Bug Update June 6th

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. kadney

    That's the reason why I click the circles on the map instead of the buttons in the list.
  2. Mezinov

    Do you know if the team has considered re-introducing the Planetside 1 feature of Binding to a spawn point as a potential fix for this?

    This is a feature I think Planetside 2 sorely lacks on many levels. It was always helpful to have the Outfit bind to the same base so that you wouldn't have to recall to sanctuary just to get everyone regrouped, and you could set your bind as a base near the front for quick fall backs to defend.

    It would also help in assaults with many Sunderers; there is always going to be one that lets you come from your preferred direction at that base.

    It may be an easier solution to implement as well, to make it so on the map or death screen you can right click a spawn and choose "bind", which then makes it your default when you go to the death screen.
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  3. Kunavi

    So.. You theoretically fixed a handful of top priority broken things and that's a BIG UPDATE? No, that's just making PS2 work because it's not working when PLANES SHOOT THROUGH BUILDINGS for instance(Not while you call this a "Full Title", because that's BETA LEVEL PROBLEMS you're talking about). A BIG UPDATE would be a fundamental Balance change including Hossin, Resources, Meta. Of course I'm being a bit harsh here, for a SOE UPDATE it IS big. Think on that for a while. On a lighter note, THANKS for this. At this point I won't look a Gift-Horse in the mouth; Being SOE you could have just tossed all that, instead giving us a 1K Cert CopyPasta weapon(Mix the numbers, cut and paste model parts) and helmets others made for you and called it a BIG UPDATE if you wanted.

    I'm optimistic.
  4. RadarX

    It's a bug update and honestly the goal behind this wasn't to wow or impress. This is just a little transparency into what we are working on. These bugs should not have happened to begin with, but we're a little past that now and tackling these along with other ones which bother us just as much as they bother you guys.
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  5. Goden

    Is there any known cause/fix for the bouncy drop pods?

    I mean it's hilarious to see my teammates shooting back up into space but it's not so funny when it happens to you after a few times.
  6. andy_m

    Yeah, how come there is no mention of this? Is this not considered to be a "bug?"
  7. Frostbitten

    Well, they're apparently still working on a fix.
  8. Hibiki54

    Armor decals should not be on that list.

    Player desync and hit detection should be top priority. There have been well more than just a handful of occasions where my crew move in to take a point only for the base behind is to be flipped to the enemy with 0%/0% ally/enemy presence in the hex.

    And hit detection has been crap since the horrible Liberator buff.
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  9. Takoita

    Respawning in a squad Galaxy can also kill you for some reason now. Not really game-breaking, but if you looking into spawn mechanics, could you investigate this too?
  10. Hibiki54

    And the horrible bug of your Sunderer randomly teleporting when you exit and blowing up somewhere else.

  11. RadarX

    Which goes to back to both high on the list and simple to fix. Both bugs you describe are high on the list (top 2 actually) but just not that easy to resolve.
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  12. Killuminati C

    Glad to hear the random point flipping bug is still a primary focus.

    It's awful having to leave a couple of guys behind to keep a point from flipping while a couple more move ahead with a sundy to a larger populated base to try to get the point flipped so you can advance, only to have them get overwhelmed by a half a dozen hostiles. I mean, if you don't have many people it's either push on the point frantically to flip it OR guard the sundy.

    Ultimately after a failed attempt you end up redeploying in disgust only to watch the empty base start flipping over to the enemy :mad:.
  13. Torok

    In an ESF, Hornets can't be directed anymore through Freelook aim from the cockpit, this used to be possible when they launched on Live servers, bug or feature?
  14. Hibiki54

    It was an unintended feature that they quickly took away. It was on PTS and accidently made it onto live.
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  15. Torok

    But it was fun :|
    And after that they implemented the Spur which works the same way...

  16. Hibiki54

    I expected the Spur to be OP.

    Now I have low expectations, that way I can be "Wow'd" when they do something right.