, this is a 33% longer reload time for stock coyotes, and a 50% longer reload time for 5/5 reload coyotes.

    I think reload time is appropriate for a first nerf, though I think they should have nerfed the reload from 3 to 5 seconds (instead of 3 to 4), and nerfed the reload speed certification from 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0 seconds to 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 seconds. The big issue as I see it is players who run coyotes as their main nose gun, not a supplement to it.
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  4. danielpxp

    I already made CONSTRUCTIVE feedback, but who would listen to that??

    Reload speed is just a small step..
    The coyotes also do not need a damage nerf.
    The coyotes need a velocity nerf, by a huge amount and a little firerate nerf.

    The increased reload speed won't get the coyotes out of the state that he just presses left click and hits 100% of his rounds with ~30% guaranteed damage.

    You need to be able to avoid them.
  5. McToast


    Coyotes and A2Am are one of the few weapons where I wouldn't feel sorry for the game if they were nerfed into oblivion. Nobody really needs that crap.

    But let's nerf the Dalton into oblivion instead...
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  6. danielpxp

    'cause the dalton can kill every infantry and armor on the ground 1000m in the sky with massive armor and instagibbing its harcounters by just flying upside-down... ya know.. ;)
    *for the people who got this seriously: I was being sarcastic...*

    But Coyotes need also to be balanced.. Give it 1 little second more reload time, you know, we don't want to make big nerfhammers happen at once..
  7. Verviedi

    Awww... I wanted to Auraxium it, too.
    There goes my only defense against the PREY, PHX, POTP, 382, and TRAF gank squads...
  8. McToast

    In my experience those weapons don't help you against ganksquads. They usually are used BY ganksquads.
    Practise nosegun aim and join the afterburner masterrace :>.
  9. Burevestnik

    That's quite harsh. I wouldn't be sorry if your favorite weapons/vehicles would get nerfed into oblivion.
  10. McToast

    Yea Eugenios, my favorite weapons/vehicles ARE constantly getting nerfed. Nothing new there.
  11. Verenz

    So much this.

    Kind of annoying when a really good pilot is farming a base with a banshee/ppa and you go and get an ESF to counter him and you end up with a roughly even fight anyway unless you also bring some of the A2A lock on weapons.

    That's my issue - coyotes remove the need to use the nose gun.
  12. Burevestnik

    Nothing really helps you against ganksquads. I could be running nose gun squad and unless you have at least 2/3 the size of enemy squad regardless of your skill you're going to get mopped up hard.

    Ganksquads as you know don't mean that they need to be formed from bad players either. I could spoil your airgame day erryday of the week without relying on a single lockon by just organizing a daily massacre hour consisting of proficient JEST pilot and i'm 100% certain that while air outfits on cobalt could match the level of skill on individual level wouldn't be able to match the two or 3 on 1 ratios.

    All i need is kheebab, athell, hicky, rhino, khall, soddit, nomatox, jakkus, drago, syphix, louix, icarus. That's just the better pilots than me that come into my head. I'm excluding people who have been playing a lot for the other faction/outfits. I'd form at least one more squad from people like me who have good 80-120hours in ESF's and assign them support roles to assist the better pilots. Or just a galaxy full of burster maxes rolling with the air squad and setting up strong AA nests.

    Again if infantry outfits wants you dead they'll do it one way or another. No amount of air skill will save you. It's either attrition combat losses or pure troll play but you'll be picked off and destroyed. Maybe you'll take 2 with you, maybe 3. Your great play is completely meaningless in the grant scale of things. You pull another ESF and there will be 3 worse pilots to replace the one you killed. Or a full 24 to 48 force that you have no way to effecting. Welcome to planetside.
  13. Ruvan

    Coyotes are fine and don't really need a change beyond what is already being made. It's A2AM that really need a look at.

    If you get killed by a Coyote user 1v1 it's probably either because: a) they're generally better than you anyway. b) you got ganked, in which case, you made a mistake.

    They are giving up an awful lot (in the form of External ABs) to be able to use those Coyotes. Coyote users really can't control their engagements to the extent that External AB users can.

    If you get ganked 3v1 or whatever by Coyote users and lose, that is fine. There need to be more relevant than skill at some point in a game like Planetside 2. Otherwise it would just be the elite few dominating everything and everyone. Gradually people would get more and more fed up and quit.
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  14. IamnotAmazing

    1. reduce rof and velocity
    2. a2am need a massive damage nerf, give them more ammo cap though
  15. Mxiter

    A deserved nerf to town down an overperforming very low versatility weapon.
  16. Thurwell

    I'm all for hating on coyotes, and I would have liked to see the extra time added on by slowing down the firing rate instead of the reload rate due to the double reload mechanic.

    But aren't we also constantly asking the devs to stop overnerfing and overbuffing stuff in this game by applying multiple nerfs/buffs at the same time? So how about we wait and see how this nerf plays out in game before saying it needs more nerfs on top of this.

    We don't really want coyotes nerfed into the shoebox do we, we just want a skilled nose gunner to be more effective than a skilled coyote spammer.

    Plus it's not all bad, any nerf to coyotes is a good one.

    I'll agree with everyone that the damage on A2AM is stupidly high though.
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  17. Herby20

    Still need to remove the ability to reload ESF weapons that are not currently selected.
  18. Thurwell

    I got so much hate for suggesting that when coyotes were first released. Now everyone's on board.
  19. GaBeRock

    it's a step in the right direction, another 2 seconds would probably be good.
  20. Lewk

    Good first step, but still needs more.