Tank buster oh really, hitting way to hard?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jaktrobot, May 4, 2014.

  1. Admiralty

    COF was nerfed a loooooooooooooong time ago.
  2. WycliffSlim

    Imagine if they guys remembered the days when Tankbuster did 600 damage per shot and could one clip Lightnings from the front. You could one clip turrets without even slowing down... ESF's got melted in like 10 shots... mmm... glory days.

    All that being said, the Liberator is just the hot button topic right now. The "buffs" were insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Barely anyone even runs comp armor, the only changes to the actual weapons was a dalton NERF(which is why so many people run Shredder which has always been stupidly good against everything). The new weapons are basically worthless(other than the Hyena).

    The Lib has basically be constantly nerfed since launch. Oh, and would you like to know why there ARE so many Lib crews farming? It's because most of the good A2A Lib crews and the good A2A ESF pilots have quit the game due to their style of play getting constantly **** on.
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  3. Kriegson

    Likely not at all due to the lib being a flying tank with the only hard counter comperable to vehicle mines against tanks, C4 against maxes, etc, would be another liberator with tankbuster.

    Not due to the only "deterrents" costing large amounts of certs, taking the place of something quite useful otherwise and being so extremely specialized that they can be used for little if nothing else *COUGHCOUGHSKYGUARDSCOUGH* and lockons being little more than an annoyance you put up with until you feel like leaving, with the only real "Counter" that is not another lib with TB being an organized, certed out outfit fighter squadron entering the area and shutting them down.

    No, the "it's a 2/3 vehicle it should beat anything less!" is not a valid argument. Should my 8/8 sundy destroy a 1/2 MBT? What about my 2/3 harasser vs a 1/1 Lightning, every single time and situation?
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  4. Latrodectus

    Whether you want to call the Tank Buster overpowered or not isn't my issue. The problem I have with the way things are (and have always been) is that the TB is the ONLY Lib nosegun that EVER gets used. I can't actually think of any other load out slot that has seen such a lack of variety other than the Light Assault's C4 slot.
  5. SiosDashcR

    Tank Busters were fine prior to the buff b/c it was a high risk- high reward thing.

    Now that Bull Dogs and other AV weapons rarely do sh*t to the Liberator, Libbies have been having a field day with Tank Busters b/c they don't have to worry about getting pooped.
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  6. Gundem

    It's because the TB is the only one worth using.

    The Vektor needed a good 150RPM RoF buff, and all it got was faster reload in the reload speed cert and better damage drop off. Still pretty lackluster.

    The Spur is just plain garbage. In order to use the Free-look, you sacrifice your ability to roll, and the damage is abysmal against large targets like Gals and Libs, and it fires to slow to be good against ESF's.

    Kinda like the Saron. It's not OP, it's just the only one worth using. Except in the case of the Magrider, it's the only one that looks nice :confused:
  7. Mxiter

    It used to be balanced with risks/reward, but since libby resistances buff, it's overperforming ATM. (3 Titan AP shots on stock libby? WTF?)
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  8. Forlorn Hope

    If I run a tank I stay near AA or suffer the consequences of being in an area lacking air support. Its the same thing for all of PS2, you over extend you die. Its the nature of playing with a couple hundred people at a time there's always going to be that random Higby in the middle of nowhere to ruin your day. It happens in the air, on the ground and in bases.

    Skyguard/Lightning needs a coaxial machinegun or some sort of refit option. The damage and range I think are quite good for a one person vehicle platform. IMHO vehicle refit/coaxial machine gun would encourage people to use Skyguards as the main concern I see is that people feel they are unfun and are a restricted playstyle.
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  9. TheRunDown

    I wouldn't say the TB is OP..
    What makes it OP is that Libs using Auto-Repair and Fire Extinguisher can take more liberties becaues it's basically nearly invisible.
    Fire Extinguisher is to power full, it shouldn't work as a "Repair ability" it should only work when on Fire, like in early beta.

    And here is how to Fix the Doltan.
    Do not Change Damage
    Do not Change Reload Speed
    Do not Change Range
    Do Change Projectile Speed *nerf*
    Do Change Viewing angle, so it can Only see in front and down, It can currently see to high and do much behind the Lib.
    Do Change Projectile Arch *nerf*
    There all Fixed. Same TTK, Same Range.
    Makes it so the Zepher can see more, but the Doltan has limited viewing angle, and needs straight runs and better Pilot / Gunner communication.
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  10. Forkyar24

  11. MasterFancyPants

    The problem isn't the tank buster, it's the health.
    The lib should be able to kill a tank in a single swoop. However, if he misses, he shouldn't be able to stand around and finish the job.

    Lib need to go back to pre-buff stats, hell even buff back the dalton. It wasn't so bad when they couldn't just sit and hammer you with it.
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  12. Pirbi

    The moral of this story is that Libs are OP against lonewolf's in tanks.
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  13. Bl4ckVoid

    I will translate L2P for you: learn to enjoy being farmed.

    /sarcasm off
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  14. DQCraze

    It's not called a tank washer or tank sprayer is it? My medic feels helpless when I'm running to the next point and an armor zerg rolls over the hill. We should probably nerf the speed and fire power of armor.
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  15. Pikachu

    I just got killed by a tankbuster as infantry. I was in a small battle shooting a lonely guy 50m away. I put down my scope and look to my right just to see a freakin liberator 10m away from my face spraying his tankbuster at me. :confused:
  16. Forlorn Hope

    I laugh like a movie villian every time I do this. It's such ridiculous overkill yet still takes like 5 bullets. Oh Nanites how I love thee.
  17. Vixxing

    Yeh, harder to kill 1 inf than a lightningtank really :p
  18. Mxiter

    What about renaming the skyguard "aircraft burster"?

    At least it would be amazing against lib gals and tanks ant not only against ESFs.
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  19. LibertyRevolution

    Yes it is a valid argument.
    A 3/12 blockade sunderer with dual basilisks with kill a 2/2 of MBT unless your driver/gunners are suck...
    A 2/3 Vulcan/Halberd/Saron harasser with run circles around a lightning and pwn it, unless your driver/gunner is suck.
    A 4/12 gal will kill a liberator.. dual walkers and a bulldog will wreck a lib if the pilot can give them the shot they need.
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  20. IamDH

    Well, now that you mention it...

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