[Suggestion] Tired of overpowered liberators?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Model299, May 2, 2014.

  1. Model299

    Okay, so by now we all know that the best way to advance your battle rank to 100 is to fly a Liberator. Actually, let's call it something else, the Liberator was a B-24 during WW-II that many people served and fought in, or conversely feared mightily. These, are space cows. Well, they're spacecowz.

    The spacecowz have no opposing strategy, this is mostly due to the lack of offensive air weaponry in the game that is effective. At no time in human history has there been either an air battle that was balanced among opposing tactics and aircraft, or any type of flying machine that reacted well to any kind of bullet (or, any flying things like geese, for that matter... Honk... Honk...). While I have been able to fire golden bb's at ESF flying-like-things, there are no small weapons that damage the spacecowz. Larger weapons like launchers are also not effective, as the launchers in the game use external guidance, it's pretty easy to maneuver spacecowz closer to the terrain so that launchers will not work (but hey, that rock is toast! Or... Cheese toast). Finally, other flying-like-things are also not an effective match for spacecowz, which are known to become enraged and charge into your flying-like-thing that you may be jockeying, or poop some kind of substance out of it's rear-facing tube thusly destroying anything that (sort of) flies.

    Flying-like-things in this game are generally wonky. The Galaxy is purported to fly around at about 62 MPH, and ESF thingies go about 124 MPH. That's about 54 knots let out for the Galaxy and 108 knots getting away in a puddle for the ESF. The spacecowz hurtle along at about the same rate as the ESF thingies, with very little difference in climb rate, with adequate speed.

    Okay, at this point you should know that Auraxians are also really mellow and slow aliens, because the 45MPH that the ATV's operate at actually travels across the terrain closer to 38MPH, and gravity is less on this planet because at that speed it is possible to jump the ATV about 45 feet on a bump. So, with a little light-headedness in mind, the purple smoke is probably involved because Auraxians are still not capable of climbing small hills or rocks even with about 0.64 gravity.

    My conclusion is that the spacecowz can be extremely heavy and well-armored because of the lack of gravity, and the density of the Auraxian atmosphere must be relatively light, because the spacecowz can perform about as well as smaller flying-like-things.

    In order to fix the offensive problem with engaging spacecowz offensively, some capability to be offensive is needed. The G-40F and the anti-air launchers need to operate faster or do much more damage. The air-to-air weapons aboard the ESF flying-like-things should operate with about 65% more range (it's no fun descending into a flight of spacecowz like Raging Bull, if the sidearm you are carrying can't fire until you're within 200 feet or wait five minutes while closing). Small weapons should injure all flying-like-things, at least a little maybe with a random multiplier, and spacecowz particularly should have a lot less endurance in terms of hit points.

    In closing, I think the valkyrie is a good idea, but it really needs to be named something else, so as not to insolently defame mythical beings as much as you have disgraced the B-24 (on earth, where we are now). Also it is necessary to un-nerf the anti-air weapons, or any kind of destroyer type flying-like-thing (like a Navy corvette is in a non-existant Auraxian puddle, but instead in the "sky"...), or any fancy flying that may result will also cause a heightened desire to take ******, or some other un-impotent-making-potion (for those of us who can actually handle learning air combat tactics instead); to be successful, optimally distinctive, content, happy, satisfied, encouraged, accomplished, grateful, and whether pigs have wings.

  2. TheFamilyGhost

    I'm tired of underpowered players.
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  3. FateJH

    I'm tired of uncoordinated players.
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  4. iller

    Libs are basically Carriers

    stop letting them Tech up in the first place. If you're too late, move to a different match (like Esamir maybe)
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  5. ValorousBob

    Easier solution: grab an ESF.
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    Very good read. I disagree with almost all of the opinions, but it was a good read due to the way it was written.

    OP, liberators are dedicated ground attack craft that require multiple.people just to operate. In no way should a single.ground unit directly counter a lib. In no way should the common infantryman have an effective means of countering a lib. The lib is the big gun in this game, and people need to understand that if the little gun can take on the big gun, then the little gun will be the only thing that exists.

    The lib has 2 primary problems:
    1: they maintain excellent AA, which is not good on a dedicated ground attack craft
    2: they are to resistant to ESFs which should be their hard counter.

