Removing shotguns

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codex561, Apr 5, 2014.

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  1. Codex561

    Ok so I get this question in my head, how will it hurt the game (if at all) if shotguns were removed overnight and certs were refunded? All I can see is positives, less low skill - high effect playstyles. Less irritating deaths.

    So what do you think?
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  2. khai

    The people you are annoyed at will simply move to the SMGs

    There are some downsides besides the major one of it will not actually change the aspect you dislike all that much.

    The other downsides/concerns is that your limiting options by simply taking away a gun type for a minor and mostly illusionary benefit. NC will be down alot of weapons and think of the monstrosities that they will give them to make up for it. There are some situations where shotgun is the right choice.

    The main reason is we want more variety and content not less. If shotguns are dominating give us stuff that encourages longer range fighting not simply get rid of weapons.
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  3. Tuco

    What I think is I was perfectly happy with NC having the best shotgun, significantly better than the PS1 sweeper.
    I was perfectly happy with the TR having the only minigun, which was actually worth equipping in PS1.
    I was perfectly happy with the VS having a lasher, which was actually worth equipping in PS1.

    But what am I talking about, today's gamer thinks 10% increase ROF is significant.

    "Well den dey can buff dose weapons now." say today's gamer.

    haahaa, not with TTK so low. How do you improve on an already 0 second TTK jackhammer?
  4. FishMcCool

    That following the logic of this and other similar threads, we'd remove shotguns, SMGs, BASRs, MAX, infiltrators, heavy assaults, medics, ammo boxes, lock-ons, turrets, ESFs, libs, splash weapon, asymmetric bases and replace continents with a number of symmetric outpost-sized maps that would only open when 12 people on each side were ready to enter.
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  5. Gundem

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  6. OldCuban

    Take my TR Uppercut away and I cancel my subscription.

    It's that simple.

    If you're getting irritated by one shot deaths, then be more aware of your surroundings. You have to be within spitting distance to get outgunned by someone using a shotty. If you let your enemy get that close, it's on YOU, Not them!

    I love farming noobs with my Uppercut.

    I just love people that instead of finding a solution to a problem, come to the forums to cry about how unfair something is, and then expect everyone to agree with them.

  7. RenegadeHelios

    I still don't understand why there's so much hate for shotguns. Autoshotties, yes. They're spray and pray. Actual shotgunning requires more skill than the current spray and pray on most carbines/ar's/LMG's, for lack of a better way to say it. A good pump action player is limited to combat within ~8m save for what he can do with his pistol, and I think that in that same regard, shotguns require more skill than your average pewpew weapon. .-.

    Shotguns were meant to be an alternative to bulletspam CQC weapons, giving skilled players the alternative to have a range and survivability disadvantaged weapon to gain a much faster TTK.

    I think all the people who complain so much about shotguns should buy one and use it for quite a bit until they understand the meaning behind using it. .-.

    So no, I don't think that it's worth it to bail on all the shotguns to please a few people. If it's the stereotypical, "IT KILLED ME, MUST BE OP", then we shouldn't be listening to it anyway. Shotguns are so restricted that they can only really get kills in a specific area anyway, so it requires skillful maneuvering and reflexes. Carbines and AR's are far more forgiving, and are thereby limited in CQC. .-.
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  8. Forkyar24

    nc love their shot guns, probley the only thing they are good at.
  9. Fangry

    Shotguns were fine, until they put in pump-action ones
  10. Phyr

    So you want to remove low skill/high reward weapons, while leaving in tanks, ESFs, and libs?
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  11. Paragon Exile

    ITT people defending weapons which make the game less fun.
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  12. Codex561

    Dem, I see you people love your shotguns :p haha. Now you can let this thread die. Wanted some opinions and got them.
  13. DJPenguin

    Slugs is anything but a "low skill high reward" playstyle. It's also the only effective long ranged weapon available for LAs.
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  14. CptSundancer

    To me, shotguns are all about positioning. Let me use that box/tree/rock as cover to get close enough to shoot you in the face, and you deserve that death. But it will take me several seconds to run up to you. Use that time wisely….

    And if we did take away shotties, then it would be smg's. And then the knife. And then rocket launchers, which wouldn't be such a bad thing... (seriously, complaining about shotties but not rocket primary people? :p priorities man….)
  15. MarkAntony

    NC maxes would finally be given guns like TR and VS? Do it. DO IT NOW! (UPGRADE NOW)
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  16. Gundem

    Over 5000 certs in his Liberator over here, and I can promise you, Liberators are anything but low skill/high reward.

    Of course, depending on how you play it can be. Hovering at 800 meters shelling tanks, or parking your fat zephyr over a well camped spawn room are low risk/skill-high reward.

    But, doing 1-2 punches with the Shredder as your belly gun? In your dreams.

    Hunting down all those pesky skyguards? Ha, you make me laugh.

    And worst of all, killing those damn AA turrets since SOE decided that the hardest weapon in the game to use needed to be made a little harder to use. Two entire clips at 44 rounds from less then 40 meters, with two towers per base or more. Which not to mention that said AA turrets can kill you in about a single heat bar, and have an effective range for Liberators of about 900 meters. Call that easy?
  17. Phyr

  18. Iridar51

    Wow, that sounds awesome, wish I could play this game.
  19. Devrailis

    Here's a better question.

    How much of the game are you willing to gut to satisfy your playstyle?
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  20. PieBringer

    Don't be ridiculous! I'd never get another kill if such a change was made!
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