MCG changes discussion 4/10

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Facta, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Facta

    Been using the MCG on the PTS a lot today. Using it with both the extended mags and the BRRT attachment to see the differences. Anyways, let me cover what I've found.

    The BRRT attachment either no longer gives a ROF bonus, or the bonus is only up to the low to mid 800's. It sounds faster, but all it seems to do is cut the spinup time down. The TTK on enemies is almost the same once you're at full spin, either with the vanilla MCG or BRRT. I could be wrong but after a few hours of using both forms of the MCG that's the conclusion I came to. I would love to see the stats comparison on the BRRT MCG and the vanilla MCG.

    Now, I would be fine with this, but to be honest the ADS accuracy is a bit too low to be like this and still be effective. You're throwing so many bullets past people that at from 10-15 meters out, you're missing a large portion of the rounds you're tossing out and, especially with the BRRT, you just can't be wasting your magazine like that. I understand that the MCG is supposed to have fixed COF now, and I like that, but it isn't much different from hip firing it.

    My proposal is to tighten the ADS COF on the MCG just a little bit to compensate for the fact that you're not tossing out as many bullets as before. Nothing too serious, just enough to extend your effective range from 8m to 11 or 12 meters. Leave hipfire the same.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the MCG in its current state, but if you're going to halve your movement speed, then you should get a more tangible benefit besides just a slightly tighter COF. Probably should tighten it to half of what the MCG's hipfire is while you're ADSing, but that's just my suggestion. You're burning through bullets way too fast to be wasting half your rounds at 12 meters out.

    Anyways, that's all I have to say. I think the MCG is just one good change away from being perfect. Even if it doesn't get changed, I'll still use the MCG, it would just be nice to be able to make those bullets count. Frustrating to see a third or even over half of your rounds hit the wall behind your target because the ADS COF is so wide. It's not really worth it to ADS with it in this state.
  2. SadeSkirata

    I still say just give the live MCG the brrt. . .that or make it standard and it would be fine. . .
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  3. DeathRoller

    Just tested new BRRT - filmed it at 60 fps and collected timecodes of individual shots to get the idea of it's RPM dynamics.

    It seems like new sustained RPM is about 844 and it takes 5 shots to fully spin up. You get first 10 shots at average 735 RPM, wich is not bad at all.
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  4. Groucho Marxist

    I agree. The current ADS accuracy is terrible. What it was before MIGHT have been a bit OP (I admit I was getting good at using it at longer ranges in bursts...) but now you're actually better off firing from the hip almost!
  5. Klondor

    WHELP my Jimmies are rustled. Why did they have to change it? That was completely unnecessary.
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  6. Facta

    Thanks for the info DeathRoller! This is very interesting.

    I still believe that that ADS COF is too wide to be sacrificing 50% movement speed for, to be honest. If it could be tightened just a bit before this hits live that would be great.
  7. Takoita

    It seems that there was something changed during the night. At least when I tried it out ~20 min ago, the maximum COF was definitely smaller in ADS than out of it and in both cases better than on live.
  8. Facta

    It's the same as it was yesterday, still very innaccurate past 10m in ADS.
  9. Aractain

    Your almost there soe.

    Fix that headshot multiplier please :) (or tell me why this is only 1.5x? even SMGs get 2x. You could always put some more firerate on it instead :D)

    BRRT makes the gun feel like a reasonable weapon but then we don't get to have any choices about the attachments (to suck or not to suck is the question).
    Make BRRT the standard MCG firemode. Nerf the ADS accuracy until balanced - its already the worst in the game outside of shotguns so may as well make it the MCGs critical weakness so it can be a monster in close range assault.

    SMGs have similar range, better up front DPS and no headshot penalties (4 headshot kill within max damage range - softpoint!) so there is room to make the MCG a specialised assault hose.
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  10. Maljas23

    If BRRT doesn't becomethe MCG's default state, the only viable choice for it will be the RoF attachment itself. If you don't use the attachment, you have an, arguably, worse version of the MCG than currently on Live.

