Planetside 2 Debate: Cross platform with PS4, yes or no.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DragonOps, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. DragonOps

    Should we have cross platform gaming with PS4? Why or why not?
  2. Cougarbrit

    I don't think it's really up for debate. Console players would get **** on more often than BR1s do.
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  3. Tommyp2006

    This, gamepad users have significantly less precise aiming, either they would have to have way too heavy of auto aim, which would be unfair for us, or they wouldn't have enough, and m+kb users would destroy them.
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  4. Paragon Exile

    Yes, more people to kill.

    What's the point of Planetside 2? Big battles.

    What do more people per server give you? Big battles.

    I can live with delayed updates.
  5. DragonOps

    Just make a wee bit of aim assist, adjustable settings and a good tutorial. That should balance it enough. The core game is meant for large, epic battles. I assume the core game is better than delayed updates.
  6. Jawarisin

    wont ever happen, they did it with other game, every time it was an utter failure as the computer people wrecked the consoles.
  7. ironeddie

    Every time a game has tried combining PC and console players together it hasn't worked because the console players just can't compete with the keyboard and mouse PC players.

    Sure if that issue could be overcome and in a way that didn't make it to easy for console players or **** the PC players so hard it wouldn't be fun to play. I can't deny particularly for a game such as this the increase in player numbers would be very beneficial. Just can't see how it can be done in a way that works for both player types.
  8. DragonOps

    What is wrong with this? Enough aim assist to help console players but not so much to give them an overpowered aim bot, this aim-assist should only work at a range so snipers still need skill. Adjustable settings would help with the "controller" problem.
  9. Villanuk

    No, as you would get kiddy players team killing and screaming on the comms and playing nursery rhyme music.
  10. Maelthra

    I swear I already get that :eek: But, yes, it would generally be worse if you threw PS4 players into the mix.
  11. Elrobochanco

    It's not happening. Technically it's possible (it's happening tomorrow, play on PTS with E3 players), but it's not allowed for release due to patching requirements.

    You can't just toss out 3 hotfixes on PS4 a week. Consoles require certification for patches. If we wanted crossplay PC players would be slowed way down in game content (all content, even cosmetics) to likely a patch every month or more).

    edit: actually I may be wrong on that first part maybe they're also showing PS2 on PC there, but from what I understood PTS was being used for PS4 showing
  12. Villanuk

    Indeed :)
  13. DragonOps

    1. This isn't X-Box.
    2. This isn't CoD.
    3. If the moderating stays the same, these people would get banned rapidly(we also have weapon locks and mutes), again this isn't CoD.

    The core game of PS2: Large, epic battles. Which is what the PS4 population would bring.
    What hotfixes are: Just tiny updates, they rarely change your game play in a significant way.
    I would definitely say that delayed hot fixes is a good trade for a better experience with the core game. Especially with all the "OMG PLANETSIDE 2 IS DYING PLEZ HELP SOE!!!"
  14. Villanuk

    SOE are making the game more cod based and focused, ie implants and pointless kill map. The new bases are designed for CQC, so you will get some transference and COD is such shambles players are looking for something new.
  15. SinerAthin

    I would give a clear NO to that question.

    When I played Space Marine in Multiplayer, there was both a Console and PC version; and the whole game played very differently depending on which setup you used.

    On one of the levels that was a ruined industrial complex, there was an open ground in the middle with the occasional cover to hide behind.
    On the Console, you'd often see people pass through it, and even survive.
    But if you switched to the PC, the middle was an empty graveyard; and anyone who attempted to step out on it immediately died.

    The target acquisition and accuracy is just far superior with Mouse & Keyboard than it is with a Controller, making ranged combat vastly more deadly and quick.
  16. Phyr

    Yeah, lets put console players on the same server, then I'll easily get one of those MLG k/ds going for once. (Until the console peasants rage quit)
  17. NinjaTurtle

    It wont happen because console gamers just arent as fabulous or talented as us PC gamers
  18. Regpuppy

    Ignoring the urge to spout mouse&keyboard-master-race, like my fellow PC players, I need only bring up issues with PC developement involved with cross-platform.

    Linking PC with console would mean PC development would have to slow down to meet the needs of the console. Consoles have a longer validation process involved with getting updates to their clients. Because of this you either deal with sometimes wildly different versions between the two (not an option) or you slow PC updates to keep both in sync with each other.

    .... and yeah, console has it's place. I'd even argue he console controller is superior for certain types of games. But you can't expect to pit people on a superior platform for FPS games with people using an inferior input method (console controllers) and expect everyone to be happy. As much as any dev or those few dedicated console players will say. There's a reason virtually every console made shooter has some form of aim-assist. (hint: it's because the controller on its own is very imprecise)
  19. andy_m

    I agree.

    Also, unless, of course, Planetside is developed on the PS4 to use a keyboard and mouse, but otherwise there is no way you can get a game that is played on a gamepad to work with the same control settings as the same game on a PC. Not in my experience anyway.

    I started playing BF3 on the PS3 last year with some mates. I hated it because I was so, so bad. We set up a melee round where I could use a gun but my mates could only use knives. I died and hardly killed any of them.

    I then bought the game for PC, just to see what it would be like to play the game with a keyboard and mouse, and the difference was amazing. Not just with the control aspect, but also the amount of settings you can tweak. No such thing as "keybindings" for the playstation...

    In order to keep playing with my chums I bought a XIM which allowed me to plug my keyboard and mouse into my PS3. It helped, a lot, but then I discovered Planetside and that was the end of BF3.

    So, TD;LR

    I vote NO
  20. maxkeiser

    More cannon-fodder would certainly be amusing, but I think the console players would leave the game after half an hour. The shock of being destroyed time and time again would just be horrific.