Idiot has gold gun... then puts cammo on it.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by David Lancaster, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. David Lancaster


    I've seen this time and time again, some idiot will have a gold or black version of a gun, then put camo on it, hiding the expensive and worthless skin and making it an expensive identical to the normal gun with camo.

    Why? How can you be so stupid? What is wrong with you!?
  2. Reiyan

    i got a gold version and soon i have get bored to it, and that's why
  3. Phyr

    It's his gun, why do you care what he does with it?
    • Up x 7
  4. Cirevam

    If it was a PDW, they could have received one from WDS and are only using it to get the auraxium medal on it. I have a gold one and the color goes well with the NC aesthetic, but it may not look as nice on a Terran or Vanu. Thus, camo is applied.
  5. David Lancaster

    Because it's stupid and I fail to understand why you would pay more for something useless, that may be cool and worth it to you, then waist it by putting camo on it so it looks identical to a normal one with camo.

    I fail to understand that, which is why I'm asking. You're spending 20$ for a 7$ gun.
  6. Phyr

    Because they also paid for camo.
    • Up x 1
  7. Bellawynn

    That's all that matters, let them waste their money however they want, they earned it.
  8. David Lancaster

    Camos a bit different when it's useful because it works with your continent and blends you well, but why would you get a gold gun if you wanted camo for it?
  9. Akeita

    Are you jealous and angry with those who have money to own it or what ? Like everyone else say, "Let them use their money how they want"

    Shorter version : Mind your own blood business
  10. Phyr

    Maybe they didn't pay for a gold gun, and instead got it from WDS. Maybe they got tired of the gold gun look, and wanted to change it up for awhile. Maybe they did it just to annoy people like you. (That's what I would do)
  11. David Lancaster

    WDS is an exception... that I did not mention but was aware of, so stop mentioning it.

    If you got it for the gold skin, why would you then put a camo on it and waist 13 bucks that could have almost got you 2 other guns.
  12. Kite Carling

    Perhaps you'd be better-off asking: "Does this post contribute to general discussion, or am I being a bit of a pillock?". Also, you could more profitably use your time learning how 'camouflage' and 'waste' (in the sense of squander) are spelled. Perhaps learn how commas are used if you have time?
    Can't fault this part though.
    • Up x 1
  13. David Lancaster

    meh, I typically type something up fast without reading over when making a response, but when I make a thread I do proof read. I do tend to overuse commas though.
  14. bPostal

    The button that applies camo to your weapons applies it to all weapons. I'm going to guess that's what happened.
    And as others have pointed out, it's not your weapon so don't let it bother you.
  15. NCDaniel

    I'm rocking that pink grunge on every weapon. B]
  16. Eyeklops

    Because people go "Ohh cool..a GOLD gun, purchased...", then when they realize how not-awesome shiny gold is for blending into the environment they go "Ohh cool...CAMO for my gold gun, purchased"
  17. David Lancaster

    But you can selectively exclude those guns from that blanket application of camo.

    I really just made this to insult some people for squandering their cash I realize now, sorry if you did that and I called you an idiot. It was just on my mind so I typed this thread up. :)
  18. Archiadus

    I'm not sure if this is true but I remember reading somewhere that gold / black versions of guns have their own medals ( as in if you auraxium the standard version it doesn't apply to the golden / black version).

    Considering this I'd say that it makes sense for a player to want to use the camo that he / she likes on that version of the weapon.
  19. Klypto

    To confused you (the enemy) make you post on the forums.
  20. DG-MOD-02

    Closing this topic as it is non constructive.
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