TR Hype

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TotalFan, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. TotalFan

    Why does TR seem to be played off as the bad guys all the time? NC get to be the freedom poster boys and VS get alien lasers and stuff. We (TR) seem to get played off as the evil stormtroopers meant to get cut down for all that is good in the world. We're not such bad guys/gals, we just want humanity to survive. I DON'T WANNA BE THE BAD GUY! T_T
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  2. Fangry

    Join NC then
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  3. Sen7rygun

    I look at this way. There are 3 teams in this game:




    Let the masses go looking for their FreedomRock and LaserTrance. I find (at least on my server) that most TR players are more organised and objective focused in general than the other two factions and I would rather play with a handful of professionals than a platoon of disorganised rabble.
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  4. Clapeyron

    meh, according to the lore, none of the factions are pure "good guys" (and yes I realize how it can barely be called "lore")

    But to me when I first created a character, the Terran Republic was the ones who felt "the least evil" and by FAAAAAR the greatest soundtrack (95% of my first choice of factions was based on the music)

    Now i play all factions, regardless of crappy synth rock or wub wub music (I turn the music off)
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  5. Paperlamp

    The lore is not exactly represented well in game. If it was NC would be a little more corporate. Currently TR's "dark side" is the most outwardly displayed as an oppressive overreaching government, VS is kind of neutral/weirdos/science and religion, NC is portrayed as freedom fighting rebels.
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  6. Emeere

    Profiteering Faction is Best Faction

    NC is love, NC is life
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  7. Epic High Five

    Probably because the TR are the bad guys.

    It's what, 200 years after disembarking from the fleet? The corporate aspect of the NC is largely gone, having withered away under the intense pressure of 200 years of martial law. The NC as are known in the game today are just normal people who were raised under endless martial law enacted by an increasingly belligerent and unhinged autocratic hyper-militaristic organization.

    The TR had their chance to run things and it resulted in a bloody forever war. We just want to be free of that is all!

    The VS are just aloof and naive, and found themselves friendless and untrusted when war broke out, forced to either chose a side or go independent. The NC distrust the VS because a) they shared all that technology with our most hated enemies, b) the evolve-or-die philosophy of the VS is just a reskin of the TR's own do-what-we-say-or-die, and c) if the Vanu are our hope for the future, how come they're all dead?

    The TR hate the Vanu because they sabotaged their attempt to use the rebirthers to sterilize their political opponents because, again, the TR are the bad guys because that's the kind of thing bad guys do.
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  8. Mongychops

    "Hans, are we the baddies?"
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  9. Moz

    The NC does not harbour prejudice against those who have seen their wrong doing and are willing to change.

    We shall accept you into our wonderful blue ranks Sir Totalfan, turn your back on the oppression you suffer and join the NC.

    Also we have girls n beer n cookies n stuff.....
  10. Epic High Five

    One must simply embrace the #SLUGLYFE. Let us toast SAWs to the glorious day that our enemies may cast off the shackles of their masters and join us at the Table of Skynyrd and Screeeechin' Freedom
  11. iller

    NC aren't the "Freedom" guys. They're the Corporate puppets and contractors. They're basically Blackwater Mercenaries.
    (Now who's the "bad guys"?) The jingoism they recite only drives the point deeper.

    TR get off easy. The Communist motif they have is only that... a meaningless bit of trim. The actual ideals you typically see well documented in most fictional commie armies, just isn't there. It's extremely shallow if there's any at all. They're much more of a sterile Oligarchy really that isn't even Draconian. They've simply got some manifest to Annex all the best and the brightest that are currently happier working for the other 2 factions. Very sterile indeed by most fictional standards
  12. Spartan101

    TBH, after reading the lore I cant see TR as anything but the good guys. Seriously.
    On Earth, TR created and maintained the longest era if peace known to man.
    After the trip through the wormhole, we defended civilians against rebel attacks trying to make ever diminishing supplies last until we found a new home or a way back to earth.

    After an attack by the NC which killed hundreds of people and destoryed one of the remaining ships, the TR were given the power to declare material law and take control after a VOTE passed.
    After finding "New Earth", TR maintained control as attacks continued.
    Eventually the martial law worked and talks were being made to relax the law when reports of armed conflict were heard and the war started.

    TR's goal is not to wipe out the other factions (like their goal is), but reunite them in peace and we will use any nessesary method to achieve our goal.

    If you really really had to pick out the 'bad guys' I'd be inclined to say the war is the NC's fault for started armed action in deep space.
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  13. ColonelChingles

    Well, it doesn't help that you guys actually get stormtrooper helmets:


    Aesthetically the TR have a thing with gas masks and intimidating-looking eye goggles. It's hard to look like the good guys from behind a gas mask.

    And for those of you who missed Mongychop's reference:

    Yea, that's the TR.
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  14. ColonelChingles

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  15. Debe2233

    The Terran Republic aren’t “bad guys” the TR represent order, order is not evil. Some people are too stupid to be allowed to do what they want and need to be benevolently guided along the correct path, otherwise they will just hurt themselves.

    Your parents would not allow you to run around the house with a sharp knife, but they are not evil, quite the opposite in fact. Order is love… let TR love you… looooooove yoooooou! :eek:
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  16. TheStonehawk

    Here is the overall arguments of each faction:

    TR "Greatest good for the greatest number of people! The individual doesn't matter!"
    NC "Everyone should be free to do what they want! Doesn't matter the cost!"
    VS "Learning is the most important thing humanity can do! Everything else is secondary!"

    So as you can see, no faction is really *wrong* or *right*. They all have their merits and they all have their downsides. TR are trying to do best for everyone but unfortunately their idea of 'best' doesn't suit everyone's needs. The NC want everyone to have the freedom they deserve, but it might cost the individual people too much to be free. The VS think technology is the way to the future and don't want it to be restricted, but might end up destroying the humanity they are trying to advance.

    Just like any good argument, all sides are a matter of choice and morality rather than being right or wrong. Personally I see merits in the TR and NC arguments more than the VS. The "knowledge justifies the means!" argument has caused more than one monster to exist (Josef Mengele anyone?) and hasn't really been used for anything that can be pointed at and said "the world is a better place because of this!"

    At least TR and NC arguments have been made in previous historical situations and have been used to make the world a better place.
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  17. IamDH

    Despite the constant whine about the control console, TR FTW

    Soldiers > Blue and yellow "freedom fighters" > Lolwutsciencelazors / checkoutmyspandex
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  18. y3ivan

    Cool, So when do we get the planetary laser that Emperor promised?
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  19. IamDH

    NC are the reason for this war. If they just listened we would be all living in peace.

    Unless you want to wear spandex for the rest of your life, we can all agree that vanu is not the path of enlightenment
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  20. ZeroErrorz


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