Fix the damage the Shredder does to MAX units

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Facta, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. umbrellapower

    This is a ******** mentality that is absolutely horrendous for gameplay... and exactly what SOE envisioned in the first place. Hire this player, Higby!
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  2. Facta

    You are the personification of pilot entitlement.

    "AA is supposed to be an annoyance, not an actual threat."
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  3. Chubzdoomer

    Thanks for the laugh.
  4. dstock

    LMAO, you think the Burster is ineffective past 100m. Bursters are a real threat, you just have to aim well enough to be more than an annoyance. Having a friend, be it another Burster, HA w/ lock-on, any vehicle turret with a sufficient angle of elevation, etc., will force that Lib away with a quickness.

    Also, I find your response offensive. I'm primarily a gunner these days, and if I'm entitled about anything, it's collecting tears with my Harasser. Why don't you respond to this post with a meaningful statement, instead of calling people names ('pilot'), and complaining that Libs are too good against MAX suits (one guy in an exosuit vs. 3 guys in a gunship, hmmm...).

    TBH, go have a peak at the Shredder damage fall-off graph. This entire thread is a joke, I only posted here to embrace the lols.
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  5. Facta

    Gimping yourself against anything that doesn't fly, only doing tickle damage to air, and dying in mere seconds (while it would take you a ton of time to actually kill anything) doesn't sound like a difficult and unfun job to you? mkay.
  6. Paragon Exile

    Ground units, if lead correctly, always have supporting air themselves and ample flak and launchers.

    Ground-based AA is a soft counter, meant to deter. The hard counter to air is more air. The reason it is like this is based on the concept of air superiority, where those who control the skies control the flow of the battle.
  7. Paisty

    Op good luck with any argument that might cut into the pilots/gunners farming. They jump on these threads as fast as possible and go for the derail.

    You would have more support but a lot of people that agree with you, already left the game. It's clear SOE wants more aircraft in the air to farm infantry, so join the pilots or quit the game. Those are the only legitimate options.
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  8. Chubzdoomer

    Come on man, any HA can easily pull a lock-on launcher, deter and/or pwn any nearby aircraft without even having to do any work himself (point ... hold... fire), then go right back and pull an AV launcher when it's all said and done. Add in the fact that aircraft can't even see infantry without flying stupidly low and AA is made even easier. A base with dual-burster MAXs and lock-on HAs can neutralize aircraft in a heartbeat.
  9. Epic High Five

    The problem with this is that it doesn't extend both ways. Air is the counter to everything in the entire game, and is such with a single loadout (rotary/lolpods or tank buster/dalton/bulldog), so it's unfair to expect ground to be happy and just sit there and impotently get farmed.
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  10. TomaHawk

    Prob because hitting a lib with 5 separate rockets from a ground based anti air/armor launcher is brushed off by the lib like flies?
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  11. Rogueghost

    I'd wager its more challenging than playing MAX.
  12. Darthjackn

    The shredder is fine against maxs. You just need to stay near cover
  13. Paisty

    Yeah keep burying your head in the sand, Libs are deadly to any ground based AA even when 1/3.

    If you haven't figured this out yet, you are one of the bad pilots that regularly dies to AA.
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  14. Paragon Exile

    I don't think it's supposed to; flying in this game is ridiculously stupid and counter-intuitive, making it hard. Take me (An idiot) and pit me against MattiAce (A pro) and I'll get curbstomped every time if we're flying ESF's. Air rewards skill and situational awareness to an extent beyond every other occupation in the game.

    Air, being the hardest occupation that is simultaneously viable and team-oriented, should have an advantage over ground units in my opinion. Keep in mind I subscribe to the idea of air superiority in most strategy games and applicable FPS games, so I'm not exactly unbiased.

    Ground guys can pull HA lockons, MAX flak and Skyguards seconds after air appears, all of which will cut into air units like a knife if their targets are being callous and stupid. To combat AA emanating from the ground, you need to get crafty, as even small mistakes are certain death.

    I really don't think air is that big a problem, and after some Lib nerfs to resistance values, maybe some lolpod splash damage nerfs, it will be pretty good.

    EDIT; also, the loadouts you mentioned are weaker to air units than ones specced for AA, putting them at a disadvantage
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  15. Facta

    This is the problem and you don't even realize it. Air only dies due to the user's errors. It's effectively immortal, the only reason they die is because of human error.
  16. Paragon Exile

    You mean like everything else?

    If you play it safe as a MAX, Tank or infantry guy and have some skills, it's trivial to stay alive.
  17. Facta

    Infantry has probably the highest skill cap in the game because EVERYTHING is made to kill you. Getting 40+ kills on one life is a great thing on infantry. For libs it's about average.
  18. Maljas23

    Well, not sure how I am burying my head in the sand. Not sure how the skill of a pilot matters at all in the context you just used either. Is this a serious reply?

    If you had actually... you know.. READ the thread, you would have seen where I said that Libs don't need more than one person to be deadly. You would also seen where I said that most people CAN'T and DON'T run solo.

    I'm glad I hit a nerve of yours. You just HAD to reply before reading this whole thread. Make sure you READ everything and get yourself up to date before deciding to reply next time.

    And for the record, enemy ESFs and Skyguards are what kill me most. Bursters are more of a deterrence atm.(My opinion before you jump down my throat about that too).
  19. Paragon Exile

    You need a good driver and competent gunners to get a streak going, it's not like jumping in air is an automatic cert windfall.

    I think you're oversimplifying things
  20. Maljas23

    I love the "my way or the highway" attitude in this thread. Please remember that this is a combined arms game, not an infantry one.

    Teamwork is rewarded. Lonewolfing is not.
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