Looking for an air outfit/outfit that uses air a lot.

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Ubad00d, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. Ubad00d

    Main, Ubad00d2


    My Miller char, Ubad00d3 (playing in an infantry outfit wasn't nice for certs XD)


    I used to be in CONZ but that kind of infantry play didn't really suit me (although they are great at what they do). I'm looking for an outfit which, although doesn't have to fly all the time, at least has a consistent strong presence in the air with top pilots - including the air squad with outfit objectives is also much appreciated :p. I've got a mic and ts/mumble.

    I have a lot of experience with all ESFs and I'm decent with lib flying/gunning, now days I'm spending most of my time flying but I enjoy all vehicles really, and if you're outfit is doing some nice infantry play + air/ground then that's great. If you're interested in my other chars (got a couple br30-40s), just search Ubad00d/Ubadood on the players site and it'll have some letters or a number on the end - https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/search/ubad00d
  2. Bvenged

    Outfits with squad-strong, capable air presence (every night) whose air works with the ground forces?

    VS - DIGT,
    TR - BRTD,
    NC - WASP.

    NC - ABTF is your best bet for pure air, but they don't have any ground contingency or set operations. Then again they take visitors and friends.

    Late edit:
    I want to give a shout-out to MCY air as well. They run capable air too, though I'm unsure if it's dedicated air or just "as and when".

    But yeah, I'm gonna' advertise my own outfit WASP. We highly value the use of daily air and armour squads alongside adaptable infantry in our operations and organised play.

    Being able to - deliver precise air-to-ground support at any given moment upon command; to maintain NC air superiority above a specified combat zone and the wider area; to search and destroy air and ground targets all over the continent before they become a threat - is the baseline for every WASP air squad.
  3. Dasher54

  4. Tanchester

    Pure Air Gameplay = ABTF (NC)
    Air + Ground = WASP (NC)
  5. DrHous3

    Advertising my outfit...

    A lot of top pilots (lib/esf) from TR and VS have joined my outfit as alts, you would definitely recognize some of the names.

    I <3 flying and do so daily, not great, would rank my self average at the moment.

    MCY have the best MLG air pilots along with ABTF... (this is if you want to tag along and be a wingman - remember though, MCY ops are mainly infantry as I was informed - which isn't bad tbh, especially if you spend the whole day flying)

    WASP has the most organized air squad every night (this is if you want to coordinate ground/air squads and take down air for friendly forces in the most organized manner - again ive been part of this, and it is a nice change)

    OHhh is the middle ground of those both, not organized, not MLG, just drunk air hammer gank squads and lib teams to challenge and see how we do, most pilots come on our ts to make air squads (we that fun)

    to be honest, you are welcome either way (we love pilots, we love flying)
    • Up x 1
  6. SebDollar

    I would hardly call us MLG :D
    We're all about having fun, untill an enemy airsquad tries to take us on. And then we get serious and own face.

    As i said in our recruitment thread, you're more than welcome to pop by - and see if we're what you're looking for