Biolabs are only fun for defenders.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Coldmeister, May 26, 2014.

  1. Shanther

    Biolabs are only really fun to attack into when you are a LA.
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  2. \m/SLAYER\m/

    you just don't know how to farm from safe room :D
  3. CerealBox

    Disagree with your principal and you're opinion.
    It's your opinion of fun and not fun so not much to argue there.

    However, I'd argue there's lots of fun to be had in / around a biolab. A narrow perspective of the biolab isn't going to open many avenues of fun for you either.

    In terms of outfit and organized play, capturing a biolab is more of a challenge than a hinderance. And if you enjoy challenges, you'll enjoy a biolab fight. If you enjoy easy entrances, non-challenging methods of insertion, non-organized generator room play, simple hand holding gameplay mechanics, perhaps the biolab isn't for you. Try putting effort and thought into your biolab attacks and it will be much more rewarding when you succeed.
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  4. Badmagic362

    I enjoy attacking... the defenders on the air pads with a zepher. 91 kills in little over an hour, thank you mindless hordes that don't look up.

    Seriously though, I don't mind attacking if the pops are even.
  5. Teshrrar

    Most bases have no progression spots, what create the "farm scenario" which we have today. There's almost no room for tactics, just for numbers., and because this I'm playing much less (again), but I don't wanna stop play for another year like the last time.

    When two armies with the same numbers face each other, note how nobody can advance. Who logoff for last win. I can't say how to solve this, but SOE should think in something.

    The bases should have stages, like a dungeon, for example, with the spots for attack/defend, giving a chance for both sides work on ways to.

    But I have to say which the players can't care less for this, since all the Platoons/Outfits that I participate never try do some tactic, wasting time talking about their lifes or other useless topic for the game.
  6. M2_Bradley

    I think what you mean is...Getting into a biolab is not fun.
    But fighting inside it,is.
  7. IamDH

    I enjoy biolabs greatly but when you lose the SCU it basically means your infantry force wasnt big enough

    If "one guy" took the SCU they at least one guy of your team should deal with him
  8. FieldMarshall

    I disagree.

    Biolabs are unique and fun. Changing Biolabs to become just like any other fight would make the game even more bland.
    Let people who enjoy Biolab fights have their fun. You have the rest of the continent.

    When attacking, it feels like you actually accomplished something when taking a Biolab 50/50.
    You know, like a challenge. A word rarely used nowdays.
  9. Prudentia

    The problem is: that doesn't work.
    There is always only one stage in a fight. EVERYONE is there, because, well, thats where the fight is. when you break that stage, every defender is dead and has to respawn, the earliest point they can defend again from is about 15-30 seconds of walking for the Attackers later.
    Infantry speed: 5m/s*15=75m
    across a biolab.
  10. LibertyRevolution

    So... you want people to attack empty biolabs, and knock out the SCU so they can't defend...
    You understand that you are trying to justify ghost capping a major facility right?

    Must be a fun game you play.. always defending that indestructible sunderer of yours and ghostcapping bases..

  11. Axehilt

    If Bio Labs were balanced, you would only have to overcome the skill of your opponents. If they're unorganized no strategy would need to be spelled out because everyone's experience at that base would go either way: whoever has the superior skill/organization/population wins.

    But Bio Labs aren't balanced, which is why even against disorganized opponents you have to spell out a strategy for capturing it. That strategy wouldn't be required in a base that was actually balanced, except against organized opponents.

    Beyond that, claiming you can take Bio Labs "with little opposition" is in a roundabout way correct because:
    • If there are 24 or fewer defenders ("little opposition") then Bio Labs are actually fairly balanced.
    • As you exceed 24 defenders, they become progressively unbalanced and eventually nothing short of a massive advantage in skill/organization/pop will succeed.
    There's really nothing that can justify the shallow gameplay that this creates. It creates a game where an unskilled team can often beat a high-skilled team (if the difference isn't large enough) and that's shallow gameplay. Why wouldn't you want a deeper, more interesting game that rewards skill and teamwork?
  12. Taemien

    Explain where I said find an empty biolab. Let me quote some of what I said for the record:

    Its not a ghost cap. Its area denial. No different than putting people camping on a spawn room. But you must be a little cert farmer that whines about Libs. A useless and pointless addition to your faction. Please stay on Waterson. Let them have you as a liability. Let them coddle you.

