Daily cap on implant drops or a bug?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TerryTenMen, May 20, 2014.

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  1. Dargadon

    So. 2 alerts, 4 hours of gameplay, around 50000 exp. and not a single drop. Absolutely nothing.
    Another bug after patch - why the hell i`m not even surprised?
  2. Goretzu

    I can certainly see a daily cap on implants (it's to slow down accumulation and fair enough - IF it is only limited to a sensible degree), but chargers are different and frankly at the least would need to be a seperate (and likely higher) cap.
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  3. WarmasterRaptor

    I gained two chargers so far but they can't be found anywhere.

    Nothing else.

    So, yay for implants?
  4. Klypto

    Click on the blue implant energy button under the energy meter.
  5. Wobberjockey

    well looks like nothing will change because Radar thinks we don't really mind the implant system.

    his own words on reddit right here folks.


    it's probably far easier to pretend that angry players and yell chat full of capped people don't exist.
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  6. xboxerdude

    LOL I'm not the only one who saw that......
    No wonder the implants went forward the person who is supposedly going to advocate or at least rely our messages and feelings doesn't have a clue and admits it himself
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  7. baratol

    Does this also mean you cant buy anymore implant packs if you hit a limit?. I cant buy any more 3 or 5 pack implants?.
  8. AnotherNoob

    no you can still buy them, but no more drops.

    On my tr char i had 10 implant drops and 10 chargers before I hit the cap... Buuuu for cap!
  9. current1y

    Has any one figured out the cap timer yet?
  10. Noc65

    This is completely unacceptable. In-game time is in-game time. Now you are artificially adding incentive to log off. Even worse, you are adding a very REAL incentive to "grind" every day. Does no one care how bad that is for game time? This is absolutely terrible and NEEDS uncapped immediately.
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  11. dezusa

    There should be a limit on getting free/random implants and chargers,
    thats where "buying implants/chargers via Station cash" comes in to play.
    And pretty much why the implants are implemented.
  12. Garrum

    Sounds like an excellent way to torch any remaining goodwill.
  13. Ralek

    The daily cap on drops makes very little sense. The reason given makes even less sense.

    Experience exploiters should be dealt with in other ways. They are the least affected by the cap. They can just farm certs and buy implants and chargers with certs.
    It makes as much sense as putting a limit on certs gained per day. How'd you feel if you could only get say 1000 certs per day and then just stopped getting them?

    A lot of people play in bursts. I know a lot of my outfit mates do. They play for around 10 hours on a couple of days a week (as their real life commitments allow, days off from work, etc.) and have minimal playtime the other days. The current system completely screws these people over.

    If you want to reinforce the login and play everyday element you've pushed in the past, do the same you did daily ribbon bonuses. Have the first few drops get a quality boost or something along those lines.
  14. Wobberjockey

    it seems to be 10 implants/24 hours, with the last implant dropped setting the 24 hour start point.

    as far as chargers go, no idea. i went 23/8 over an hour today and only got 1-2 chargers in the last few minutes of my play session, despite doing some base capping and having a nice long killstreak in there.

    most certainly not enough to keep a T1 implant running though.

    also it seems that if you are in the air, and not an ace pilot, you are pretty borked as far as drops go.
    best bet is being in a hex as it flips. assist XP appears worthless for determining drops.
  15. Ronin Oni

    No they aren't... if you're playing 4 hour marathons then you earn enough certs to charge implants with certs beyond your daily charger cap.

    Sure, I'd rather there not be a cap on chargers, but you seriously like to over-state the seriousness.

    Not that you'll see this anyways... I made your ignore list. :rolleyes:

    YAY ME!

    Anyways, the SOE responder you were yelling at was JUST saying that they're taking notes on the data and the idea is to let free players earn enough chargers to charge without paying money. Money will be mostly from people trying to craft implants
  16. Godsmangamer

    Understandable given truly Chaotic nature of the game and the near continuously experimental nature of everything you have done up to now
    as a community we know you are breaking new ground with every update so we understand that patience is key but while that is the case we must point out that ours is not unlimited.
    Granted most of those on these forms are likely addicted to this epic and awesome game thank you and keep up the good work.
  17. gnometheft

    Posts like this give me great faith in SOE. I'd like a bit higher of a cap, but I'm sure the devs are closely monitoring it. Thanks for the dev response
  18. Wobberjockey

    i can't quote you properly, but i put a large post on the cap issue here

    feel free to leave a comment on what you think.
  19. Ronin Oni

    The idea isn't bad, just their numbers are off... and unintentionally so far off at that.

    At a certain point, players who play that many hours (3-4+) can augment chargers with minor cert investment.

    They need to tweak numbers to get it to that point
  20. Xebov

    Why should players with more playtime per day pay certs to keep up there Implants while players with less dont? Its noteworthy that there are players in the game that can only play on weekends and have higher playtimes there compared to players who can play every day and have a smaller hour count per day but yet have the same playtime if you calculate it over a week. Its the playtime that counts. It needs to be guaranteed that you can have run your Implants X% of your playtime, no matter if your play time is bigger or smaller, otherwise you will tell players with higher playtime that there time played is worth way less because they play so much.

    Not to forget, paying 750 Certs to get a charger that holds for up to 5h 30mins is not a "minor cert investment" i run a Heroic Boost and a Membership and i need 6-9h to get so many Certs. I dont want to start on how many Certs players without these benefits get.
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