Voodoo Company - Boobs, Beer and Freedom Fries!

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by cfschris, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. bladedcross

    VCO Always in the Fight!

    Hopped into Hatsune's squad with about 20 minutes left in the alert and I thought you did fine for what I believe was your first time squad leading. Keep it up and you'll be a pro in no time.

    And that goes out to anyone else interested! Want to lead your own squad some day, and be known across the server as a hardcore badass commander? VCO offers an excellent community to do it in! It's a place where your members will follow your orders, your superiors will assist with tips and tricks, and your brothers and sisters will always have your back.

    What are you waiting for? Sign up and see what we're all about today!

  2. Hatsunemiki

    It wasn't my first, more like my fifth. :p I'm still getting used to the idea of policing my team, it's a much different skill than my usual salesmanship and positive reinforcement. But the proof is in the pudding and simply put, not all of alpha was on point for the majority of the alert and I have to work on how to motivate not just fellow VCO but the randoms too.
  3. Hasteras

    Yeah, it can be tough sometimes. Especially if there are randoms in the squad. You shouldn't abandon salesmanship though, effective leading in this game is 70% salesmanship. Giving an order with just the right mixture of enthusiasm (to get people excited about it), purposefulness (to show you mean it), confidence (to make everyone believe it will work), and clarity (so everyone actually understands what to do) is 70% of leadership in this game. Once you get it right though, you don't have to do nearly as much 'policing' in the form of yelling or kicking.

    Not trying to say I have this mastered either. There are times I think I get it right, but I'm wildly inconsistent still. That's why I continue to focus on SLing rather than trying to jump into the PL role more often.
    • Up x 1
  4. Hatsunemiki

    Another night, another Amerish Alert, another win! Well played VCO! I ran with Bravo squad this evening and apart from a few exceptions, Bravo was everywhere it needed to be. Great job!

    I honestly didn't think we were gonna get the win tonight; even if we didn't start in the lead, the NC territories wedged themselves between the VS and TR and it looked like they had no choice but to fight us either way. But VCO's light-quick defenses stopped the bleeding long enough to hold a 36% lead the entire alert! Of course, it did help that the TR seemed content to spend the entire alert fighting over Heyoka and the VS content to spend most of it stopping them.

    Salesmanship is one of my strong points, tis my career afterall, but at the moment it's kinda the only one and I need to work to change that. I do agree I need to work on that before I start PLing more frequently, the one time I was casual PL was decided simply because I was the only one who would step up (that also happens to be what got me started in SLing as well).
  5. Hasteras

    NC Mattherson won a Cold War earlier with 47% territory and 33% continent pop (IIRC). Then we won an Amerish territory alert with 40% territory (with 36% pop when it ended I think). VCO was in the thick of the action every minute of both alerts.

    VCO never quits. We've forgotten how to derp. We believe we are actually defending freedom. I'm fairly certain TR are actually real life communists and Vanu players are truly a hostile alien species practicing to invade Earth. Think you can handle the intensity? When the alert rolls around, look for that VCO tag in the squad listings, join in, and hold on tight because:

  6. Epic High Five

    Oh man, wish I could've been on for that last one but you see, they buffed my Crusader aaaanndddd

    VS has certainly been a lot quieter about the ascendancy of alerts as the primary meta for PS2 like they're usually on about.

    I was there for his actual first and he did great. Yelling at turds so that your diamonds can shine is pretty much 90% of squad leading, 9% is beacon placement, and 1% is raw, animalistic sexuality.
  7. Hatsunemiki

    An odd day for the outfit, sorta speak. Many of the core members were training for the upcoming server smash, but VCO still ran its daily casual platoon like no one else could! Clown PL'd today while I was with Bravo on yet another Amerish alert earlier today. We didn't win this time, the blue berries overextended before the damn thing got going and unfortunately we couldn't pull off the same magic as last evening. Later in the evening, Chris PL'd for an alert on Indar. It was hella fun and even had theme music as we dropped three squads of Max suits on a bunch of VS douchebags.