    Think about it. We have weapons beyond 800 RPM in the TR arsenal that doesn't require an attachment to fire at those increased rates.
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  11. DeathRoller

    But not HA weapons. Heavy have his extra shild and because of it no HA weapon goes beyond straight 750x143. That's why MCG is so hard to balance for SOE - it must have some serious disadvantages to counter it's best-around-class DPS.
  12. Klondor

    Explain the jackhammer's capabilities to our MCG then? The Jackhammer is arguably the most effective ESH weapon in the game. The only disadvantages of it are the x3 burst chamber time and the lack of standard weapon range. But once it's inside a room it can instantly kill someone with the x3 burst. the T7 MCG against a jackhammer at about 25m~30m where they both SHOULD excell, is easily beaten by it.
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  13. Phos!

    Even with the BRRT what about the MCG is actually different to using an LMG, aside from now having a bad cone of fire? You fire when you see a bad guy and stop when you don't. Nothing about the way it behaves has much to do with being a chaingun. Keeping the barrel spinning seems like an option but limiting your speed that way doesn't seem like it would gel with planetside.

    Personally I'm a fan of the idea of the gun having a largeish starting CoF that actually gets smaller due to the way a chaingun's barrels self stabilize because they're spinning.
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  14. S7rudL

    Very nice chart!

    0,017ms first shot, assuming that the first shot is almost instant and does not factor in?

    Your initial refire rate in ms might probably be wrong.
    ammo 93 // 0,078ms refire rate // 772,532 is probably 0,088ms refire rate in your example.

    Since the first shot is almost instant, you devide it by 6 and not by 7.
    3m - 7 shots - 0,533ms
    0,533ms : 6shots = 0, refire rate
    1st shot instant, 6shots x 0, = 0,533ms

    0,533ms : 7shots = 0, refire rate

    It usually takes 7 shots at 3m to kill an enginner and 8 shots at 135m,..

    MSWR correct example, (750rpm 80ms avg. refire rate)
    3m - 7 shots - 0,480ms
    0,480ms : 6shots = 0,080ms refire rate
    1st shot instant, 6shots x 0,080ms = 0,480ms

    135m - 8 shots - 0,560ms
    0,560ms : 7shots = 0,080ms refire rate
    1st shot instant, 7shots x 0,080ms = 0,560ms

    0,080ms + 0,080ms = 0,16ms : 2 = 0,08ms
    60,000ms : 0,08ms = 750rpm
    60000ms : 750rpm = 80ms refire rate

    The above example is according to the stats provided and should be correct.
    Note that the first shot is not factored in. Since 17ms is quite negligable.

    The bellow is also self tested, 60fps frame by frame.

    MSWR correct example, (750rpm 80ms avg. refire rate)
    MSWR initial 8 shots pts (754rpm 79,57ms avg. refire rate)
    BRRT initial 8 shots spinup pts (689rpm 87ms avg. refire rate)

    Stock MCG 8 shots durring full spin pts (769rpm 78,02ms avg. refire rate)
    BRRT 8 shots durring full spin pts (869rpm 69ms avg. refire rate)

    Ext. Mag. Inintal 8 shots spin up live (588rpm 102ms avg. refire rate)
    Ext. Mag. 8 shots durring full spin live (821rpm 73ms avg. refire rate)

    MSWR initial shots pts (754rpm 79,57ms avg. refire rate)
    3m - 7 shots - 0,483ms
    0,483ms : 6shots = 0,0805ms refire rate
    1st shot instant, 6shots x 0,0805ms = 0,483ms

    135m - 8 shots - 0,550ms
    0,550ms : 7shots = 0,0785ms refire rate
    1st shot instant, 7shots x 0,0785ms = 0,549ms

    0,0805ms + 0,0785ms = 0,159ms : 2 = 0,0795ms
    60,000ms : 0,0795ms = 754,71rpm
    60000ms : 754rpm = 79,57ms refire rate
    NOTE: The first shot is ignored when dividing since 17ms is negligable!

    BRRT initial 8 shots spinup pts (689rpm 87ms avg. refire rate)
    3m - 7 shots - 0,517ms
    0,517ms : 6shots = 0, refire rate
    1st shot instant, 6shots x 0, = 0,517ms

    135m - 8 shots - 0,617ms
    0,617ms : 7shots = 0, refire rate
    1st shot instant, 7shots x 0, = 0,617ms

    0,0861ms + 0,0881ms = 0,1742ms : 2 = 0,0871ms
    60,000ms : 0,0871ms = 688,86rpm
    60000ms : 689rpm = 87ms refire rate
    NOTE: The first shot is ignored when dividing since 17ms is negligable!

