How is the Lancer an even remotely fair weapon?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostiken, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. FigM

    Any long range high accuracy infantry AV weapon is going to be bad for this game.

    There are several reasons for that, the biggest one being that infantry are almost immune to vehicles at long range. Infantry can respawn instantly so killing them at range is not viable defense. And most importantly, such weapons gain effectiveness exponentially when used in numbers in organized manner. Meaning that just 2 people using it together are about 4 times as powerful as 1 person using it independently. and 3 people together are about 9 times as powerful as 1 person. When you get something like 10-20 people all using long range AV, the game mechanics become utterly ridiculous
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  2. Gendomaoken

    DISCLAIMER: I Main NC, play VS and TR sometimes, during overpops. (Ceres, mainly NC server)
    You want how fair is lancer? Lancer user cannot kill everything alone(Not from frond or side hits at least), just like phoenix user. Even with full supply of ammo he carries. He needs engies to fuel him, to do anything. Multiple lancers are great force multipliers, just like (suprisingly!) phoenixes.
    It is good against maxes and vehicles. But theres the catch: Its DEDICATED BALANCED(!) AV weapon, it doesnt do squat to infantry. Just like phoenix.
    Using lancer from close range is pointless, since you guide your enemy to you, its better to use deci or dumbfires.
    Also that lancer hipfire you talk about. Its godawful, its like trying to hipfire reaper DMR or gauss SAW.

    Overally i think Lancer is fine the way it is, unique tank sniper weapon, which requires coordination to do anything. Just like phoenix. Since you play NC only OP, than you probably dont know how powerless your enemies feel, when coordinated group of players take phoenixes to desintegrate any tank or sunderer foolish to come closer than 300 meters... You seriously underestimate it. I love it, i took part in such squads, its simply godlike team weapon. Going as a group, firing from behind a hill a full volley of phoenixes, just to have your enemies curse you on /y.
    OP, i see "grass is greener on the other side" syndrome. You do not use phoenix to its full potential, yet you are angry about coordinated VS groups using lancers.
    Those weapons require cooperation of players. Both Phoenix and Lancer.
    Instead of " MY TOY IS BROKEN, PLEASE BREAK THEIR TOY TOO" , i would prefer buffing Phoenix range by 50m, and i think striker needs a redesign to something more effective. I dont know, laser guided swarm missle launcher, ballistic missle launcher. Anything that will make this weapon UNIQUE and fun to use, just like phoenix and lancer.
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  3. SSRemly

    How is the scatmax even remotely fair? I think that is the real question
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  4. Giggily

    The Scatmax is pretty ******* dumb like the Lancer tbh.
  5. TheStonehawk

    Not really. I mean, I agree that we shouldn't nerf the VS lancer but I do think the Pheonix needs more maneuverability within the ranges it is in. I mean steers like a semi truck and the friggen thing is supposed be the NC's unique launcher. I've participated in those awesome pheonix volleys of which you speak. I've also had a sundy park in between two pillars and been completely stumped as to how to get my missile there other than walk right in the open and shoot (pretty much ruining the point of the pheonix)

    I mean I don't think we should have crazy dudes steering them indoors, but could I get a certable upgrade that would increase my maneuverability maybe at the cost of range? I'd be okay with that because then I'd at least be able to hit stuff.

    Oh and the TR unique launcher needs a buff too. I don't think I've ever been killed by one pretty much ever. Every time they lock I just pop flares and leave. Makes it a bit useless.
  6. Prudentia

    since when is 1080p a low resulution? sorry but not everyone has a Quadruple 4k Monitor setup with Dual SLI Titans.
    I also walked forward till the Vanguard fully rendered. It just looks smaller than a normal Vanguard because it is not a 90° angle it's from the front/back

    Oh regarding the Magrider in your image:
    If every faction had access to the Lancer:
    Why? because the Prowler is the Smallest Tank, followed by the Vanguard followed by the Magrider. Therefor hitting a Magrider with a Lancer is just straight up easier than hitting a Vanguard or prowler.
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  7. ElectricSheepDream

    I'm not really sure why you guys take the op seriously after he claims to have barely any experience fighting against the lancer and then goes on a several hundred word rant about it.
  8. faykid

    so, nobody should die from lancer? then, it will be balanced?
  9. Danath

    Just saying statistics by themselves are worth nothing ;)
  10. Deggeh

    The Lancer actually does have drop, it just has such high muzzle velocity that it's a non-issue.

    And by that I mean you won't see it drop inside render range at all. The only reason we know is from game data pulled from the files, it has a Gravity value of 0.5, which is low, but still there.
  11. Hasteras

    The problem with 90% of the threads arguing something is unbalanced is the writer almost always couches the argument in terms of solo play. This is a game built for large scale combat and team work.

    Basically, the Phoenix is not designed to be used alone. If you're running solo or you're the only person trying to kill a particular Sunderer, it's not very effective. But when six heavy assaults in one squad all pull Phoenixes and focus fire it basically feels like cheating. Any buffs designed to make it more effective for solo players would have the side effect of making it extremely overpowered when used by coordinated squads.

    Also, you don't have to stay in the camera view all the way until impact. Press your exit aircraft button after the shot is lined up so you can start reloading.
  12. dstock

    Thanks, I was purposefully trying to test it last night, and couldn't tell. Good to know.
  13. Deggeh

    Yeah, not that it matters :p

    It's still drop-less for all intents and purposes. If I were programming the game I'd have given it Gravity of 0 to save the engine the physics calculations.
  14. Van Dax

    proportionally yes, we should (and do) spend more money and time reducing automobile accidents which has been successful
  15. Prudentia

    nice sig Van :eek:
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