    Both Bravo and Delta, who I ran with in the later alert, offered VCO's own tactical fun and we were effective for the vast majority of our plays. If you need an outfit who will give you a direction to go and friends to role with, consider playing with us at least once to try it out.
  8. tribalthomas

    I have enjoyed playing with VCO. You can be fighting over a tech plant one minute and the crown the next. I highly recommend VCO for new players.
  9. Popadige

    All the alerts are running into each other now, can't remember what happened when.

    I know that the other night flying into those objectives with 4 galaxies and CCR's "Fortunate Son" blasting from one of them was very cool... "Some folks are born made to wave the flag, Ooh, they're red, white and blue..."

    Earlier tonight I was able to SL for Bravo during an alert and though we didn't win we had some great fights. Seemed like we were dropping on Sundys all night, popping 'em left and right. Everyone stayed on point and focused on task. Thanks to those that ran in my squad and did such a great job.

    And as always, thanks to the TR and VS on some great fights.
  10. Hatsunemiki

    Late night ops tonight, wasn't able to SL due to the fact that my family would likely eviscerate me if I started singing and yelling after midnight. I still had lots of fun though, another Amerish alert and have to say my fave moment was one of the first defenses at Wokuk Amp. Fended off a VS surge while outpoped 35-65ish. It was an awesome fight! Unfortunately it didn't matter too much. The TR started with 17% and for some bizarre reason decided to fight us over NC Arsenal rather than taking a stab at getting first place. To be fair, I don't know if they started that fight or if Blue Berries did, so I guess it's not my place to judge.

    Sundy pops left and right, crashing the party in style. VCO offers what foot surging outfits don't, guaranteed action! Try it out for yourself!
  11. Hasteras

    Played the Amerish territory alert earlier. It was a weird one. VS started with like 45% territory or something stupid, mostly at the cost of natural TR territory but the TR never recovered.

    Regardless, had three squads up and VCO played the whole two hours. The strange part was even though we steadily lost territory the whole alert due to constant pushes from the VS and TR, VCO only actually lost two fights (both of which were tough resecures). The rest of the hexes were lost when we were unable to be there, because unfortunately even we cannot be everywhere at once. You know you're outfit is doing something right when you keep winning even though your faction is losing.
  12. MasterFancyPants

    Was an awesome time, the entire VCO squad was on point!
  13. Epic High Five

    I had to pull a double and get some birthday stuff organized :( GIMME THE DEETS YO
  14. Hatsunemiki

    Congrats to Mattherson for the Server Smash win! :D I watched a good chuck of the replay and saw our VCO boys... twice maybe? It's tough to pick them out when the camera people seem to love air fights more-so than ground fights.

    As expected, we didn't have our dedicated leads available for the Amerish alert this evening. I only showed up for the last hour or so, myself. I ended up SL for Alpha and have to say the best part was a quick gal drop to pop a sundy and stop a surge coming out of Lithcorp. Aside from that, not much can be said for the alert. Pretty much all the outfits were burnt out from the days festivities and everyone seemed on the defensive.

    Using the Server Smash point scoring, Mattherson won 56 points to 34 (I believe, just going off memory). Essentially they held the big three territories the longest. Miller seemed to be focused on air superiority but lacked in their ground advances. The extra air dominated the early game in Miller's favour, but Mattherson was better prepared to handle a slugfest on the ground and took back almost everything that they lost by the end of the game.
    • Up x 1
  15. Hatsunemiki

    VCO ran almost two full platoons tonight for the Tech Plant alert (may I say, it was refreshing to not play a continent or bio alert!) despite a mid-alert leadership swap. Ultimately we didn't quite make the save, losing the Alert to a draw between TR and VS. But that still didn't stop us from having fun! I ran Charlie Lead, and while we weren't terminating people in purple spandex we were were singing Space Jam songs and even some 80's throwbacks (to which I didn't know many of the words. What? I was born in '89, so sue me).

    Props to all the leads who stepped up even as our brothers had to attend the demands of real life. Tonight was a perfect demonstration that we all have lives. We all have jobs and relationships and other things we need to keep us going. This game isn't paying us to play it, but we dedicate our time and energy into it because we know that it's a damn fun experience and one that can't be found anywhere else. Quite frankly, if you're not in an outfit that's aware of that then get out!
  16. Obersturmfuhrer

    VCO partook in the Matherson VS Miller server smash this weekend! WITH MATHERSON VICTORIOUS! Join up and test your mettle for a spot in the next server smash! Check out the recorded stream of the event here:
  17. Landsharkgun

    Alright, butternuts, sit down and let Landsharkgun tell ya 'bout the day he met VCO.