    Outside of that, libs have the same balance problems as everything else (everything is spammable.)
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  7. Paisty

    Don't feed the cowz!
  8. Paisty

    Why is the fallacy of Libs requiring more than one player still alive? It has been proven time and time again, 1 competent pilot can destroy many "ground AA counters" between the Tank Buster and switching seats.

    If you need two your doing it wrong, if you prefer two that I can understand.

    There is a huge difference between the two though.
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    Ill concede that point. A single lib with a tank buster is quite lethal. I neither endorse bestselling, nor do I like the current design of the tank buster.

    So libs are a 2 person requirement, or hours, and hours of practice for a very few talented folks.
  10. Flashtirade

    Montages are not indicative of average gameplay.
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  11. Paisty

    So where is the AA skill weapons?

    Good skills in the air make a pilot all but invincible to anything but another skilled pilot. But good skills in AA with it's at minimum if not higher cert costs give the exact same deterrence, regardless of skill?

    Skyguards and Maxes are also considered "force multipliers" are they not?
    Why are they so easily trumped?
    Why do they have a much more limited mobility if they have less of a chance of killing their intended targets?
    Why is it you need multiple players to pull AA to destroy spammable aircraft, when the combined cert costs will be close to double for the AA and cost about 1.7 times the combined resources, than the fewer players spend using the aircraft?

    Why are aircraft in PS2 the only type of weapon that is countered only by more of the same vehicle? (air counters air, air counters ground vehicles, air counters infantry, Ground vehicles counter infantry and ground vehicles, infantry counters infantry and ground vehicles)
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  12. DashRendar

    What's funny to me is that aside from the Lib getting much needed tweaked resist values vs. MBT shells and the Viper (makeshift AA) getting nerfed, the Lib got nerfed on the whole. The Dalton now can not oneshot infantry with splash, even without Flak armor which also affects AV effectiveness linearly, and Lib Composite armor now resists Dalton damage as well, so talk about the go-to getting the nerf while none of the other alternatives got buffed. Literally nothing else changed about the Lib aside from Racer frame getting a slight buff, and yet there's 5 threads per day decrying the Lib as being the most broken thing in game where previously there were none (even though a skilled Dalton Lib crew farmed everything and farmed well, not a single thread was made).
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  13. GaBeRock

    Because AA has a very low skill floor. This is why there needs to be an AA option with a similar learning curve to ESFs, as then (unlike the super-stackable flack we have now) it can be balanced around only a few players being able to use it, even in large fights.
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  14. minhalexus

    Oh! Dalton got nerfed?

    That's a relief, i thought i just got really bad with it, not that I was great with it in the first place.
    It took me three shots to take down a heavy assault.
  15. Tommyp2006

    The only way to win not to play

    You can't, there are players who do literally nothing but fly the damn things all day. There is no way to possibly keep them out of it. You cannot get away from them. Like I posted above, the only way to win is not to play
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  16. Get2dachoppa

    One of those people was my grandfather. B-24 Pilot. 380th Bombardment Group, 530th Bombardment Squadron. Alas, if this game is an indicator then I clearly didn't inherit any of his talent for flying aircraft. Anyway, just some family history I thought I'd share since it was mentioned. Carry on!
  17. Tommyp2006

    agreed, I would like to see a high skill AA weapon added as well. Unfortunately, I think it would be difficult to balance vs ESF without making it too weak vs libs and gals, like the situation we have with flak right now.

    My favorite form of AA to play, before it was nerfed, was lockdown prowler AA, but now that fun is gone (mostly)
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  18. NC_agent00kevin

    Theyre not overpowered. They are a force multiplier and can be hard to deal with in smaller scale battles. However, in large scale battles, good luck lingering about bombing freely. They are just XP Pinatas at that point. They give the perception of being much more tough than they are because they can simply fly away and repair, and ground vehicles simply cannot chase them down.

    As a player who hates them when on the ground but guns them when his buds are on, Ive been on both sides of the fence.
  19. Goden

    Then you encounter BR100 pilots who do nothing but fly and can turn you into a burning wreck in 3 seconds. That solution only works for other pro pilots.

    This excuse will be valid when libs need to be coordinated to be effective, because right now any pilot with a random gunner can inflict insane casualties.
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  20. Owen W.

    I'm tired of people not knowing the Skyguard exists.
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