    Sorry I disagree. If you use the strategy I listed above. It takes a Gal drop from the defenders to push you back. It takes discipline to pull off. If one person gets on a point, you will have 50-100 enemy pouring out of the spawn. If you do it quickly and with everyone on the same page. It can be an easy take. Mess up and you have utter hell to pay.

    You can prevent 24+ defenders by taking out the SCU. Then you play the defender while the enemy now has to attack until the base caps. Then you have a rallying point to push forward.

    If there's more than 24 already there. Then they just had the discipline to use it as a rallying point to press your advance. That's rare, really rare as not many leaders can herd cats that well. What you might be facing is an organized outfit in that case which would rolfstomp you unless you had the same.

    Thankfully Zerglings and PUGs aren't that organized.
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  13. Kanil

    I prefer attacking biolabs to defending them.

    When you defend a biolab, you mostly just spend your time guarding the teleporter rooms. You only have anything to shoot at when people actually leave the rooms, and that rarely happens.

    When attacking, you can leave the teleporter room whenever you want, and there's almost always a defender nearby that you can shoot. Sometimes you do get so spawn camped that you can't do anything, but this is pretty rare, as the attackers usually have several ways to exit the room and begin to push out.
  14. Axehilt

    • Unlike balanced bases, you need and have a specialized strategy for beating Bio Labs. The mere existence of that strategy confirms what we're saying: that Bio Labs are overpowered (and therefore need a special strategy above and beyond what's required at other bases.)
    • The details of your strategy amount to "Avoid fighting at Bio Labs. Ghost-cap them." Which is further confirmation of Bio Labs being overpowered.
    Certainly in-game I'm going to do the same thing you've done and attempt to formulate strategies that recognize the strength or weakness of certain defenses, so that I can help my empire cap the most territory possible. But unlike you, playing to win doesn't stop me from pointing out a clear case of shallow base design that creates dull, lopsided (and therefore uninteresting) combat.
  15. Thardus

    A strategy that's not required at other bases, huh? Heaven forbid we have to have fluid tactics. How terrible that we should ever have to worry about planning an assault.
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  16. Taemien

    This. In fact I think other bases should have other specialized tactics to take them. Not this king of the hill deathmatch style of play we have now.

    Taking down SCUs is a great start. It allows the attackers to bar reinforcements and turns the defenders into the attackers. No more spawn room camping in these cases.

    More fighting, less camping.
  17. Thardus

    We need the return of the Lulu! A few bases per continent that required an LLU run would shake things up a bit. The distances between bases are so short, however, it'd probably be best if they had to be carried by infantry, no vehicles allowed.
  18. Axehilt

    This is not rocket surgery:
    • Varied strategies are great when the defenders' are organized (ie they use a strategy) and the attack warrants a strategy.
    • Varied strategies aren't great if they're required against defenders who are completely disorganized and lack a strategy.
    So the implication that I'm against varied strategies is wrong and you don't seem to actually be putting much thought into this. The ideal is for all fights to be skill vs. skill (entirely decided by player decisions) and that the game should naturally result in fun balanced combat situations as often as possible because balanced combat is where skill matters most.
    How terrible that we should ever have to plan a Bio Lab defense.
  19. Axehilt

    In a balanced base when a defending force employs a strong defensive strategy (like manning all the Tech Plant turrets while using a vehicle force to proactively hunt sunderers) then it's reasonable to expect the attackers to have to use a strategy.

    It's not reasonable to expect the attackers to be forced to use a strategy against a completely unorganized force, just because the base you're attacking happens to be strongly defender biased.
  20. Thardus

    Some bases should be inherently more defensible than others. Biolabs are difficult to take with even pops, but if the defenders are organized enough, then the pop advantage needed to capture them becomes even greater. There's nothing wrong with that.

    Some bases, like Amp Stations, are inherently difficult to defend. Some, like Bio Labs, are inherently difficult to attack. Some, like Towers, are relatively balanced, and that is as it should be. Else, you might as well just play the game in a blank void.