    I had just started playing again after getting to BR 10 several months ago. I was aimlessly wandering between fights, like a newbie solo will do, without much point to my actions. Sure, I shot a guy here, I fixed a tank there, but never with any real conviction. The few squads I joined were either completely silent or tryharding couch warriors.

    Then one day I happened to get dropped into a VCO squad via the 'random squad' button. Almost at once I was blown out of my mind to hear calm, authoritative orders blaring from my speakers. These guys....actually knew what they were doing? Within minutes, I redeploying and hot-dropping into the biggest ****-fests you'd ever seen, backed up by squaddies who actually listened to orders. When the alert ended (with an NC loss), I was a bit sorry to see the action stop. But then Aeflic started calling for everybody to load up all the anti-air they had and get up on a hill close to the Vanu warpgate. Being a lowly Engineer without any anti-air weapons of any sort, I came along for ammo dispensing purposes.

    Once there, we pulled Sundies from a nearby hacked terminal and set up Maxes and Heavies on the tippy-top of the hill. And then....for the next solid twenty minutes, we shot down everything flying, hovering, or falling through the air that wore purple colors.

    They brought strafing runs. They brought Sundies full of infantry. They tried to get tanks up the hill. We withstood it all until, while under attack from a mixed infantry-tank push, they brought in a coordinated airstrike of 12 to 15 Scythes, one lined up after another. They took out our Sundies, and then one by one we fell.

    It was crazy. It was awesome. It was bloody glorious.
  18. Hatsunemiki

    Hell of a night for VCO! Changes in command and in-game comms dropping left and right. Have a feeling the servers may have been pressured from that commercial business, but that's just speculation. It didn't stop VCO from bringing the heat to Indar during this evening's alert! Ran as Alpha lead after our previous lead DC'd. The NC was pressured from both the VS and TR for the entirety of the Alert , which was quite odd given that we were both outpopped on the server and had least territory right from the start. VCO ran defense of the Bio Lab and are proud to say not a single purple or red boot laid foot in Saurva actual. Had ourselves some fun, running an atypically seen VCO Armor column at one point.

    VCO doesn't care who has the pop or how far behind the NC get. We know we're the underdogs and we'll come back fighting with what strength we have. All NC outfits should know this, if yours doesn't then give VCO a try sometime. You might just like what you see.
  19. Hatsunemiki

    Great job tonight VCO! We didn't get the win, but had some fun anyway. Have to say the best parts of the night were the freestyle rap songs and the would-be prep cap at Rashnu Watchtower. Was lead for Alpha squad and our boys held the point and tall stairs outpopped 30 - 70. We held it long enough for reinforcements to arrive from Bravo and Delta and even though it was unsuccessful initially it bought enough time for the blue berry armor column to make its way up.

    Things did begin to collaspe near the 30 minute mark. It is most certainly a sign that I still have much to improve upon as a lead. Alpha's orders were to take A point but it quickly became difficult to rally the morale to push through. I fell silent as debates ran in command channel, I must train myself to serve my squad first before listening in on debates (kinda tough to tell them apart from orders sometimes. Working on that too.). Overall, I had a good time and like to think I'm getting a little better every time I do this.

    Ladies and gents, VCO gave a BR-19 lead because he wanted to step up and do more for his team. I'm still only BR-37 going up against the 100's in purple spandex but I know I can win the day. VCO gives its members the opportunity to become better at the game, not just punish people for not already being able to solo stomp a tower. If you've ever felt "not good enough", we offer training and encouragement, If you can deal with the constant redeploys, you may find an outfit worth keeping.
  20. Hasteras

    Roof of the L-shape at Jagers Fist. BWC dropping Gal after Gal direct on the point. Three (four?) attempts ticking down to the final 30 seconds each time and BWC frustrating us each time. We never actually managed to cap the base - but dem certs son. Such farm. Wow.