Why do people think the heavy assault is overpowered?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by LectraWyraph, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. NCstandsforNukaCola

    This is what we call logical superiority
  2. Posse

    I'm not accusing you of stats padding, lol, I'm saying that your accuracy is padded, which is not the same, it can be done on purpose or not, but arguing that HA is OP because you have 32% accuracy, when that accuracy is inflated, is BS, like it or not.

    If I was worried about not trying to die all the time, I wouldn't have more than 1 kill per minute on average, if I really cared about my K/D trying to get is as high as I could, my KPM would be half of what it is, just saying.

    Also, if you bring personal stats to a discussion, don't cry when your "personal stats argument" gets shot down, and also, don't try to threaten me via PM ;)
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  3. Hiding in VR

    Hey, YOU were the one that invited us all to check out your character because you were doing so well with it as a Heavy. Surprise surprise, when we actually bother to look, it turns out it doesn't stack up.

    ALSO if you don't care about KDR why do you care about the Overshield? What else does it do beyond stop you getting killed?
  4. Hiding in VR

    Thing is, he is NOT doing better with his Heavy. According to his class stats the KDR for his Heavy is 0.43. He has been doing better this last week, but its still only up to 0.64.

    It seems that whenever I look up that stats for people that say this nerf is justified, their highest performing class is NEVER a heavy. I wonder why? :rolleyes:
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  5. MajiinBuu

    Because rocket primaries. Counter: use flak armor, gobble up their rocket and shoot them in the face with a PA
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  6. GotCerts

    Agreed Posse, high KD aren't always players who are camping far far away avoiding death. I have an above average KD (1.6) and I never really worry about dying, but I certainly do concern myself on doing plenty of damage and leaving my mark on their face before dying
  7. lawn gnome

    maybe because as a heavy assault (with a proper sneak attack) i can dish out enough damage to destroy 2 healthy sunderers in under 10 seconds. troops tend to be my bain, but armored vehicles are prey to be hunted and eliminated in quick and humane manner.

    armored sunderers = 2x C4 + 1x Decimator rocket + 3x AV grenades
    unarmored sunderers = 2x C4 + 1x Decimator rocket
    prowlers = 1x C4 + 1x Decimator rocket
    vangaurds = cowards + concentrated BS
    lightnings = 1x C4 + 1x Decimator rocket (they are weaker than MBTs but this is still the most efficient way to dispose of them)
    ESF = 1x Decimator rocket (not easy to do but i got 2 or 3 dumb ones yesterday)
    Liberators = 2x Decimator rocket (they hover a lot so it is much easier than the ESF to hit with the first shot at least)
    Galaxies = more ammunition than you have, but shoot them anyway because sometimes they panic and crash.
    MAX suits = ??? but the Decimator is always a good bet.
    other vehicles = generally move too fast to be hunted by heavy assaults but punish them if they give you a clear shot
  8. Slumlord722

    I think the vast majority actually do not
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  9. Hiding in VR

    Agreed. A few months ago there was a thread in the Inf Class forum saying that the HA Overshield was too powerful and the thread creator was laughed out of the forum.
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  10. Corvus Corax

    unfortunately, the vocal minority strikes again
  11. Robertooooo

    I don't think the ramp up time will work well with the latency. It's unreliable as it is cause you never know if it activate or not. Sometimes it activate when you are nearly dead, sometimes it activate directly and sometimes it won't activate at all.
  12. KnightCole

    Yeah, really.....HAs are only tough and OP when there is alot of lag and hit detect goes stupid, allowing them to take 50 rounds or more.

    When hit detect isnt being stupid, HAs die pretty quick, tougher then normal troops, but its still only about 15-18 rounds.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    This ramp up time scares me.

    SMG infiltrators will be godly against all classes(minus maxes).
  14. KnightCole

    SMG Infils and Always invis Infils.....the 2 most annoying Class combos in this game currently.
  15. Peasnriz

    I do think the shield is a little overpowered giving the heavy an 'I-win' button, I myself find that when I shoot first as a semi auto-infiltrator I will often loose the engagement which can be annoying, however that being said I am not a fan of this ramp up delay. If they have an issue with the shield perhaps they should look at the amount of bonus hp it gives. I say this because I tend to operate outside of cqc and the time to kill is much higher so I don't understand why the supposed nerf to cqc I-win button should not carry over to longer range engagements. I just think it needs balancing rather than a whole mechanic change and honestly am a little worried what this will do to the class given how some of the other balance passes have treated outperforming things.

    Other classes have much more ability to flank (infils, LA) both of which are more able to engage and disengage better. Engineers and medics in general earn more xp than a heavy assault does.
  16. The thinker

    I really don't understand what the big deal is I will admit the shield has save my life as a heavy assault more than once but i can say the same for almost every other classes abilities maybe in not the same way but they did what they were suppose to do as a cloaker i run away, as an LA I jump away, as a medic i get be hind cover and heal, and as a engi i run around a corner and mine the door.

    heaves are just designed to be able to be shot and take the damage if people in my eyes think that is wrong then we might as well take away the LAs jet packs the cloakers cloak. take the medic gun and proxy heal from the medic and take the explosives, turrets and engi gun way from the Engi and heck lets just round it out and take the heaves rocket away and just get rid of the shield all together

    Now lets be serious is here the thing is why the heavy is a heavy is the same reason that an infiltrator is an infiltrator that they can do a specific job... killing. isn't that what it boils down to... all that needs to be done in this game is to kill. the heavy is designed to kill up front the LA is designed to kill from every other angle, The inful is designed to kill in surprise, the engi and the medic are designed to support the killers you don't just take way what makes a class a class that is stupid and ruins a good game

    I just hope it is not as bad as i think it is going to be or i don't think i will ever play heavy again i love the heavy just as i love every class for its own reason so if SOE reads this pleas just don't make a mistake and ruin your game that just needs a bit of tweaking
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  17. Crackulous

    It's the ESF of the ground. With an A2A lockon launcher, you can damage any target in the game.
  18. Bl4ckVoid

    I mostly play HA, but now I also play medic and I don't like it.

    It is not just the shield, the other classes also have to put up with an acute ammo shortage. 30 bullets for most weapons is really, really low and results in death a lot of the time, simply because I run out of bullets.

    Instead of nerfing HA, bullet count should be raised for non-LMG weapons (except for SMG).
  19. Verenz

    If HA was renamed "Soldier" it would be fine. They do the front line fighting, engi/medic support them, light assaults do your flanking, maxes do your breaching and infiltrators do something i'm sure (not that i have ever seen anything useful a HA couldn't have done better outside of occasional hacks).
  20. John_Aitc

    This call for a nerf was completely missed by me. I can't believe that the statistics that SOE gathers would point to HAs needing a nerf. They seem like a class that performs exactly as expected.

    I play Infil a lot and I am not afraid to engage a HA. In the TTK race with them, I rely on their LMG to be a bit less accurate than my SMG and can win a lot of duels. If an HA is using a rocket launcher for a primary, I accept that I am going to lose that fight.

    I wonder if there is a certain HA weapon that skewed the stats or if every faction's HA is over performing? (maybe the Gauss Saw or the MCG)