CQC weapon for NC HA: Jackhammer, SMG, regular shotgun or LMG?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by LordBlades, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. PrimePriest

    Why would you use anything other than Jackhammer for CQC? It's the best shotgun in the game.
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  2. Epic High Five

    Because shotguns are the worst. I like the Jackhammer because it's got a cool firing effect. If I wanted to use shotguns I'd use them akimbo on my MAX :cool:

    Honestly? I'd say do the EM1 now to get it over with. When I was auraxing the NC ARs I saved the worst for last and it was awful.

    Before you decide, get gold with each of them to see which one works best for you specifically.

    Problem is, the SAW S is actually the EM6 S and doesn't have much at all in common with the AR-style LMGs :D SAW S is a great gun that doesn't get much use because it's kind of outclassed at most things. Funny part is, it's pretty much a superior Flare and we don't even use it. The #1 thing the SAW S brings to the table is access to SPA

    I'm not sure where the accuracy claims are coming from though - as it is none of them have 0.75x ADS speed, and the engine doesn't differentiate between moving at 0.5 and 0.75 normal speed when calculating accuracy - it just checks to see if you're moving.


    The GD-22S (and Anchor) both have the best moving accuracy of all LMGs, tied with a few. In this regard they're functionally identical. Another big thing is that the 22S has the best class of recoil recovery in the game (18) whereas the Anchor has almost the worst (13, worst is 12). Pretty different overall, and all this adds up to my opinion that the 22S is a better gun overall, and certainly a better one for new players.
  3. Bankrotas

    What I meant with accuracy loss is that GD-22S and LA1 Anchor both have 3 degree CoF while standing still and while moving they go up to 3.75. That's 0.75 degree accuracy loss, while other LMG's only lose 0.5 degrees while moving.
  4. lilleAllan

    My advice: Don't get the EM1. It's completely inferior to the EM6.
  5. ZeroErrorz

    em6+6x scope very fast scope in/headshot line up(tested its faster than sniper rifle) and in pointblank it eat people, 3.4x laco is nice but just try 6x first for lols
  6. Crackulous

  7. Kabei

    A couple of months ago I would have said Anchor for cqc, but nowadays no lmg for NC is good at cqc, but cyclone is my go to good for ranged up for 20m
  8. Taemien

    Jackhammer if fighting a few enemies, Cyclone if fighting alot and this is ALL assuming CQC exclusively. Otherwise I'd suggest LMG. JH is just aweful against multiple enemies, yeah it can drop a dude faster than anything in the game. But then you're reloading. The cyclone needs to reload after 1-2 kills (depending on extended mag), but its reload speed is quick. In addition you won't run out of ammo like the JH.

    Most people balk at the idea of a SMG on a heavy. But they don't have a 167 dmg one. Heck our SMG do more dmg than TR/VS assault rifles. And it can do NC style DPS out to medium range. You can hip fire it, or ADS and it works well either way. Good all round weapon, and every class can use it.
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