HC-1 Cougar - Completely Garbage From the Dev Team

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hibiki54, Apr 5, 2014.

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  1. Giggily

    Pretty much this. It's funny to see anyone defending this gun as balanced when it's clearly not. Highest DPS of the 167 RPM carbines, same ADS accuracy as other 167 RPM guns, hipfire as good as a CQC carbine because of Adv. Laser. That's identical or better to what the other factions get in terms of carbines in pretty much every respect besides bullet velocity (and who gives a **** about that, really).

    Similarly the new VS carbine is pretty ridiculous. Good ADS accuracy, SMG tier hipfire accuracy, DPS only slightly worse than the Eridani? Well alright.
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  2. Mystogan

    I agree. SOE or Higby, dont know how you make decisions about balance- but you just DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT!
    1. First you speak about faction traits, that you wanna them be, more diversity bla bla bla
    2. You give TR Lyns becaue of this- cool, I am all for it. Good for TR guys.
    3. But then you give "each faction carbine that fill their niche in arsenal"- and you give TR basicly the better version of NC standard tier carbines. That is not ok to both balance and your "faction traits" speach.
    4. Not only that you give us NC- ANOTHER (ANOTHER!) 600 rpm/167 dmg carbine and you fill what niche exactly? Because we already have enough 600/167 weapons in NC arsenal. If you wanna fill niche give us something to fill niche not just another merc
    5. TR Cougar is too much. There is a reason why all NC weapons apart from Cyclone have cap of 600 rpm/167 dmg. And reason is faction TRAIT: slow firing, hard hitting weapons (EM6, Merc, Anchor etc). So I ask you: why TR are getting 167 dmg weapon which break rmp cap by 32 rpm. So now TR trait is "hard hitting, fast fairing weapons?". If that so I also want EM1 to be upgrade to 750 rpm to match Orion and Carv, because you dont care about faction traits at all and EM1 is most wrothless gun in NC arsenal anyway.
    6. Sersiously SOE I DONT CARE if you buff Cougar COF, Accuracy, hipfire, realod speed etc. I DONT CARE. But dont destroy more faction traits then you already did and dont start of braking nice rpm caps that we had till this day. Make it another 600 rpm carbine- ok, faction traits to bin, I am not supprised. But if you wanna balance things- DONT BREAK balance that was stable right now in case of rpm/dmg standards. There are reasons for it.
    7. Weapons are suppose to be SIDEGRADES and right now Cougar is straight upgrade of NC Merc, Anchor and even Cyclone in some areas (like accuracy). So TR basiclly got Anchor for TR?

    Fine, then give me my 750 rpm LMG to NC if other two factions have them....
  3. sustainedfire

    Few things of note:

    So NC gets a weapon that has TR traits, but is still NC style- How does it feel to get TR-zed weaponry? Now you know the joy of the TR arsenal, where every weapon is essentially the same. Except you still have the same NC high damage.

    Youre commenting on the test server. Stats could be adjusted still before they are actually in the live game.

    Im going to go try it now, though im not expecting some super weapon of mass destruction as you are making it out to be with your slightly premature balance statements.
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  4. Killerdude8

    Low recoil on the Cougar?

    5 shots and I was looking straight up. Please, Share with me your Low Recoil version of the cougar.
    This gun is terrible though, Outmatched by every other TR carbine, INCLUDING the TRAC 5, On top of that, It's ANOTHER CQC Carbine, I was expecting a long range Carbine to tango with the likes of the NC, But alas, SOE is intent on making TR useless beyond spitting distance.

    EDIT: I didn't notice the Update that came out today, The Cougar is a lot nicer than it was yesterday.

    I say keep it, It appears to be able to handle itself at Range, And that's just what the TR was missing, A Range oriented Carbine.
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  5. lilleAllan

    Weapon will be a close to mid range beast.

    But TR already has two close to mid range beasts among the carbines.

    Was personally hoping for a carbine SABR.
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  6. TheReaperKing82

    Wow, the amount of hate over one faction getting a new toy.........
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  7. FishMcCool

    Good for them.

    Personally, i'm disappointed by the .75 ADS we're getting. It's nice to get the option, but it's one more blow to faction flavour.
  8. Killerdude8

    I know right?
    TR FINALLY get a weapon that is Amazing, And the others simply cannot handle that.
    It's ok for VS and NC to get nice Toys, but God forbid TR do..
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  9. Aractain

    Its almost like this is some sort of satire about the previous balance of carbines...

    Surely the new .75 ads capability is so important that it doesn't matter right? I mean that's what the TR was told.
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  10. sustainedfire

    Im more impressed that the team actually made the Lynx and Cougar into decent looking models, while still recycling parts.
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  11. Stargazer86

    The schadenfraude here is delicious.
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  12. Giggily

    Good thing the .75 ADS guns are NC and VS.
  13. Aractain

    That's the point, its so super important, any TR carbine without it (all but one now?) needs to have more DPS and accuracy at long range (which the Cougar does not) - to fit the example of the NC and VS. :)
  14. Ash87

    I think we should just take all the NC Guns, do Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V with TR weapons. What matters, is that everyone have the same guns.
  15. KnightCole

    How would that work? You charge it up for 5 seconds and then you get a single burst of 30 rounds that deal 200dmg? But its like the JH 3 shot, only uncontrollable and inaccurate as hell?
  16. Heyitsrobbie1984

    im whining because the weapons are not bullpup
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  17. foesjoe

    And yet it's utterly unnecessary because TR already have a huge selection of very good CQC carbines. This carbine doesn't add new options or variety to TR's arsenal.

    Also, if you think NC weapons are in any way inferior to TR weapons you need to git gud.
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  18. Goden

    They couldn't even make a unique model for it?

    My god SOE is lazy.
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  19. Littleman

    Wait... NC are complaining that the TR are getting a 167 carbine that has a higher DPS than any of their 167 carbines? Yet... and this is the rich part TR have been putting up with since forever - it's okay for the NC (and VS) to have a 143 carbine with 845 RPM, an RPM no TR carbine has access to?

    Can I say "It's a taste of your own medicine?" Is this a qualifying moment? While I too asked for the T5- AMC to be a 167 weapon, this is a very nice alternative in my eyes. 30 round magazine sadly, but still an awesome niche for the TR arsenal to fill.
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  20. WyrdHarper

    It's a very silly. From the stats it looks like they were trying to make a SABR-13 Carbine, bit then changed their minds halfway through. It shouldn't be competing with the Jaguar and Lynx (both superior in close-midrange), it should be an alternative to the T5 AMC, with a long- range attachment set. I'd like it to commit to being sabr-like with a fixed 2x burst and negative FSRM so it isn't a Mercenary clone (if I wanted a merc clone I'd play NC), but know others have differing opinions.

    It should hit harder than the T5 AMC, but play completely differently, so they occupy similar roles (with H1C being slightly better at long range and worse at close-mid), but require different playstyles. We don't need another carbine to compete for the "slap on an ALS and hipfire to glory" role.

    The new NC and VS ones are also pretty weird. VS one has both ALS and Adv. Forward grip, for example. VS and NC do have better carbine selections at the moment, but no reason not to make them better (and sensible). As yet though, I see more people whining instead of making suggestions, which is disappointing because I know there are many smart and creative NC and VS players out there.
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