    The stock MCG claims it does 800rpm with a refire rate of 75ms durring full spin without the attacmhent's.

    Stock MCG 8 shots durring full spin pts (769rpm 78,02ms avg. refire rate)
    3m - 60to53 7 shots - 0,533ms
    0,533ms : 7shots = 0, refire rate
    1st shot instant, 7shots x 0, = 0,533ms

    135m - 40to32 8 shots - 0,640ms
    0,640ms : 8shots = 0,08ms refire rate
    1st shot instant, 8shots x 0,08ms = 0,64ms

    0,08ms + 0,076ms = 0,156ms : 2 = 0,078ms
    60,000ms : 0,078ms = 769,23rpm
    60000ms : 769rpm = 78,02ms refire rate
    NOTE: The first shot is not ignored, because there is no initial negligable delay shot of 17ms!

    BRRT 8 shots durring full spin pts (869rpm 69ms avg. refire rate)
    3m - 60to53 7 shots - 0,475ms
    0,475ms : 7shots = 0, refire rate
    1st shot instant, 7shots x 0, = 0,475ms

    135m - 40to32 8 shots - 0,570ms
    0,570ms : 8shots = 0, refire rate
    1st shot instant, 8shots x 0, = 0,570ms

    0,067ms + 0,071ms = 0,138ms : 2 = 0,069ms
    60,000ms : 0,069ms = 869,56rpm
    60000ms : 869rpm = 69ms refire rate
    NOTE: The first shot is not ignored, because there is no initial negligable delay shot of 17ms!

    Ext. Mag. Inintal 8 shots spin up live (588rpm 102ms avg. refire rate)
    3m - 7 shots - 0,635ms
    0,635ms : 6shots = 0, refire rate
    1st shot instant, 6shots x 0, = 0,635ms

    135m - 8 shots - 0,705ms
    0,705ms : 7shots = 0, refire rate
    1st shot instant, 7shots x 0, = 0,705ms

    0,105ms + 0,100ms = 0,205ms : 2 = 0,102ms
    60,000ms : 0,102ms = 588,23rpm
    60000ms : 588rpm = 102ms refire rate
    NOTE: The first shot is ignored when dividing since 17ms is negligable!

    Ext. Mag. 8 shots durring full spin live (821rpm 73ms avg. refire rate)
    3m - 160to153 7 shots - 0,511ms
    0,511ms : 7shots = 0,073ms refire rate
    1st shot instant, 7shots x 0,073ms = 0,511ms

    135m - 140to132 8 shots - 0,599ms
    0,599ms : 8shots = 0,074875ms refire rate
    1st shot instant, 8shots x 0,074875ms = 0,599ms

    0,073ms + 0,074ms = 0,147ms : 2 = 0,0735ms
    60,000ms : 0,073ms = 821,91rpm
    60000ms : 821rpm = 73,08ms refire rate
    NOTE: The first shot is not ignored, because there is no initial negligable delay shot of 17ms!

  15. DeathRoller

    0.017 is just a starting point on the VirtualDub timeline, all other refire delays are counted from it - note the "delay" column in the chart (every refire delay in it counts from previous time code, RPM = 60/refire delay). I didn't count first shot at all, since it happends instantly as you pull the trigger. Also it's very important to understand that all the timings aren't precise because video frames can't be properly synchronized with shots, so you can get anything close to correct results on large intervals only - hence 3-, 5- and 10-shots "moving average" refire delay and RPM columns, and even on 10-shots intervals results are unstable. This is why sustained RMP was calculated on 90-shots interval, from the moment with 90 bullets to the moment with 0 bullets. As for spin-up rates, shots from 100 to 96 are most likely fired at something around 600 RPM (based on my few series of tests) and then RPM immediately goes to its sustained value.

    It's also worth noting that "synthetic" TTK calculations and comparisions can't be really correct when it comes to MCG and spin-up, since in real life only aimbot can provide you with 100% accuracy, and the more bullets you spend on target, the higher MCG's average RPM becomes.
  16. TheBloodEagle

    This confuses me a bit. Does this mean that the sound of the MCG isn't actually connected with the bullets firing? I just finally paid attention to this. It seems like the sound "pretends" to make it sound faster than it is. or am I wrong and the firing of the bullets is actually being represented?