Question: How often did you die thinking "HAAX!"?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Haquim, May 7, 2014.

  1. VoidMagic

    During the first month or so of the game I got c4'd at about 500m in the air in my esf. I thought HAX... then I found out light assaults could and would C4 flying ESF... so... not hax...

    Also... one time our T.S. server was getting DDOS'ed pretty hardcore on a regular basis... Turned out we were just catching shrapnel from some other outfit on our server...

    so never.. and to this day, when I hear anyone hackusize... I immediately think of them as an 11 year old bed wetter.
  2. BillBoBaggins

    Not seen anyone good enough in this game to call them hacks.Oh wait...Pella but he got the ban.

    Just imagine the amount of hackers that would be caught if PS2 had a CoD style killcam :)
  3. Dragam

  4. LibertyRevolution

    Not nearly as much as I think "god damn lagger" for killing me while he clearly no longer had LOS on my screen..

    This is the only reason I want kill cam.. so many times I think "BS there is no way he had LOS to kill me"..
  5. Posse

    2 times. One was an invisible guy shooting at me, and second one was a guy that kept warping to my back, or something like that. Those were 2 of the few blatant hackers I've ever seen on this game.
  6. Leftconsin

    Well, I saw a MAX capturing a point today. Bastion point B. I was a MAX, he was a MAX the point got capped for us. I ran over to point C and couldn't cap it.
  7. Camycamera

  8. iccle

    Well i have to say that this thread reads as an overall thumbs up to SOE, GJ on removing the majority of hackers that were around at tech test and shortly after. Pat on the back to ya'll.
  9. maudibe

    I am thinking HAAX when I spend 3 or 4 minutes with a dark light looking for a cloaker in the A point room becuase the point refused to flip for me when I am standing on top of it and I cant find ANYONE THERE (and neither can the other 5 guys looking). Oh and I always fire bullets at every square inch of the walls and on top of boxes etc.
    I think HAXX when I am coming into the A point room cloaked and a guy immediately comes down from the roof stairwell and looks right at me and fires and kills me, How did he know I was there, especially since he is a HA with no darts and no radar flash to show my position? Of course his BR 100 skills must be enought and/or he just GOT LUCKY.
    I am always amazed at how if i am cloaked and sneak around tanks they almost always know where i am and kill me, yet when I am standing within 50 feet of 3 or 4 tanks a long ways from the "front" and as an HA shooting down planes with the lock on, invariably a cloaker will knife me right in front of all those tanks. Oh well maybe my faction doesn't know that proxy radar on tanks is availabe and all the other factions do.
  10. Horrida Messor

    Only once: TR LA was standing around 20 meters away from me, I headshoted him 3 times with my Parralax, after that he ate a rocket from S1 and killed both HA and me, but this was very long ago.
  11. Haquim

    Yup, seems like they got rid of most of 'em. Although I did see a hacker tuesday evening. Running through walls, the floor and occasionally teleporting, ususally behind people.
    But it also tells me that quite a few people find the hitdetection a bit troublesome, although we got used to it of course.
  12. Nody

    A few times but very obvious cases (i.e. one guy was under ground at Crown killing 30+ people a minute with out anyone being able to do anything); a few others I've had doubts but simply put it down to client side detection (you know the classic you die after getting around the corner).
  13. Mortucus

    only when blatent hacking is envolved like shooting pass walls ect
    there are some players that are just that god dam good they can kill u over and over again
  14. Chris Bingley

    I'd say that about half my deaths I'm like, "wtf, HAX." Especially when I play against VS.

    Then I calm down and remember some of the really lucky things I've managed over the last year and a half.

    I've only had experience of 1 actual hacker, but loads of people exploiting bugs. Especially the 'invulnerability hole' in one of the walls at Zurvan Amp, the 'undead bug' and many more. The undead one I noticed again recently. We were defending Allatum agaimnst the VS and one of their MAX units was lying dead on the floor, but still moving around and shooting people.

    If I think the person is hacking I'll report them. Mostly because SOE aren't going to ban you just for being reported. If you are hacking you'll get banned. If you're not hacking they'll ignore it, no harm no foul.
  15. Bonom Denej

    With 150 hours on my VS character on Miller, I have never been suspicious of someone hacking. I mainly lonewolf and I never go into 48+/48+ fights.

    I'm not very skilled or what but usually when someone kills me with some neat trick, I send them a tell congratulating them.
  16. baka

    Any time I die ONLY to 2 to 3 fast headshots in a row at range, from one person using a non-sniper rifle. Some of that could easily just be due to the overlarge head hitbox, but I think there is quite a bit using aimbots carefully.

    On this matter, assuming the video works, I'll ask - has anyone seen any tank moving as fast as this Magrider? I'd show video of the tank in action from my tank view, but it sections of that do show the BR100 driver's name. This Mag took hits and was smoking several times but always could make it into the shielded area under the lab. He went on for several minutes at this constant speed.

    Sorry about the left direction sliding in the view.
  17. Bankrotas

  18. MorganM

    At least once every time I play I die in some weird way or in some manor that makes me think "BS". I never send a hackusation though; it's just petty and pointless. If I REALLY suspect someone I /report and move on. Probably report someone once a week.
  19. Dragam

    Bankrotas : that may very well be, but he instant kills you the way hacksaws would do at 5 meters, or a bolt sniper would do with a headshot... only he does it at range with an Automatic riffle, and has done it 7 times to me recently, which leads me to believe that he is getting a little "help"... for which he has been reported.
  20. NC_agent00kevin

    Those who think they have never seen a cheater or that SOE had gotten rid of most of them are blind.

    Lets see Ive seen a guy who stepped backwards into a wall during a fight, and waited to emerge until I was reloading.

    Ive seen a guy hiding under the world on a rock on Esamir, killing everything that came into view.

    Ive seen a Heavy Assault with a jetpack flying around.

    Ive seen a mossie warping all over the place whenever the guy he was fighting got a bead on him.

    Ive seen a guy magically appear out of thin air right before my eyes.

    And these are just in the last 6 weeks or so. Over time Ive seen all the usual aimbots, wallhacks, and suspected many more of ESP/no CoF cheats.

    You know what those neat little new motion spotters are good for? Seeing when a guy automatcally turns to face you inside a building no matter how noisy it is outside with zero enemies around. I saw a guys dorito watching me through the walls, tracking my every move even when crouch walking. No vehicles around anywhere except for ours. He was on the second floor of a two story building in a corner. I never went in as it was pretty obvious he wasnt playing fair.

    Ive seen a well known BR 100 come into a room I was in, just me and him in the base and dump a magazine into a box that was inbetween me and him. Had the box thingy not been there, it would have been headshots. He had no way of knowing I was standing there on the stairs with the box inbetween me and him, but as he rounded to corner he started shooting. When he realized there was something inbetween us, he stood there for a second then ran away. Another obvious instance of someone not playing fair.

    I also recently saw a guy shooting a perfectly straight stream of bullets from a T9 Carv allll the way across a Biolab from a rooftop. The gun simply does not shoot that accurately. Yet another obvious example of a cheater.

    Out of all these example, only a couple killed me - one being the guy under the world and the other was the flying heavy.

    Those who think cheaters have been thoroughly dealt with lack awareness and experience in catching those little things that scream 'cheater'. They think if the 100% headshot guys hiding in an ammo tower are gone then there must be not be any cheaters any more.