Vanu infantry feeling a bit more powerful?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Renuse, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. VonStalin

    NC is the strongest infantry, but VS maxes makes the difference. I play NC (83br), started a bit VS (13br) a few days ago and all I see - maxes, maxes everywhere... Facing VS is facing maxes who can kill in medium distances no problem. TR maxes are not so accurate.
  2. Gambitual

    Someone in /yell chat said that the VS can't call the other factions OP because a VS soldier killed an opposing TR MAX with a shotgun single-handed.

    Well, if that even shows VS prowess, I agree that VS infantry are the best.:rolleyes:
  3. a-koo-chee-moya

    Heh, if someone held a gun to my head and said that I had to say that one faction was OP, I would say NC. No one uses MAXs for anything other than base assualt or AA, so Hacksaw/Scattercannon. Also, dat shield. Vangaurd has more side armor than the Prowler or Maggy's front armor, and with the Nerf on velocity, it will rule in the CQC tank fighting that will follow. The Gauss Saw is a laser (cough cough devs cough cough) and I I find that Vanu does much worse in the med-long range fighting that it is supposed to be good at.
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  4. JorgeSarcos

    its the pre-merge syndrome ;)
  5. Casterbridge

    Yeah this is something I never understood prior to the nerf it was a real choice between the Orion and the SVA now, well you may as just go Orion, though I like the Flare too.
  6. Surmise

    hope you are joking since SAW vs Orion in 1v1 is extremely inferior mostly because of high bloom per shot which makes dealing headshots very hard almost random and HA shield that comes into play with as well 0.75 move speed ADS of Orion.

    SAW is far far from being dueling LMG, anchor is close to it tho but needs 0.75 speed since it does less dps than Orion.
  7. Typhoeus

    Orion, serpent and hv45 are all pretty awesome but then again my faction's got MSW-R, Lynx, Cycler TRV which are all mirror weapons with maybe minor differences (ammo count, reload speeds). But ya the default purple camo and amazing iron sights have always been a big advantage for the VS. Other then that I think it's really just a matter of player skill and knowledge. TR and VS Infantry weapons are just too similar statswise to make much difference. I haven't played my NC alt beyond BR3 so I can't speak on their weaponry but I do enjoy fighting them more then I do fighting the VS mostly because I can easily see and distinguish them from friend or foe at all times xD
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  8. Axehilt

    Eh, SVA is still a beast. Got a couple battles in last night where I tried it out for the first time in a long while and was absolutely destroying people. (Only 49 total kills with it on that char so no clue if I'll be able to maintain it, but 1.36 kills/min is still pretty decent.)
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  9. Vikarius

    No jokem and it is true in practice. You can claim all of these fantasy scenarios where someone is having a western style draw duel at 20 paces but it doesn't really happen that way in game. The Saw is superior in almost every way to the Orion and the headshots are not really "random" as you put it unless you are hipfiring at 10m lol.

    Any ADS engagement.... aim at center mass.... hold fire..... couple shots later always a headshot (sometimes 2) (always = well maybe 90-95% of the time).
    Orion can't even compare, even if aim at the head the entire time.
  10. Mongychops

    The SVA-88 is not bad, the point is that at this point it is literally just worse than the Orion unless you really want the extra magazine size.
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  11. Solidpew

    Close quarter dueling is rather difficult with the SAW because even if you point at someone's head, the bullet spread is too erratic with hipfire + ADS can be disorienting when someone's nearly in your face. An above poster mentioned the Anchor, and it's better in the dueling respect because you can reliably hipfire and counter the Orion's mobility with your own mobility.

    I'm thinking of this scenario in a small room or tower because long range dueling has more reaction time. Mobility is a key factor for these situations. There's a reason the Orion is so popular for close encounters and the SAW isn't. Compare the rate of fire- a gun with less damage per bullet that fires faster vs. a gun with more damage per bullet that fires slower. Things like missing do matter, and they will happen regardless of how good of a shooter you are.
  12. DaninTexas

    As someone who has a TR and NC toon on Connery - no one is allowed to complain about VS being OP. Those guys on that server fight like rabid wolves. They make you earn every single inch you take from them. I have nothing but respect for my purple brothers and sisters falling to my unending assault.
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  13. Axehilt

    Well yeah, the sustain (dmg/mag) is a big part of it. A slight loss in DPS to gain +50% mag side is worth it if your expected K/D for a battle is over 1.5. You might not take it a competitive match (because you'd optimize for burst, not sustain), but if you're above average skill farming typical players then you're going to end up making good use of the mag. Plus the 570 vs. 630 projectile speed advantage is significant too.
  14. Mongychops

    I disagree, you don't think that you'll get a K/D lower than 1.5 with VS carbines and ARs just because they only have 30x143 bullets. The Orion is more like a cross between a TR Assault Rifle than an LMG, and the NC Carnage AR, and that isn't a bad thing.
  15. Axehilt

    Eh, it's mostly just freeing yourself from the requirement of reloading after you've killed 2-3 players, to provide the option of killing a few more in the event that you really need to deal with that many players that fast. With a large-mag weapon you have that option (and you also have the option to reload in fewer opponents if you think there will be enough of a break.) With small-mag weapons you're forced into that reload, and it can get you killed.

    The expected 1.5 K/D thing is more about sizing up the skill of your opponents. Which informs whether you should optimize for "burst" or "sustain", basically. Against players as skilled or better than you, optimizing for burst is useful so you can survive that first encounter to kill them. Against easier opponents, sustain is more valuable. It's not a golden rule, since the power of a sustain or burst thing isn't automatically worth it.

    For example I strongly value +50% mag size if it only involves a small DPS reduction, but I don't value Nanite Autorepair on ESFs because I already have repairs and the effect is super slow and it means not taking one of the more valuable defense items (so even though NAR by its nature is a "sustain" thing, I'm not sure I'd use it even if I became a much better pilot; and I'm already reasonably good.)
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  16. Idle

    I play both NC and VS and prefer most of the VS weapons over the NC choices but only by a tiny amount the only NC weapon I d say I like better then the VS is the cyclone. I don't think NC needs a buff or VS a nerf but Iike I said if asked which factions weapons I d prefer I d say VS.

    The Orion on the other hand is head and shoulders above anything NC has. Its the EM6 out of the NC LMG's that if you aim at chest you get headshots from recoil not the SAW.
  17. Renuse

    Over and under pop changes every other month, as well as during certain play-times.
  18. Mianera

    There is a simple solution. Don't fight the VS.

    I avoid them like a plague, so when I play my TR I fight the NC. When I play my NC, I fight the TR. Very simple. You are never forced to fight only 1 faction. Some of the best fight's I have ever experienced have been between the TR and NC.
    I do have a VS, BR 14 I think but I don't play it. Just can't stand being purple and the little I have played it I felt a bit OP, especially since I never suffered bullet drop.

    In biolabs however, I don't really care what I'm up against, my MAX rips everything apart.

    PS: I still love to hunt Magriders in my Vanguard <3
  19. KodiakX

    I think "better" also doesn't take into account personal preference or ability for the weapon.

    For example I'm terrible controlling recoil. I will do better with a lower DPS weapon that's more accurate like the NS weapons than I will with an extremely high DPS weapon that I can't control and therefore take no real advantage of that DPS. VS works really well for me cause in nearly every case I've found their weapons are extremely controllable.
  20. Vikarius

    95%/+ VS weapons are a complete downgrade from their NC counterparts, and in some cases TR as well.
    Nothing has changed.

    All we have going for us is the PPA and the Orion. I'd take a Scatmax over a VS max anyday of the week